You have destroyed, so much Theo. But tell me, what is it that you have created?
Can you name me even one thing?
You have destroyed, so much Theo. But tell me, what is it that you have created?
Can you name me even one thing?
Other urls found in this thread:
A chance
I want to lick Anett's and Farka's bellies.
>The only villain here is you, Theo. There's only you
Friendly reminder to not sexualize Inia. Thank you.
Irisdina "Let Everyone Weep, I'm Going To Sleep" Bernhard!
Pump and dump Inia
Who /NVA/ here?
I like to think he just stood there, contemplating what he had done, the questions he wishes he could now ask.
Rough transcript of this video I believe, say thanks to Superior-chan
マージーサイド州 リヴァプール
2000, someday in July; Merseyside, Liverpool
[Newscaster] "This is the news at noon."
[Newscaster] "One week before the end of the scheduled general meetings between East Germany and West Germany, a defence exercise was executed at the meeting grounds."
[Newscaster] "During the exercises yesterday afternoon, under the premise of the meeting area at Dingle, County Kerry, coming under a terror attack, the exercise was held, with the NVA 411st Battalion playing a central role."
[Newscaster] "The perimeter of the assembly location was inundated with Strachwitz faction supporters, and the exercise was carried out within that uproarious atmosphere."
[Newscaster] "Now, even while European affairs are stable, the continuous search-and-destroy operations are necessary, and scheduled meetings are expected to tackle discussions regarding the joint culling operations".
[Newscaster] "Also, Vice-Minister Eckhard of East Germany had no statements in this round of scheduled meetings concerning east-west unity."
[Newscaster] "In response to that, the Christian Socialism Union opposition party leader Mr. Friedel, calling it a lack of mind for the public voice, released a comment voicing his disapproval."
[Kid 1] "I said, it was definitely around here! I'm sure of it!"
[Kid 2] "You're lying! There's no way that can be true."
[Kid 1] "I'm not lying! I'm sure I can find the Black King Wolf around here! Maybe to even get an autograph!"
[Kid 2] "Are you sure you saw correctly? Why would he be here? Aren't they supposed to be at Dover Base?"
[Kid 1] "That's b...! I'm sure it's something like them being on a holiday..."
[Kid 2] "Yeah yeah, dream on!"
[Kid 1] "I'm sure of it! It's really true! It was definitely their emblem!"
[Kid 2] "Yeah, whatever~!"
[?] "The Cerberus..."
[?] "Looks like the summit still can't be seen..."
[?] "Even so... there's no way we can stop now..."
[?] "If that's the case, shall we go..."
[?] " the place with the ideals we wished for."
Didn't you show these translations the other day? Either way, thanks, and thanks to Superior-chan.
The problem with quick translations for moments like this is they have to be very precise, even one word off chan change the whole meaning.
W-why would you do that? But it's smelly and sweaty there...
absolutely disgusting
Wouldn't be so smelly after a lovely bath.
And evil knew it not!
Hmmm, just some thoughts that struck me...
>"The Cerberus..."
The guardian dog of the Underworld/Hades
Notably, prevents people from leaving.
>"Looks like the summit still can't be seen..."
The mountain in the land of dreams, or alternately, the citadel, in Valhalla? Hell?
>"Even so... there's no way we can stop now..."
Could be, we can't stop trying to reach the land of dreams, not when we're so close. Or alternately, we have gone/fought too far into/to get to Hell to stop now.
>"If that's the case, shall we go..."
>" the place with the ideals we wished for."
Again, it could be fight back the darkness with our hearts pure, our hearts that we wished we had long ago. Or it could mean, we couldn't get out/others out of Hell with what we were then, but we can try once more.
It's odd, like I can grasp what he's saying, but can't quite explain it.
Why am I always paired with my killer?
If Theo really is the Master, than it sort of makes you wonder, since an user dropped some threads ago that the Master wants human unity to stop the BETA, and survive at any cost. An attack allowing an opening into the one sole engine keeping the planet alive and fighting, it might be what's enough for people to stop fighting each other.
