Wasuyu Movie (yuyuyu Yuuki Yuuna s2)

yuyuyu.tv/news/archives/587 Washio Sumi movie have been announced to include 3 parts

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Wakaba is pleased

Who cares about the baka?

>3 part movie
Jewniplex strikes again

Not a 3 parts movie, they are saying the theatrical screening will include 3 episodes. Though I don't know if the "standing" scene will happen at EP3 or Ep4

Wait, what?

WaSuYu will have a theatrical screening first, but it will also air on TV as the first half of S2

>BUNBUN finally managed to draw two Sonokos with the same eye color in a row
I'm so proud.

Wait, aren't they literally the same Sonoko copy pasted? Her pose is identical?

Nope. Pay attention.

Childhood is when you idolize Yuuna, Adulthood is when you realize that Tougou makes more sense.

What does this mean?

Childhood is when you idolize Yuuna, Adulthood is when you realize you can finally marry her.

I don't like this meme.

You mean the other way around.

Oh, I see now.

Also Sumi > Tougou

Congratulations, YuYuYu.

Childhood is when you fall in love with a girl, adulthood is when you realize watching her be gay with others makes more sense

I don't like using the word, but that's cuck talk.

Why does loli Tougou have a halo?

That's on the bridge, you goof.

That's part of the background, not a halo.


Still looks like she has one.

I know that you wakabas. But it is freaking centralized on her head in that image, you don't do that by accident.


Anyone got the one from episode 11? With the yellow circle of light behind her.


I mean, don't we know the story already? Not like there'll be any surprises.

>You will never do voluntary work with fellow yuushas

Well, yeah. Some stuff might be more detailed, but for people who have read Washio there will be very little novelty. However, most haven't read Washio, and those who did will be following it for the cute Gin screencaps anyway.

Reminds me of that one Samurai Flamenco thread screencap.

Wait a second, I thought it was going to be half of an anime cour. What have I missed?

Sonoko really needs a consistent color scheme, her hair has now changed from brown to blonde to grey and her eyes are whatever BUNBUN feels like

It's her second trump card. (The first being the fact she is voiced by HanaKana)

Vague product descriptions.

Which one?

I hope this doesn't bait digibro into watching this.

I want to make Tougou admit Japan's crimes
The one where user quit his former job and started working as a fireman after the show.

wonder if they already have a PV to show on Matsuri 2 Event next weekend.

I'm actually glad they toned her hair colour down (since she looked like a fucking banana and having three strong coloured blondes in the cast was overdoing it visually), but BUNBUN really is just taking the piss at this point.

The first thing thet came to mind when I saw the upper right photo was that they were pissing.

Why is Izetta in there? Did Fine bodyguard dyed her hair brown?

Bunbun has one nice style

Take a look at Koukaku no Pandora's theater release and then multiply that by three

You have seen nothing. This is Yuki Yuna (male).

I don't know, I like Sonoko's blonde. The WaSuYu cast looks pretty depressing with one black haired and two grey haired girls.
But now that I looked at some of the old LN illustrations, it seems like Sonoko's hair color has always been changing between various shades of blonde, olive and grey.



To be fair, none of the yucku tuna look like Asuna.
There is only so much you can do with futuristic magical girl powersuit.

I mean, look at the uniform she's wearing and then her face

There is a theater release of Koukaku no Pandora?


Messiah business completely squandered the chances of her completing the list (along with suppressed homulust). But Tougou still has a strong hold on the position of black haired lesbian supreme in this franchise. But it wouldn't be hard for Hinata to make a run for it. Chikage however...

What a bunch of horny homos.

I always enjoy these lists.

So between Takashima and Bakaba, who did Chikage like more?

Takashima. Yuuna's bullshit was Chikage's cocaine. Though it is clear that she would be happy with anyone who tells they are her friend and say they love her.

Even you, user, could have made her happy, but you didn't.

>So between Takashima and Bakaba, who did Chikage like more?
Both equally but in different ways. She loved Takashima's optimistic carefree nature and Wakaba's intensely strong determination.

Basically she wanted a 3P.

I just want to say that their reaction to Tougo saying she tried to commit suicide 10 times 10 different ways, they didn't even interject they just watched as she tried to slit her throat, They didn't even feel sad that their friend tried to kill herself 10 times.

It's a plot point that the show looked over. Thrown under the rug as the girls failed to understand how serious Tougou was (And Yuuna became preoccupied with Fuu, though still gave Tougou a call, that was ignored).

Common thing to do really, just like you forgot to say what you wanted to say.

I'm actually glad that Yuna's bullshited promises aren't coming true this time. It makes it more obvious that she's just saying anything to make people feel better without having any idea of how to actually fix things.

Yuuki Yuuna: Copycats Have Gotta Make Money Too (season 2).

Why wouldn't Chikage need to make money?

>Thin Eyebrows
literally unwatchable.


Where did you get that from?
And did Itsuki always look this fluffy?

Absolutely Disgusting.

At yuyuyu.tv, when you open up the image url of the latest news there is going to be something like "-212x300.jpg" at the end, just take that out.

what is this and when is it getting anime?

Yes. Itsuki has always been so fluffy, but now she is no longer Shy Itsuki, she is now Itsuki Vertexslayer, conqueror of worlds.

Gin has thicker hair than I thought she would.

Thanks, seems like we've got some more great phone wallpapers now

I hope she still finds the time to dominate some Vertexes between her idol concerts in S2

I hope she finds the time to dominate me

She told Fuu not to brush her hair anymore because she can stand on her own two feet now, but she's failing miserably.

With Gokumi Gin we can now finish that design Chart.


Make your bet for yuyuyu s2 Sup Forums

[Spoiler]100$ to itsuki and karin death in s2[/spoiler]

Only took two years. Question now is which colour Sonoko to use.

I want to fuck Yuuna.

Get in line.

nina to usagi to mahou no sensha

I haven't kept up with stuff, why is Togo standing there?

You haven't kept up so hard you apparently missed the last episode of the show.

I bet on a cliffhanger ending.


I find the fact that they're doing the 'chapter' thing promising for S3 potential.


Are they fixing the QUALITY?

That was screened before the TV announcement, about half month before the airing

Someone has other yuusha versions of this?

Red-green eyed Karin is cute

You can create your own logos if you want


We should really stop it with the chameleon yuushas. Here, have a cute Gin.

>red hair

is there something wrong if I want a serie of magical girls, but with boys? no in the sense of comedy or parody, also withouth invoking gender bender, but seeing boys with the similar powers, fighting the same enemies and even the magical pet, probably even having a rivaliry with a real magical girl team.

Or mixed groups.

Kamen rider or sentai series? They're pretty similar if you think about it, just one is live-action while other is animated.

>Or mixed groups.
This. I also have a thing for "hero x villian/enemy" stuff, but thay they remain enemies despise the complicated relationship.

I know, but there is something that I feel sentai serie dont have in comparision.

Nanoha? In the first 3 seasons at leats. Although the guys have really minor roles compared to the girls.

Havent really followed this since "Sonocuck" was a thing

Can someone spoonfeed me everything?

Dates? Who the movie/S2 is about?