Can we talk about retarded subbers who think this is acceptable? Anyone who does this should be hung. San is just a polite form of address it does not mean Mr. Anyone watching subs is a weaboo and can handle learning a a few Japanese terms you save this kind of garbage translation for dub scum.
If you're gonna go this far why not translate futon as bed or Sushi as rice fish snack? It's pretty clear retards like this eg. GG have some sort of weird anti Japanese agenda they're trying to pull and I don't understand why.
Anyone outside America laughs at nonsense like this.
Adrian Barnes
You mean, "can we get a thread where everyone validates my opinion even though it's wholly irrelevant"? No thanks.
Juan Davis
No, OP is right. I am sick of seeing memeshit in my subs when I am trying to understand the fucking language word for word, not because some translator thinks its funny to add in some western memeshit.
Asher Flores
I agree with this sentiment.
Jeremiah Reyes
If you know so much about Japanese then why don't you just watch it raw?
Carson Cooper
At least it's not an actual mistranslation, Mr. OP.
Jaxon Wright
This guy is suppose to be their friend and he's a teen
Christian Clark
I don't think it's asking too much of someone that's watching a Japanese show Japan with Japanese characters in Japan speaking Japanese to maybe just learn a little bit about Japanese culture, like 4 honorifics. Why stop at localizing the honorific? Why not localize everything? -San is now Mr., Onigiri are now jelly donuts, Ryosuke is now Richard, Tokyo is now New York, because God forbid an American should be forced to care about a different country.
Liam Adams
>Mr First name
James Cruz
I agree
Fuck this garbage, everybody knows what san mans and has no issue with reading Chad-san
Carson Garcia
I don't like this kind of vocabulary in my anime
David Foster
Hey Mr Yosuke could you give me back that DVD you borrowed?
Jordan Carter
This would make a perfect banner for /fit/
Ethan Martin
More than the fact that shit like this is anti-weeb, I'm bother by the fact that it's just a bad translation. When fucking highschool characters call their classmates Mr. or Ms. Name, it's retarded on more levels than I can fathom. That's ESL-tier subbing, except instead of normal ESL dictionary "It's more authentic if it's 1:1 broken English!" they try to make it more authentic by trying to localize every single word uttered with what the perceive to be an English equivalent.
Luis Perry
Christopher Hall
Can we hang the people responsible for IBO first?
Nathan Allen
I'm with OP on this one. Keeping the integrity of the meaning is first and foremost. There was a sub group years back that had trouble with Nakama in One Piece because the meaning doesn't have a direct english translation, and thus had to use the actual word with a big text wall explaining why they're using it.
Oliver Miller
>huehuehue im such a smart ass look at me guys, I'm the class clown fuck off see above
Hudson Scott
Calling out subbers for not being weebu enough is kinda funny.
Eli Barnes
I'm curious, how do kiddies in merica refer to their teacher? Here in Spain we just use their first name.
Parker Gonzalez
This thread is going places, like every thread about translations.
James Roberts
I would personally do commie style subs for 3 shows each season if we could hang Okada.
Kids? Mr. or Mrs. (lastname). The problem is when they make kids call their classmates Mr. or Ms. anything. That literally never happens ever.
Nathaniel Green
>needing subs
Ryan Nelson
nice way to samefag tour way to acceptance
Zachary Sanders
>character says Araya-Shiki >subs say Alaya-Vijnana This triggers my Buddhism.
Jeremiah Wood
I think the only thing we can all agree on is that there's no solution that will please everyone, and these threads are proof of that.
Angel Parker
They are in fucking America and most of them are from space. They are not Japanese and thus wouldn't talk that way.
But please how would you translate it?
Ayden Gonzalez
Into the language they are speaking
And American teenagers dont call their close friends Mr. First Name
Lincoln Nguyen
>first name Oh man, really? Here in Italy it would be extremely rude, even in elementary school.
Leo Perez
Not to mention Chad was older than them and their joss hence MR.
Jordan Gray
*BOSS That kid in the OP has one friend and it's not Chad. Chad is his superior officer.
Isaiah King
Is Chad her superior officer too?
Caleb Ward
OP, I'd recommend you learn Japanese if you feel so strongly about subs.
Jeremiah Reed
>there's no solution that will please everyone Everyone should learn moon to watch anime raw, and be at a native level for English speaking to discuss anime here.
