Jojo is the worst manga/anime I've ever read/watched.
inb4 b-b-but you have to wait a few seasons before it gets good.
Jojo is the worst manga/anime I've ever read/watched.
inb4 b-b-but you have to wait a few seasons before it gets good.
you have shit taste and i'm only here to say this: every part of jojo's is overrated apart from part 1 which is just about right
Wait, so for the most part you agree?
Huey > Dewey > Louie
What is Huey's stand?
Parts 1-3 are still better than the average anime, it's just that the later parts are even better than them.
Thats good for you man but I on the otherhand rather enjoy jojo especially the art style did you know its the only manga that's had its artwork displayed in the Louvre?
> b-b-but you have to wait a few seasons before it gets good.
Part 1 is already pretty good, you just have shit taste
One of the very rare shows that started off good and then turned into Dragon Ball Z in episode six so I stopped.
usually shows start bad and get better. not start good and go to trash.
JoJo reference?
>He didn't even start Stardust Crusaders
user, after the first season hamon is never used in favor of stands.
If JoJo is the worst anime/manga you've watched/read I want to know what your best is for each of those.
what are you talking about
Overrated doesn't mean bad
>overcooked doesn't mean bad
>thinking that overrated and overcooked are similar words just because both of them contain ''over''
you are fucking stupid.
>food analogy
sasuga Sup Forums
>thinks that overrated and overcooked aren't similar words
its incredibly shitty but its worth for designs and aesthetics
seriously though,araki knows how to draw really cool shit
you have shit taste and probably only mad at the hype around it, because you can't like things that other people also like.
and why?
because OP is a fucking Faggot
You'd think that wouldn't you? Considering how many meme spouters its fanbase is composed of.
I don't really have a best anime/manga but One Piece and Berserk seem okay.
Tell me what's so good about Jojo then.
Without mentioning the art style.
Tell me about the plot, characters, and etc.
Overrated means that many people share a high opinion of something (which doesn't mean that it's bad).
Overcooked means that something wasn't cooked right and is not enjoyable (it's straight up bad)
you uneducated fuck
he would be perfect as doing concept and character design on an anime i think
So you don't like one mainstream Shonen/Seinen series but like others. This sure is one hot take you've based your thread around.
first, tell me what is supposed to be so bad about it, that it's the worst manga you've ever read.
Just read it you lazyfag. Jojo is just about mindgames, epic battles and situations, it's hard to describe what actually happens in it since you can't compare it with anything else
Season 1 is best
Here's the actual definitions instead of the one's you just made up.
>have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.
>cook too much or for too long.
You can tell because typically definitions don't list things they don't mean.
>, it's hard to describe what actually happens in it since you can't compare it with anything else
Wow fuck off newfag
Whoa, you are such a moron.
stop avatar fagging you dumb fuck
it still doesn't mean the same thing faggot
JoJo is style over substance.
Araki can't write compelling characters for shit, instead suffocating the reader with constant battles you can't bring yourself to give a shit about because you aren't given the chance to care about the characters you're supposed to be rooting for.
Of course they don't. I just like pointing out people who are wrong and watch as they try to justify themselves.
The words are similar, though.
>food analogy
I really don't like you man, made me look stupid and shit.
>fucking asshole
I'm not gonna say it's the worst, but it lost my interest around part 2. The fanbase is worse than the series, that's for sure.
>Part 7
>not full of compelling characters like Johnny, Gyro, and Valentine, who make up the main cast
>Plus charming side characters like Ringo, Mountain Tim, and Sandman
Later parts get better with the characters, it's just mostly the designs that get crazier.
That's the point though. I've already read it. I want you guys to tell me what's so good about it besides the art style.
Jojofags are the worst people on Sup Forums.
That's the point, it shouldn't take 7 parts for something to become at least "decent."
Most of the parts, especially 7, can be read independently from the others.
Is that good?
Better than previous parts but thats not saying much
>wanpiss and hiatusfags are jelly their manga aren't as good as JoJo
well part 3,4 and 5 are brainless fun entertainment. after that, series went into total shitter.
jojo is good from the beginning
you're just a lame pussyfaggot
go watch lovelive or some shit instead, shit-eater
I am not into scat, but I have been curious as to how it is like to live with shit taste.
Go back to licking KyoAnus fag
>Watching the anime before reading the manga
during 5 and 6 araki was depressed, 4 and 3 were araki testing stands, 2 and 1 were starting points, 7 and 8 will obv be best parts.
>turned into Dragon Ball Z
JoJo never actually suffers from powercreep tho.
Characters are powerful, yes, but stands are concept based and don't really have the ability to become stronger simply by training.
l dare to say jojo is powercreep reversed. See Jolyne, whose power is to turn her body into strings and to punch things at close range.
>7 best part
remove your meme glasses m8
But I don't even like KyoAnus.
I read the manga first bro. You say that like the manga is largely different from the anime. It's still shit. I literally only watched the show for Dio.
Dio is a low tier Villain, he's just popular because of the "Kono Dio Da" meme. Better than Kira but still low tier.
>Better than Kira
You're right about Dio being a low-tier villain, but Kira is pretty good. Not as good as Valentine but pretty good.
>valentine is good
he is decent, nothing exceptional
This. At least his goal was clear. Kira is just a serial killer, he's literally driven by his hand fetish and bloodlust.