I guess Beatrix really did mean it when she said she'll see him in Valhalla.
During the game of deathflags musical chairs, Farka was the first one out.
But it's wartime, baths are sort of a luxury ah...?
Not Inghild?
Would Farka like being princess-carried?
Tru luv and a young girl's hope.
I don't think there is a girl in ML that wouldn't want to be princess carried. Hell a lot of men wouldn't mind being princess carried.
Poor girl didn't get a chance to carry deathflags even. If there is a BiS/early SM short VN, I'd hope she plays a part in it. Plus I want to find out the other two or three close friends of Inghild, Antte, and Theo who died in the week or two before SM begins.
I wish I was strong enough to princess carry my girl. If she could carry me that'd be hot as fuck though.
So what happens then here? Do they send her to regular firing squad mode, or does he slowly raise a pistol to her head while hugging her?
I'd like to think it's that way.
>I want, at this last hour, for Lise-hime to at least not feel alone. You're not alone Lise. Not anymore.
Have faith Theo.
Inghilde has a chapter in Requiem pretty much all to herself. She might appear in BiS. I know from some of the spoilers that Annete and her family appeared as inconsequential side characters.
Would it be okay to ruffle Iris' hair if you manage to get Jurgen's permission?
You don't even have to be that strong.
>does he slowly raise a pistol to her head while hugging her?
>I want, at this last hour, for Lise-hime to at least not feel alone. You're not alone Lise. Not anymore.
I like that.
>Your dead imouto can't be this cute!
She's even cuter when she lives and thinks she's a loli again.
Are we going to have to make our own routes and stories now that age failed us?
>Are we going to have to make our own routes and stories now that age failed us?
That'd just be fanfiction. And SM has spawned lots of it. After all, it wasted a lot of potential.
Beatrix felt the penis go in all the way on the first thrust, clearly breaking the "slow" promise. She drew another sharp breath and scrunched her closed eyes together, preparing to beat this man senseless if he kept moving after displaying such a brazen attack.
"It's bleeding..." Beatrix heard a dismayed voice. It was then she realized her face and breasts were covered in something slimy, and she didn't feel the moist steam warmth she remembered clinging to her body. It was more like a dry, automated heat. A stale heat you'd expect from an oil heater in a small bedroom, rather than a bathroom. Beatrix opened her eyes slowly, and spoke in a nearly-parched, husky tone she didn't know she had.
"You can move now, Jurgen." All that met her was silence, and the feeling of a well-endowed, throbbing member buried balls-deep into her wet, but achingly deflowered pussy. She then recognized a couple of other factors, such as her body lying on its back, and one of her stiff legs was hanging over the man's shoulder. It wasn't particularly well-lit in the room, and Beatrix had a hard time distinguishing the features of the man she was so entrancingly making love to just a tad bit earlier. What she did recognize was a pair of ikeman eyes staring down at her, paralyzingly gazing at her own, beautiful rubies.
It's not so much wasted potential, as is Schwarzesmarken is a very frustrating story with a flawed PoV character who sees everything in shades of black and white, heroines who are only romanceable outside of their routes, unfulfilling endings that leave you hollow (a ML traditions, really), subversions all over the place, and characters who will slip back and regress despite making great sacrifices to learn a lesson (I'm looking at you Irisdina).
You forgot the badly written and over the top villains.
Axmann is the only over the top villain, and even then, he was based very closely off of a real life over-the-top villain.
Schmidt is a politician/dictator that enjoys pushing people around. His type is found all around the third world.
Beatrix is complex and multi-nuanced. She's a bitch, but then, the environment she's forced into is horrible, and she does crack and show some small kindness here and there, or even regret. Remember, in 2 out of 3 of the roots, her innate goodness or selflessness ends up fucking everything up for her. Yeah, she's caustic as fuck on the outside, but she has a very cuddly center bottled up.
I want to leave ____ with Axmann for an hour.