Bentley Walker
Samuel Young
>出来ない ww
Carter Moore
Better than translating it as name-honorific. That's a slippery slope and soon you're writing according to keikaku, t/n keikaku means plan.
I don't even notice shit like this while watching. Why don't you get therapy for your autism?
Matthew Sanders
>Better than translating it as name-honorific No it's not.
>That's a slippery slope and soon you're writing according to keikaku, t/n keikaku means plan. No it's not, because keikaku has a direct 1:1 English translation that means the same thing in all scenarios. Stop talking out of your ass.
>Why don't you get therapy for your autism? Why don't you stop pretending you have any idea what you're talking about?
Tyler James
>Anyone watching subs is a weaboo >im a newshit who uses normalfag interpretations of standard Sup Forums lingo
Jayden Hughes
Calm down weaboo
Julian Gutierrez
Who is this sperm worm?
Grayson Diaz
While we are at it can we please get karaoke added back. Especially the highlighted kind so I know when to sing
Lucas Cook
Russia here, first name + patronymic is the default way to refer to someone in a higher position/just older than you. Last name basis is generally for people under you and first name basis is for equals.
Brayden Sullivan
>That's ESL-tier subbing >Well here in Spain we do it just like that derp
Chase Perez
She is 100% not Japanese and would respond to him as MR too because she has fucking manners.
Juan Rivera
>with Japanese characters in Japan The one in OP's picture isn't Japanese characters in Japan, though.
Jayden Green
>"It's more authentic if it's 1:1 broken English!" Fuck my ass. As a slightly subpar translator, this is what I hate the most in fan translation work. You should be able to speak the language you're translating to.
Brandon Morgan
Can't translators just try to use context to figure out what Mr/Mrs is appropriate?
I think its pretty clear that in this scenario just a first name would be better.
Aiden Torres
>Unironically watching iron menstruation Can we talk about that?
Kayden Robinson
This is very simple. If you're including Japanese words that are not part of common speech, YOU ARE NOT FUCKING TRANSLATING. The entire point of translating something is to make something in one language easily understandable by someone speaking a different language. If there is no direct equivalent (and there isn't for many words, languages are like that), then you use the closest thing to it. That's literally what translating is. Anything else is your own weebo autism insisting on arbitrary standards for pseudo-translations.
Don't like it? Learn to speak fucking japanese.
Easton Peterson
>Can we talk about retarded subbers How about no?
Luke Martinez
user we're already talking about them
Oliver Scott
Fuck off back to Rebbit, "Lady Ryuuko"
Andrew Moore
>San is just a polite form of address it does not mean Mr.
We're american, well mostly mexican, why should we be autistic about addressing people? Japan can stay autistic. I just watch animu to fwap and selfinsert.
William Roberts
>Nakama What is "Platonic BFF substitute for romance in shonen faggotry"?
Paraphrasing muthhafukka, can you roundtable it?
Anthony Gutierrez
What the fuck is a "Lady Ryuuko"? And learn japanese, you pathetic weeb.
Jack Watson
>Mr. Chad >not Comrade Chad
Josiah Brown
stay in r/anime
Cooper Clark
Learn Chinese. Japanese is a secondary lingua.
Dominic Green
Chinese is useless though.
Samuel Richardson
>learn Chinese lol don't be a fucking retard.
Learning Chinese will make the company you work for deal with Chinese and travel to china. Have you ever interacted with Chinese people or been to china? Its awful.
Learn any language you want but consider the people and country you will deal with for knowing that language if you intend to use it for professional use. Otherwise who gives a fuck what you learn?
Easton Smith
>Have you ever interacted with Chinese people or been to china? Its awful. why
Brayden Hill
If you can understand it then who cares about what the subs shows during that part, does it bother you that much?
Henry Cook
Why would a bunch of martian children use japanese honorifics? How is it wrong to not include the honorifics in the subs?
Josiah Perry
>Why would a bunch of martian children use japanese honorifics? Because they are literally saying them? You can hear it, you have ears, right?
Matthew Peterson
What talking you, mat? I learn cheena to read Wuxia and Xianxia WNs, like a true patrician.
Jason Parker
OP sauce?
Sebastian Anderson
Because they're talking in japanese for the convenience of the japanese audience. I seriously doubt they're actually talking in japanese in universe. They're also saying kidou senshi, why not leave it at that instead of mobile suit? Also, you have ears as well, right? So you can hear the honorifics, so why do you care about the subs this much?
