You just can't start your week without Megumin
No Kazuma allowed
Megumin Monday
But how about a Coldzuma?
I want to be the chuuni bakuretsu archwizard.
Prepare to get bullied then
Expurosions are not for bullying!!!
My favorite day of the week.
Aqua best girl.
Fuck off, Damegami.
So can someone explain to me how these are winter clothes? I'm not complaining because I do like the design, but I do not see how they would keep someone warm with merely tights and so many openings.
Animu logic, man. doesnt really need to explain that shit.
Aside from being cut off at the knees, the bodysuit could be like thermal underwear.
Clearly the clothing just has good cold resist stats.
Looks pretty hot to me sempai.
>You will never feel Megumins small nipples rub up against your back.
But this time she consents to it.
Is Megumin gay?
Just a little girl on girl fondling while drunk.
Nothing gay about a girl feeling up another girl. Tits are awesome, most people agree.
It smells like faggotry.
muh benis
The trials of megumin.
I don't remember this
From the OVA in a nice flashback she has.
Are you one of those fags who watches anime while browsing the internet and occasionally look over when it sounds like something important is happening?
fuck you I wanted to say that
Not the same poster but not everyone has watched the OVAs. No need to get mad.
I am actually, but on the other hand I watch series on loop over and over (probably 20 times for this show)
Even Garfield looks foward to Megumin Monday
>page 7
It's still page 7, do it again.
>not even signature
Where's the source from that one?
Is STW gonna translate volume 10 of the fanfiction?
Read the filename
Different place is doing it but on the same schedule starting this wed.
Whose doing it?
Same that did Masked Devil
Posting best megumin
Dead meme
Dead series
Forgotten girl
Do you think her one leg gets colder then the other?
Objectively, demonstratably wrong.
The bandage is supposed to go all the way down. That art just got it wrong. Both legs are probably equally insulated.
Re:Zero ?