Goodlord. Let me just get the popcorn.
Beatrix, Lise, Iris, Jurgen, Theo, and Suzy.
Assuming they can put aside their differences, Axmann is about to be in for the ride of his life.
inb4 Theo assaults Beatrix, which results in Jurgen hitting Theo, which leads to Lise jumping on Jurgen and trying to bite his ear off, which leads to Iris smacking Lise around.
Which leads to Suzy desperately looking for whatever that is an equivalent of popcorn
While individually all three of them work, extremely well in fact, as a collective the Stasi are badly written or rather, badly presented. Its hard to imagine anyone volunteering to join them for any other reason than to harm their fellow man. Yet there we have Farka, who still has a fully functioning conscience, so she can't possibly have joined for that. But instead of showing us that, thats all the humanization the organisation as a whole gets, excepting Beatrix, but she is a whole other can of worms.
LN Beatrix, despite her larger bodycount, is still the one that is most consistent, believable and easiest to connect with her teenage self, then we've got a problem.
And then there is the Werewolves being reduced to "mean girls the squadron", being quite useless at the task they are supposed to be good at and very little cohesion. Yet they follow Beatrix in her "mutiny" in one route and sacrifice themselves for Lise and Theo in the other.
In short, age adopting the anime's changes or being responsible for them in the first place, damaged the story. There is a reason why Beatrix's popularity reached its highpoint between the release of BiS and the release of the anime.
Many of the Werewolves were former deserters, state criminals (which is a very broad and amorphous category in the DDR) caught be the stasi and basically turned into slave soldiers by Axmann's conditioning. Farka won't reveal her past (none of them do), but she has a burning hatred of Axmann as revealed in Lise's route (so perhaps she had some past with him too). Even Beatrix has the sword of the state hanging over her for her connections to Jurgen and Irisdina, something that Schmidt threatens her with. So really, it's fear and loyalty to one another that keep the Werewolves in line.
Also, VN Beatrix is the nicest of the three Beatrix's in her actions, not personality, so you could say that VN Beatrix is more genuine then the LN (who's niceness is implied to be just another tool of manipulation). I think the VN version is the one that is most easily connectable to the prequel.
Irisdina is sleeping. Wake her up.
I look inside myself and see my heart is black
I see my red door and must have it painted black
Maybe then I'll fade away and not have to face the facts
It's not easy facing up when your whole world is black
So why do the West German girls have such fat asses? Katia and Kirke both.
Rape the rebels!
>Many of the Werewolves were former deserters, state criminals (which is a very broad and amorphous category in the DDR)
And we know this from the LN. Were the VN standalone, would we know this? No, we wouldn't. It would have been nice if it had been stated in the VN, it would certainly help humanize them.
>caught be the stasi and basically turned into slave soldiers by Axmann's conditioning.
Now this is new to me, and it wasn't implied in the LN. Is it from Requiem? Or are you projecting Lise's story to the rest of them?
>Farka won't reveal her past (none of them do),
Yes, that we know
>but she has a burning hatred of Axmann as revealed in Lise's route (so perhaps she had some past with him too)
Axmann's infamous, she would have heard of him even outside of the Stasi, without ever meeting him. And even in the case that she was a true believer, Axmann's obvious abuses of power would be still distasteful to her.
>So really, it's fear and loyalty to one another that keep the Werewolves in line.
Now without proper backup this is just your theory. But its a very reasonable one none the less. But why are they so caustic to each other then? Because it certainly harms both the sympathy they would get from the viewer and their cohesion, in story.
>Also, VN Beatrix [...] easily connectable to the prequel.
Consistency between actions and attitude, and the fact that we actually see her thoughts make me disagree with you. But in the end, its just a matter of opinion.
Did Pham died?
The man looked pensive, the name she called him was repeated many times in his head, yet nothing recognizable came up.
"What do you want me to do?" He tentatively asked after a moment. He looked nervous, concerned, and unwilling to continue. Almost like his life was flashing in those handsome eyes, he was clearly unnerved. He needed a push in a some direction.