Ian Taylor
>Because they're talking in japanese for the convenience of the japanese audience. I seriously doubt they're actually talking in japanese in universe. No they don't. Watch Drifters.
Because Kidou Senshi as a direct translations you inbred fuck.
Caleb Campbell
no one cares about your Korean shit broski, not even them.
Jaxson Walker
It's called camraderie you illiterate ape.
Nolan Bennett
If "mr" or similar words don't fit the scene, don't add anything at all and just use their fucking name.
english is an inherantly less polite language than japanese, the meaning of the sentence is the exact same
> There was a sub group years back that had trouble with Nakama in One Piece because the meaning doesn't have a direct english translation
but it does, 'comrade' and/or just 'friend' depending on the context
Ryder Jackson
>Watch Drifters
What the fuck that has to do with anything? You problably think anime taking place outside of Japan or in fantasy worlds they are also speaking japanese.
Fuck off retard.
Ryan Reed
I didn't know that all the 1920's american-itallian gangsters in baccano spoke japanese
Jonathan Barnes
Drifters is a fucking exception and that's something I actually like about it. Normally the characters always talk in japanese even when they should be speaking other languages Like Baccano!. Why would fucking American mafiosos speak in japanese? Kill yourself, retardd
Sebastian Reed
No, Drifters isn't an exception to the rule, its the norm. Stop pretending and being autistic.
Eli Scott
>Watch Drifters. They already used convenient magic paper to avoid having any character speak anything but Japanese again.
Jose Wood
Comrade is never a good choice because of the association. Friend is a little lacking but probably the best option.
Nicholas Foster
When the protagonists aren't around you can still ear them speak moonspeak. Only when the protagonists are on scene you hear them speak Japanese.
Oliver Bailey
You're wrong, anime is full of nonsense like non-Japanese characters prostrating themselves on the floor in apology to each other.
Zachary Taylor
I would refute that but I don't want to redownload the latest episode. I'm pretty sure the people in the keep where the elven girls were held captive were speaking Japanese to each other before they got attacked. If you have it you can check.
Landon Morris
Oh yeah? Watch the spy anime from 2 seasons ago then. Yet another example.
And I only watch 3 anime per year. 2 out of them had that feature.
You sure you aren't talking out of your ass, bro?
Blake Anderson
>And I only watch 3 anime per year
Oh it shows.
Landon Wood
>I only watch 3 anime per year Opinion fucking discarded And I don't remember anyone in Joker Game speaking anything other than japanese (There was the american in the first 2 episodes and that was it) Now, tell me Why would an american organization whose leader looks down on the japanese actually speak japanese amongst themselves in Bungo? The only part where it makes sense for the guild members to speak japanese is when talking to the japanese cast
Zachary Campbell
So you have no argument after I confirmed you 66% of anime has such feature.
Comedy fucking gold. More anime per year will implement that, mark my words. I work for the anime industry.
John Jenkins
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Luis Peterson
Glad you were. Don't do that anymore.
Adrian Roberts
I can also watch only ecchi anime and say 100% of shows are focused on boobs with your retarded logic >I work for the anime industry I work for Bones and I can tell you you're full of shit Look at 91 Days last season. It was set in prohibition era USA and the characters were americans. Why would anyone speak japanese there?
Julian Rogers
stella no mahou subs.jpg
Nicholas Russell
>I can also watch only ecchi anime and say 100% of shows are focused on boobs with your retarded logic And you know people do that regularly outside of our board.
I don't watch shit anime sorry m8, 91 days was bad.
Jacob Taylor
Then shut up if you refuse to accept evidence staring you right in the face, shitposter. You're doing the equivalent of a kid plugging his ears and going "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" Kill yourself
Nathan Clark
you are doing the same
Logan James
>You can't use comrade because Luffy isn't a commie
James Barnes
>It can't be helped
Jack Roberts
What you've written is correct but your meme arrow suggests you disagree with it.
Dylan Robinson
No, I'm not. Because your "evidence" is bullshit percentajes based on the very few anime that you watch You're exactly the same as the retards claiming every new anime is ecchi fanservice stuff Your're trying to claim facts based on ignorance
Carter James
It is fact though. You can't disprove it.
Dominic Moore
It won't be fact until you have actually seen every show from every season (or at least, those featuring non japanese characters that shouldn't be speaking japanese)