>cop (who are all scum by the way, no exception)
Is there anything redeemable about this bitch? She should've been treated like her mother.
Go thataway BLM-kun
don't cut yourself on that edge
How was that Sup Forums?
Sup Forums loves all of those things he just described as negative. are you stupid?
>cop (who are all scum by the way, no exception)
We love our police.
Fuck off pol
How is it Sup Forums?
>not liking the police
Are you, by any chance, American? And black?
Shut up you australian flat nigger
She's a virgin
Tiocfaidh ár lá
Sup Forums please leave
Please go plant a car bomb under your own car
I want to bareback a British girl.
>hating the police
Hello Tyrone
Karen is a right slag. Alice is better.
Sage and report
Nigger detected
>not noggin'
george bush / Queen Elizabeth
In what way?
will alice give you good night snuggles and good morning blowjobs?
Literally masterrace.
>tfw black and good friends with white cops
I dont get this BLM nonsense.
Soros is behind it.
>muh SJW race bait thread
come on mods, do your fucking job
I read that as Sotos and got excited. Why did you have to let me down like that?
Nah. Theyre too busy banning people for talking shit about their waifus.
I got banned for two days because I called someones waifu a slut and said they were cucks for waifuing her. Yet threads like these thrive.
Something needs to be done about these shit tier mods.
Don’t buy it, teeth not fucked up enough.
Go eat some fungus potatoes IRA scum
The eternal anglo marches on.
Hellsing Ultimate : Sub or Dub ??
It's not what you say but how you say it. You just overstepped your bounds by insulting them in a way that makes it personal, which mods perceive as "flaming". Calling someone's waifu shit isn't anything new.
Sub of course.
Yes, cowtits.
All of those points redeem her, though.
I like her TV counterpart better than the Ultimate one.
I don't give a shit if it's not faithful. Anything reproduced should be considered as a separate entity.
I just enjoy things as they are and don't care if it's considered canon or not by other people.
should be ill bash your fackin ed in m8
Since fucking when is flaming bannable on Sup Forums?
Thats bullshit. I wasnt even talking to any mods. Just a shit girl in general. Since when do we not call each other cucks and faggots for holding certain opinions and dispositions? Thats nothing new.
Fuck Sup Forumss mods. How babyish can you be to ban someone because I called a thread out on how shit one waifu is.