Beatrix herself was confused at her changed physical situation, but she felt that there was no need for the man to be melancholic.
"I want you to move. It's too late to get cold feet now." She gave him a verbal push, but she didn't know for certain if it was the one he needed.
All she heard in reply was an almost inaudible apology, before the lewd squelching of juices emerged from the two being joined at the hip. The man moved slowly, but most certainly deep. He rested at the hilt everytime he repeated his motions, eliciting moans from the raven-haired beauty below him, now awake, confused, aroused, and covered in his semen.
Beatrix, still not 100% fully functional in the cognitive region, didn't feel particularly endangered during the emotionally-charged conversation just held. The man's eyes glinted with several emotions, ranging from anger, sadness, fear, and finally lust.
Okay, I like where this is going now.
Would Marimo be a good head of some restaraunt?
Drugging Lise and Katia at the same time!
Axmann go home!
Theo was consumed by emotions. He acted out in some sense of revenge, but he couldn't blindly carry it out when the woman he used was awake, peering up at him with warm, ruby eyes. He couldn't see the usual blood he always imagined them as, when she was clearly displaying affection. It tugged at his heartstrings, and at his penis.
Theo's member only got harder when Beatrix encouraged him, and unconsciously using the shitty lighting in his favor, kept his face out of clear view of the conscious woman. He wrapped his arms around her leg, holding it on his shoulder, as he moved in and out of Beatrix's vagina.
Exquisite was the least flattering adjective he could use to describe what she felt like; it was warm - maybe better described as hot, unbearably tight, and soaked with her love nectar. Theo began to lose the sanity he had regained, and moved his body in alignment with not just his instincts, but a bubbling subconscious need to make the woman below him feel as good as he was.
Theo was consumed by emotions. He originally acted out in some sense of revenge, but he couldn't blindly carry it out when the woman he had callously used was awake, peering up at him with warm, ruby eyes. He was unable to see the usual bloodiness he had associated her eyes with, when she was clearly displaying affection. It tugged at his heartstrings, and at his penis.
Theo's member only got harder when Beatrix encouraged him, and unconsciously using the shitty lighting in his favor, kept his face out of clear view of the aroused woman. He wrapped his arms around her leg, holding it in place on his shoulder, as he continuously moved inside of Beatrix's vagina, never entirely leaving the sheathe his sword wanted to call home.
Exquisite was the least flattering adjective he could use to describe what she felt like; it was warm - maybe better described as hot, unbearably tight, and soaked with her love nectar. Theo began to lose the sanity he had regained, and moved his body in alignment with not just his instincts, but a bubbling subconscious need to make the woman below him feel as good as he was, or perhaps to make the woman submit to his will.
In only 1 route
What did KNG mean by this?
Farka is younger then Lise. I don't think she joined the stasi willingly.
>Beatrix is complex and multi-nuanced
These new additions, along with her oddly sympathetic portrayal in Bernhard im Schatten, help to make Beatrix a much more rounded character – she’s kind of a one-note villain in the original novels.
Now that I’m reevaluating Beatrix as a character, it occurs to me that she and Axemann are set up to represent different kinds of evil. Beatrix is someone who believes wholeheartedly in what she is doing – it’s just that what she is doing is pure evil. Axemann, however, has no ideology. He seeks only to gain power for himself. He was part of the Stasi because he held power there. When things went south, he sought an alliance with the revolution, extracting a promise that he would be part of their new government. When it looked like they were going to lose, he threw in with Beatrix and the Moscow faction. And when the people started to rise up against them, he hoped to seek refuge with the CIA. He has no cause – he will serve whoever will keep him in power.
So there’s something to think about: who is the greater evil? The one who's mind and soul is devoted to evil. Or the one who serves, but has no loyalty to, an evil cause?
>Type 94 pasta post-Martyrs
What the fuck?
What is an evil cause? What is good and evil?
>responding seriously to pasta
But, is pasta evil?
