Is it finally Akame's time to shine?
Akame ga Kill 76
I want to believe
Pretty much everyone else relevantis dead so yeah
I really don't get why the manga is named after her when she's more of a secondary charactet. Wasn't even the love interesting, and her backstory with her sister wasn't exacyle central to the plot either.
By process of elimination, yes.
>remember when these threads get to 1000 replies?
One hit the bump limit earlier.
>anime original end
421 replies isn't the bump limit on Sup Forums.
What happened at the end of the anime? I didn't bother to watch it.
That was before best girl died.
Low blow user. He still had one ball left at the end.
Something broadly similar to this, with differences.
The same as what's happening right now
>esdeath's arm gets cut
>she replaces it with ice
>akame "throws" her humanity away with tattoos appearing on her body
>soon esdeath will use her time stop to try and slash akame
>turns out what she slashed is just an afterimage
>akame was too fast that she left an afterimage
>she was actually above
>slashes esdeath
>esdeath walks to tatsumi and disintegrates themselves before succumbing to masamune's poison
the worst asspull ever. i had hope that the manga will do it better.
>similar with differences
Well I guess it's my fault for asking Sup Forums to clarify anything.
Are Najenda and Leone dead yet?
People were hoping the anime made up its own ending that the manga would diverge from.
Esdeath already used her time stop, she either doesn't have more, or due to her ice age power up has several.
Boss is commanding the troops that are trying to take on Esdeath, Leone got shot, and thrown off of the palace roof. She's likely dead, but is an implication that she might not be.
Mine waking up to nuke Esdeath when?
Never Pumpkin was wrecked.
If they somehow asspull Leone back to life I'll forgive this manga.
Still wouldn't call it good, but I would leave with no grudges.
What if she comes back only to die again?
Feels like Bleach where Aizen was just destroying everyone, and then Ichigo comes busting out with FGT. Next thing you know, Aizen is dead.
Euthanizing a friend = Awaking true powers bullshit.
We already had a thread. Lurk more.
Childhood is when you idolize AgK, Adulthood is when you realize that YuYuYu makes more sense.
was akame raped yet?
sadly no
It was more of Akame reaching a required state of mind by putting Tatsumi down. Its even mentioned in the chapter.
Yes but not in a good way.
Because apparently the manga was supposed to be called Night Raid, but an anime called Night Raid 1931 got started up around the same time Akame ga Kill's manga started and the author didn't want there to be any confusion.
Still could have chosen a better name I suppose.
As long as Wave and Kurome are happy this manga was a success.
Wait until Esdeath puts the bitch to her place.