Is Fuuka strong enough to take on Total Justice yet? Or will she walk out of the ring as a disabled person?
ViVid Strike!
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Fuuka will become a crippled along with Miura. Fuuka and Miura gets disowned for being useless and together they try to survive on the streets as hobos looking for no-skilled jobs.
I just realized that Rinne learning to play defense is probably Victoria's influence.
>no-skilled jobs
Fuuka is excused since she is an orphan with no education and isn't enrolled in school even now, but Miura should have been enrolled in school since she was little. Surely Miura has some skills besides exceptional cooking.
>attacking first
>dropping the "Hao" part in the move's name
Haru-nyan is not amused. Fuuka is due for some spanking when she returns to the locker.
Thunder Emperor flashback to Ancient Belka era when? I want to see how Dahlgrun stacks up to against Claus, Olivie, and Eremiah.
What part of Vivio's body will Rinne break?
I say the spine.
Fuuka will lose to Rinne. Mark my words.
For now, I'm more concerned about how our Majesty will fare against Rinne. Miura's fight allowed Vivio to form a strategy, so Vivio should put Miura's sacrifice to good use.
Miura and Fuuka will work in a good truck outside an industrial park. They probably will find husbandos there.
Miura and Fuuka will work at a food truck outside an industrial park. They'll probably find husbandos there.
*food truck
Vivio will probably just end up in a temporary coma. She has a bit of a thing for that in Vivid.
Corona is so cute.
Her vagina bones
>top tier taste in weapon of choice
>great taste in hobos
Wasting great characters is the biggest sin of Vivid.
I hope she goes for the eyes. Punches her in the face so hard that she loses eyesight. Bonus points if her eardrums get smashed as well.
>It's been said Vivio have a special eyesight
>Rinne makes her blind
Well that would be just mean.
I've never really thought about it, but Nanoha's one of the few japanese fictional universes that actually give polearms the love they deserve. There's at least 5 polearm users, including the two main heroines, and only one sword (that's actually stronger as a bow than a sword).
Rinne will hit her so hard that her hand will go through Vivio's tummy
Polearms are just too efficient and optimal for honaboru nippon warrior domos.
>that's actually stronger as a bow than a sword
True but it's more effective as a sword regardless. I find interesting than Signum fights rarely go for her strongest attack. Rather preferring to placate opponents with a combo of her more standard moves.
Exertion is a factor. It's not like Nanoha uses SLB in every single fight either.
It's a shame because naginatas are badass.
If any of you fuckers try to sexualize Fuuka, I'll make your children orphans.
Please no, my children need their mother Fuuka in their lives.
Quit that fantasy.
I honestly like the allegory. Levantine reflects how, while Signum acts the part of an honorable knight, she's actually a cowardly archer at heart.
Indeed. I liked that characters in the first three seasons had everyone unique detailed movesets that can make every fight go in different ways even if it's the same participants repeating. Nanoha have over 20 tricks under her sleeve by Vivid.
Sadly the environment in ViVid limited the versatility of the new cast noticeably and VS is limiting it even more. Magical UFC is cool for those who like it I guess but I miss the awesome flashy and versatile magical battles full of flashy moves, dogfight acrobatics and cool combinations of attacks.
Have we created a monster?
>cowardly archer
If anything it's the opposite. Signum makes all archeryfags cringe because she's the only archer that shoots directly front face to her target instead of snipping it from a safe location.
Her stunt with Sturmfalken against Nanoha was bold as fuck.
Vivid has it's nice parts. Corona's insanely versatile and one of my favorite magic users in the entire franchise. Strike could bring in magic before it ends, especially with how quickly Rinne and Fuuka's growth is and how short the tournament looks to be.
I want to create a little monster with Rinne if you know what I mean.
It's all on Tsuzuki. Rinne is his second attempt to introduce an edgelord ultraviolent character that gathers popularity and gets chances of redemption. The only difference is that it worked this time.
Rinne's a hero, not a monster.
Is Miura a villain?
We got so magic this episode, just blue and red smears, but I feel like they are going to do some cool shit with it.
They now give us magic in scarce amounts. Nanoha-team VS. Wolkenritter was brimming to the top with magic.
>only one sword
If you add energy blades then there is Fate's Zanber mode and the blades of Deed and Tre?
And in Vivid you get Mikaya and Rio, and in Force Cypha and Curren.
True enough but this is a spin off of a spin off, so I don't really care to compare the two. I do hope there will be more magic at this point though.
Just a replay to other thread before it died.
She's obviously got the talent for it since she did a Devine buster without even a device during the library part.
Can Vivio fly?
She did it in StrikerS
Yes, Teo and Chris enabled limited flight capabilities to Einhart and Vivio respectively when they went to the past in GoD.
Vivio magic type is suitable for beamshooting but her magic pool is too low for her to become a natural nuke.
Obviously not, not everyone is Nanoha. But she can learn.
She should just fly above Rinne and punch her head then.
Nanoha would agree.