LN Beatrix fired into crowds of people and used residences as shields for herself. She was also far less opposed to torture, and wasn't a huge sucker for loyalty/true love. Yeah, she acted nicer, but when it came down to it, she was a pretty horrible person. VN may act like a horrible person in her personal dealings, but it's all surface level. She outright rejects actions that LN Beatrix did, such as refusing orders to fire on crowds or abandon the 666th, and comes off more as a deeply hurt person who's drowning in all the evil around her rather then swimming in it like the LN version.
>She was also far less opposed to torture
That's still the anime. In the LN she was barely present for torture, excluding Iris.
Yeah, but she was much more braise or nonchalant about it, whereas they actually show her struggle internally with it in the VN.
you can read moon?
>excluding Iris.
Isn't that enough to qualify her as a shit person right below Axmann?
Speaking as an Irisfag, nope.
she didn't torture her personally she was just there for some bantz and to tell the underlings to not leave any permanent marks.
Why are you guys so forgiving of her. I know the Jap Irisfags weren't willing to forgive Beatrix for the whole Iris thing
Even if she is a secondary, Gretel will always be the main heroine of my heart
I personally believe Beatrix isn't culpable for much. All she had was her BFF and her fiance, and it was taken from her. Bea a fuckin cute and it breaks my heart she had to suffer so much.
I like flawed Iris more. It shows that she ain't that different from my waifu.
She had a hard life.
Many of the Jap Irisfags seemed to buy into Theo's ideal version of her, not the implied more complex her beneath. When it was shattered by BiS they switched or got pissed off. I hear many Jap Beatofags are former Irisfags.
It means that he'll deliver a proper review soon.
This may be blasphemy, but I like her ponytail look a lot more. I have a weakness for ponytails.
Irisfaggotry is considered to be plebtier over in Japland.
They're even throwing a fit now because Martyrs shows that perfect Iris was just Theo being Theo.
Iris is a deeply flawed, complex woman. She's a very human character, and despite looking it, she's not actually that strong of a person. She always had someone else to lean upon. From the days she was in school she always was surrounded by a clique of adorers and beloved by the school for her natural talent and beauty. Then, when she got older, she had all of Jurgen's surviving friends supporting her (mostly because her guilt kept her silent and they all assumed that Beatrix was the villain and she the victim over Jurgen's death). When Beatrix needed her, she ran, and when Theo and the 666th needed her, she ran again.
The Japs can't get over the fact that her strong, infallible leader personality isn't who she actually is. Like Beatrix with her stasi act, it was just an image she projected and tried to fill. She's trying to do good, but she's been so battered by the end that she just doesn't have the strength to go on.
She broke her promise to Jurgen to keep Beatrix safe. That's a pretty huge stickler for them.
As long as she can smile, I'll let her lean on me!
I want to kiss her on the forehead.
Rest in peace, Axmann's imouto.
If Jurgen were Lise's brother, would he have done a better job protecting her then Theo did?
I don't know what you're talking about. Theo is a great older brother and protected Lise's smile in her route. All you Theoshitters need to take a seat. Theo is a good man and the hero we all deserved.
Hard to say. Does he have to divide his attention or does he go full siscon? Hell, Theo could have done a much better job if he hadn't been infatuated with Iris.
She looks pretty good with a ponytail
Didn't Jurgen love Beatrix, warts and all, and get into arguments with Katia's dad, someone everyone else takes at face value? I don't think he's the type to project an ideal image, or not ask questions like Theo. Remember, Jurgen is pretty much bizzaro Theo, so where Theo would avoid the truth, Jurgen would seek it.
Which means that he would be a big fucking failure, just like he failed Iris.
He had to choose, his fiancée or his imouto. He chose both, but he could only have saved one, so the whole thing backfired. And thus we got SM.
He would have abandoned her to go on a revenge quest and given her a briefcase filled with gold bars and asked her to leave Stasi.
Nope, he failed, plain and simple. Jurgenfags get out.