PA Works screw over inbetweeners edition
Miuna Monday/NagiAsu Thread
I want to sleep with two Miunas at the same time.
Good night, Miuna.
Good to see Netflix now have NagiAsu to watch.
I love Manaka.
Please no.
PA Works want to study more about CG.
Of course some animators will be butthurt about this.
Manaka should have stayed sleeping at the ocean floor.
Salty dicks
About 3 years ago I undropped Nagi no Asukara for the dollis.
3 fucking years.
go boat
Good job OP, now I won't post in this thread any longer. Best of luck.
Good day Miuna.
is very cute.
Whats this about inbetweeners?
Hey that's my job.
Turns out PA Works is just as bad as the other studios and consider animators literal slaves.
A PA tweener last week posted a pic of her paystub. They charge them to use their own desks.
With Sup Forums being Sup Forums, it didn't take long to devolve into middle school-tier insults and racism.
miuna screws inbetweeners? as expected of this turboslut.
I love Miuna. The death of the love hurts me.
Its ok
Don't worry mate, I've got your back.
Good night, Miuna.
See you next week.
Miuna my smile is in danger, but with your help it will be stronger than ever before.
Please protect my smile, my beautiful sea!
no sleepy miunas allowed
Miuna's butt.
Is off limits.
>netflix funds a second season of Miuna
>netflix funds, writes, directs, and voices s2!
I want to bully Miuna.
I want you to never even touch Miuna.
Good night, beautiful sea.
Stay up Miuna, I love you.
What does Miuna dream of?
Soft peaceful dreams of the sea.
Sequel when?
>see this coming towards you
What do?
Whenever Okada learns to breathe under water.