What happened?
What happened?
He became the new Yamcha
>Dragon Ball
time of peace, no training, loss of muscles
Pic related.
No drive.
You cant keep up that body and buffness, and I presume, that power level, without challenging and training yourself constantly.
A fire that doesnt get fed eventually fades away.
Gohan's fire has faded away, and this was already happening way back when after Cell. Gohan achieved his peak with SSJ 2, then couldnt even reach that pinnacle later on while fighting againts Dabura. Then he got all cheated by going Mystic, but now he's nowhere near as strong as his father's SSJ3, which is now considered obsolete shit.
Gohan's a retired guy.
toriyama changed his mind about him being the main character
in canon gohan just did what he always wanted to do, he never liked fighting
have you ever fucking watched the show before
Thank you hungry skeleton.
Impossible to maintain a body like that when your job keeps you busy all day.
i disagree. i think he never liked studying, it's chichi forcing him to study. he enjoyed training and helping his dad with the fights.
Videl is literally a semen demon. Every night, she's been draining Gohan dry and passing on his power into their daughter.
The fans wouldn't let it die so the series shambles as a zombie of its former self.
People should stop clinging to thier childhood so hard, it's gone an nothing will bring it back.
Become a fag.
Wasn't it more the editors he was working with?
I thought he was going to end it after the Cell Games but they wanted to keep it going. Also, because Goku was the most popular character, instead of going the natural progression from father to son they shoved more Goku in our face.
Gohan wanted to make up for Piccolo and co. being killed in Saiyan saga, so that's why he went to space and put studying on the backburner.
Even after Freeza saga, Gohan simply went back to studying once everyone was alive and happy. He didn't train at all.
I prefer Goku to Gohan desu. Goku is literally the ideal shounen MC - someone who gets to where he is solely through training and improving himself. Gohan was basically gifted special power-ups and his thirst for pussy is finally rearing its ugly head.
This. Dragon Ball is just pants on head fucking retarded now. Anyone who likes Dragon Ball after the 90's just has shit taste.
that's all an urban myth perpetuated by retards
toriyama never had a plan for ending it anywhere since he made it up as he went and he decided himself gohan wasn't fit to be the main character
educate yourself
He might get shit on in canon but
>Just recently got SSJ4
>Is now a member of Time Patrol
At least Heroes Gohan gets treated right.
Muscular men aren't cool anymore.
It's all about little effeminate fuckboys.
Even when Z aired muscular main characters were already on the way out.
This. It makes sense for Freeza or Cell saga to be the end but it wasn't his intention. He just kinda wrote every series with nothing planned do he just tried to wrap up the story. The only time he considered the ending might be the end was the Demon King Piccolo arc or the final Dragonball arc, i don't recall which one he said.
The only time editor influence is confirmed was cell saga that they made him change the villain twice because they didn't "look intimidating/cool enough."
Faggot half-saiyans only faggot about if they don't have to fight. Pure-bloods will train and stay strong even when there aren't any threats. Compare Goku training as a kid to his faggot half-blood son.
Left was into the path of wizardhood.
Right lost his path of wizardhood.
It was planned from the start.
Remember when Yamcha was relevant?
Isnt this just about the only time he was relevant though? I dont recall him doing much in Dragon Ball after the Pilaf Saga.
damn, even though he's weak as fuck in the ssj universe those moves are still some of the coolest ones.
I remember him getting his ass kicked every time he appeared
didn't tien break his leg once?
he settled down and had a kid
He was never relevant. In the manga he attempted to fight Goku and literally achieved nothing, he only saved his own ass by grabbing Gokus tail to debilitate him then running away. Yamcha never came close to the top of the food chain even when the bar was extremely low.
Only person I remember him knocking out was Chichi whom he sucker punched and he beat the invisible man who was covered in Roshis nosebleed caused by oolong showing him Bulmas tits. So effectively his wins were against a little girl, an invisible man, and some offscreen mooks in the tournament qualifiers (I don't recall if he ever got past the first bracket round but I don't think so).
Xenoverse 2?