She can also just carry a bunch of cartridges with her all the time to resupply whenever she runs out of magic, I guess. The problem is that Vivio has too big of a hard on for fisting to go for the nuke route. I blame Subaru for teaching her Strike Arts when Nanoha wasn't looking in Strikers.
I hope we get more best girl dominating everyone like this.
Rinne brings a whole new perspective to justice kicks ass.
Is Nanoha going to show up at all this series?
I feel like it's a bit weird that she's not even going to her sporting events any more
Nanoha is busy with the others in dealing with Force-related prelude stuff.
>her daughter's
is Nanoha a deadbeat mom?
I wonder what Vivio does about meals now that Nanoha is not at home as much anymore. She doesn't really know how to cook in Vivid.
She can probably cook something, all her friends have been show to be able to make a meal so it's probably rubbed off on her by now.
>cooking and eating alone in that fucking huge house everyday
Should just crash into Einhart's apartment.
Reminder, Vivio is living royalty and has an entire Church and its followers who would kneel before her. She also have close retainers, so any one of them could be taking care of her.
She's an old woman who's too busy having sexi with her wife to show up on TV now.
Rinne will turn Fuuka into a cripple and then take care of her for the rest of her life.
All according to keikaku.
Purest form of love.
It's going to be the other way around, Fuuka will definitely break both her legs and arms to save her.
Nanoha will end up adopting Fuuka and sending Vivio to the orphanage.
She's busy filming the first two Nanoha movies. Perhaps even Reflection.
Hmmm, now I imagine it.
>Vivio Takamachi, as in Nanoha Takamachi, the heroine of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha?
Getting status points from classmates and so on.
Well, in an alternate universe.
Why is it only girls?
Why do lolis in this show look the same way grown up women look?
Why do you even watch this garbage?
Go away.
Karna was cute, it's a waste of a design to make her so useless.
>she'll be bedridden just like her beloved granpa
That's fucking Shakesprean. Gives dmc a run for its money.
>Rinne uses Fuuka as a replacement and coping mechanism her grandfather
>bakes biscuits
>anons doubt her having the right genitals
I like how she had the strong verbals prepared to instil fear, but was overcome by Fuuka cuteness.
Victoria is also way too tanky and does too much damage. Nerf pls.
I'm certain Rinne wouldn't be half as bad if it weren't for Jill's influence. Jill is the real villain.
If it wasn't for Jill Rinne would be god knows where. She gave Rinne a purpose when she had zero self worth and nothing to live for anymore, she was borderline suicidal and on the verge of willingly letting herself get fucked up by those guys that kidnapped her. I don't think it's a stretch to say Jill saved Rinne's life.
Sending Fate to the orphanage is just cruel, user.
translate it weebs
I haven't watched it yet but I'm guessing it's just a lot of kissing noises and moans. You don't need to translate those.
Huura is so adorable. I want to take him home.
>It's almost time for the sperglord autist wakes up
Our several hours of peace will end soon, unfortunately.
That was healing. It's not Kayanon healing level but their voices are just so cute and fluffy it's hard not to slowly turn into puddle. Having confirmation that Fuuka is talking in Hiroshima-ben is very nice too.
I listened to the first few minutes. It was mostly Inori and Yui reading from a marketing-written summary of the character descriptions and setup. The most notable thing was an awkwardly long tangent about boyish Fuuka is as if they were trying to make her pairing with Rinne seem more hetero. I don't even want to listen to the rest.
>lolis look the same way grown up women look
Because they don't. They all turn into adults for fights. Most of them aren't even lolis, but hebe. And the girls who don't turn mature, but stay small in their adult mode get the shit beaten out of them by "glorious, strong, well endowed women".
This is highest level anti-lolicon title right there, a great showcase of anime's "progression" concerning lolicon throughout one franchise.
>The most notable thing was an awkwardly long tangent about boyish Fuuka is as if they were trying to make her pairing with Rinne seem more hetero
I don't know what they want to make their yuri relationships look more het, there are many side things depicting Fate more like a husband/father than wife and mother, and then we got the prince thing, an in Innocent we have somthing even more direct with Subaru and Teana.
Good. Lolicons suck and deserve this.
>LRD is here and is samefagging
And here we go.
Should have put up a warning for LRD too .
Welp,this thread is going to go down the drain faster than expected now.
I miss Nana and Yukarin
Not that they ever try to deny any of the yuri too. This just seem like really roundabout and ancient way for them to reinforce the yuri.
Vivio who?
A NotNanoha Radio without Takahashi Mikako is weird. I want the Mei-Personality return.
>this chick won't get her own spinoff
>Jill won't get her own spinoff
>Corona won't get her own spinoff
>the stupid mahou shoujo-looking girl from the first Vivid tournament won't get her own spinoff
>Rinne did
This timeline sucks.
>this chick won't get her own spinoff
What are you talking about? Fuuka is the protagonist of this spin-off so she did, more or less.
>Rinne did
Rinne is great and all, but she isn't the protagonist.
She would be good caretaker for the kids.
You made me realized that that "oh' is literally the only sound Einhart made in this entire episode. Everyone else got at least a line or two.