Why does Kuroko sound like she's fucking 50 in the original Japanese audio?
I hate the dub but at least it's more realistic to her 12 year old age
Why does Kuroko sound like she's fucking 50 in the original Japanese audio?
I hate the dub but at least it's more realistic to her 12 year old age
>Onee sama! Mah mah onee sama!
It's not only her voice, her entire existence is annoying
Because she should sound like a dignified ojousama from times past.
You're right, she kinda does sound a bit older than she should.
yeah, because nee-sama worship is so new and deep amiright?
Don't talk shit about satomi arai
You fucking faggot
It's weird, because normally it works the opposite way. Japanese VAs often sound like squeaky-voiced 10-year olds no matter which women they're playing, while American VAs will nearly always sound like a woman in her early 20s whether she's playing a 10-year old or a 40-year old.
>hating on one of the best current and still relevant voice actress' voices
I dont have an good enough image to show my complete disgust over your incompetent and completely trashy taste. Please fuck off back to what ever hole you crawled out from.
It's the perfect fucking voice for a lecherous, scheming bitch. People who dislike it have objectively shit taste.
wtf she's 12????
This comes as a surprise to you?
who are these dweebs who listen to both?
i hate both but dubs better
Now THIS is what I came here for
I don't say this lightly but please kill yourself.
I salute you brethen
You're a fucking retard
>I cannot even believe what I'm seeing right now. You all must take great pleasure in hurting characters from the series don't you? I already assumed most of you were pathetic worms who latch yourselves onto the nearest flavor of the day character like some kind of horrific ocean of parasites but this is just going to far. To think you subhumans would false flag a Kuroko thread to basically ignore her character and just really shove this already struggling character further into the dirt absolutely makes me sick. You are the most pathetic fan base on this entire board by the length of the entire universe and I'm ashamed to even be a fan of this series. I personally am ashamed to even be a fan of the same genre of anime as you freaks.
Fucking ear cancer, sounds like disney movie.
>Why does Kuroko sound like she's fucking 50 in the original Japanese audio?
because she doesn't?
Well fuck the way she sounded I thought she would be a lot older.
Didn't seem like a good fit for kuroko raildex but her VA was a pretty good fit in shimoneta.
She's the Tiffany Grant of Railgun but in Japanese.
This is literally child porn
Silly Kuroko, always trying to impress her big sister yet not realizing she's already won her heart.