ITT: Girls you would love to get drunk with
Pic related
ITT: Girls you would love to get drunk with
Pic related
Easy choice
Would the alcohol make her lose control of her shapeshifting?
Would she reveal her true form?
Who is this old nigga?
You have good taste, user. I appreciate that.
Was going to post her.
I want to get shitfaced with Seibah!
Loli sensei from raildex, whatsherface.
You posted her OP.
Sex hair done wrong.
>getting drunk
Fucking degenerate.
This is an easy one.
My lost brother.
>on Sup Forums
>calling others degenerates
>ywn get drunk with china
>ywn pat her back while she vomits into a toilet bowl
>ywn reassure her that she will be alright while she vomits more and starts crying
>ywn wipe bits of vomit off her lips after she's done
>ywn kiss her right after she vomits and taste the acidity in her saliva
>ywn clumsily finger her while she gives you a half-assed handjob in drunken lust
>ywn succumb to your primal desires and mating press /inseminate her multiple times for the rest of the evening
All the Myoukous, really.
Much of anime is pretty virtuous in its values, you know.
You have really good taste
but I'll raise a different type of glass
Alcohol is for the mentally weak.
Pic related
Her party tricks gonna amuse the shit out my drunken self