What went wrong?
precure thread
What went wrong?
precure thread
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>/pc/ will die in your lifetime
Your fucked up OP.
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We are a full blown general now?
Tell me how to OP, It's been a year since I last visited /pc/.
It is the same as last year and year before that.
I don't know but do you have more? I love seeing concept stuff but the only ones I ever get to see in these threads are the Suite and Heartcatch ones.
Simple: Lurk moar.
>mfw Cure Vanilla will be a Womanlet
Literally Vanilla Midget
Oh shit i really forgot how to OP.
i checked the archives.
I don't have it on me right now.
I need RWBY + Precure crossovers, but art is literally rare
Two types of cancer in one!
That's one big mofurun!
4 U
I'm likin this
I want to die ..mofu .
Precure is on a downward spiral, Mofu couldn't save Maho.
Forgot my picture.
Mirai is the cutest girl in the whole world!
>What went wrong?
Crossboarding shitposters found this thread and for some reason decided to stay despite the minimal (You)s they get from this corpse pile. And no you can't deny it as it's plainly obvious from the increase in Trump, Pepe, Spongebob, Reddit, and Feelsman reaction images. The amount of people getting triggered by hurtful opinions and negativity compromising their hugbox and now there is even manlet posting.
MiraRiko is a miracle of the Precureverse
They keep up the optimistic projections at least!
>no delicate budding swellings
>no precure for another week
Let's not have a thread unless there are leaks.
Mirai is the cutest kig in the whole world!
>What went wrong?
Adult men watching precure.
Is the final boss really a giant Yugioh card?
What adult men? We are all little girls.
If they want Precure to survive they need to make the Jewelpet Sunshine of Precure.
and sluts, dont forget those
I'm going to miss Kana.
Sexy dog.
I want to fuck this kig.
This. These threads are mega shit now I don't even come here anymore.
Get in line.
>And no you can't deny it as it's plainly obvious from the increase in Trump
It'll be over soon.
You're literally here now.
Yeah, those few posts every thread really just ruins EVERYTHING for everyone, right?
Son, most people here are Crossboarders.
>there's only 3 green cures
Why is so unpopular?
Probably for marketing reasons.
>little girls don't like green, our focus groups show
Which is a shame because green is best.
>vanilla loli
I welcome our new pink with open arms.
There are only two green cures.
And no, Felice is not green. Felice is a mistake.
Thats a lot compared with orange where there is only one.
Akane counts as a red.
Komachi is great.
Akane is the sole orange cure.
I wanted to make a joke about how this is what Toei will use to design the new cures, but every season really does have a unique and distinct style (except SplashStar). For all of Toei's faults they can at least still hit the bullseye on character design each year.
The only thing the posters ITT do is image-shitposting OR perv-posting.
No wonder Precure doesn't go well outside Japan.
Pay Toei more.
It's really embarrassing that Precure still can't beat up Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon is over 20 years ago, it's fucking old.
Precure has utterly failed overseas so far, because you guys don't buy merchandise.
Toei Overseas Film Top 4
Dragon Ball 11M
One Piece 9M
Sailor Moon 2M
Saint Seiya 1M
Precure is dead.
Is the series finally dead? Haven't checked it for a while so...
Precure is all dubbed?
This is what happens when you make the OP wrong.
Fuck off Nashfaggot
That pic is missing the white team: White, Egret, Rhythm and Echo.
Also, why isn't Shiny Luminous there in the yellow team?
Probably in some south east asian rat-hole of a country.
No, it doesn't do well outside of Japan because it's virtually non-existent. They haven't tried pushing the show overseas or the merc.
Heck, they never even released Futari wa on DVD and who knows if they will even for Glitter Force. Then again, all the shows aren't even officially released in the U.S.
There was no need to rename Smile Precure to Glitter Force.
Why did America do such an awful thing.
Someone should've stopped this tasteless localizing.
What makes me sad is, the fact that America is the first foreign country that accepted Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon.
But they ignored Precure despite that fact that Precure is a child of those two.
I'm sad as fuck. What went wrong?
But Precure is just glorified commercials. And world outside Japan isn't limited by USA.
because of legal reasons. I don't know how many times this has been explained, but another company had already trademarked "pretty cure" and "procure" in the US. you should just be happy and compromised - their first choice for a title was "Gangnam Girls."
link yo the vid ?
Blueblob is mai waifu.
Can I get a source on this?
Because Saban. That's why.
>ignored Precure
That's not it. SM & DBZ had a broad appeal while to the West, Precure doesn't as it's aimed more toward young girls who as we know, don't buy anime. Adults and teens do because they are the market abroad.
As for it being brought over at all, well, there really isn't a market for it. It just wouldn't sell, and the 30 guys jerking off in these threads wouldn't buy it anyway if it were licenced.
>the 30 guys jerking off in these threads wouldn't buy it anyway if it were licenced
I would.
The pink has Mana's eyes
They look like Balalas.
Where do you think retired Cures go?
hamburger meat
>What makes me sad is, the fact that America is the first foreign country that accepted Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon.
Sorry Mr. Pretend gook but that's objectively wrong on all counts. There's a greater number of European and south American regions that had those 2 before the US, and they were popular there long before they became popular in the US
And this is why Purples and Greens are the best.
I would, too, and I know there are a few here that would do the same, but most people here wouldn't care nor support it. It's kinda sad, really.
I'm seriously considering throwing down over a grand in my currency for the Heartcatch Blu Rays
Looking a little 90s there, Mirai.
Did Urushihara draw that Mirai?
what do you guys think of yes 5's movie?
I thought it was the best movie (I've seen so far) despite the plot being nothing special overall.If you've seen Kyousougiga before you could tell Rie Matsumoto had a huge influence on it and they finally went with the dark precure concept something I've been longing to see in the franchise.
The movie was weird though,half of it was straight quality and eye candy and once they started fighting the dark precure it was like their budget ran out.
Precure 1-draw #933
Aino Megumi / Cure Lovely
I thought it was disappointing aside from the couple minutes of sakuga. GoGo's movie is better overall.
It's not bad as Precure movies go, but GoGo's movie is the big payoff for that generation. It also feels like it should've been the actual Yes5 movie.
Power Rangers is huge there. DB too. SM too.
But PRECURE isn't?
Why the fuck did this happen.
This is totally unacceptable.
Precure had much potential to become a worldwide phenomenon just like them.
But Amerifarts chose Naruto instead of Precure.
What went wrong? You guys should've done something for Precure instead of perv-posting.
The sad fact it is much easier to market weeb shit to little boys than little girls.
The closest I think people ever got to getting Precure a big break was when the Heartcatch movie got nominated for some major kids movie award or something, which sadly went nowhere
The Heartcatch movie was really well-directed.
I went to see this movie twice.
I really wanted to see Rie runs a new series of Precure back then.
But she betrayed us, and has gone to BONES with no words.
I'm sad as fuck, and we'll never recover from this damage.
I want to fuck Precure and die.
Why would you die? That's never happened before.