How many of you think NHK would be a masterpiece equivalent to a Ghibli or a Makoto Shinkai movie if they only adapted the novel?
How many of you think NHK would be a masterpiece equivalent to a Ghibli or a Makoto Shinkai movie if they only adapted...
The author also went with a happy ending so no, the novel and anime are likewise mediocre.
Have you read the manga?
The manga is shit
i heard the anime was better than the source material ! nhk isn't a masterpiece anyway only the last 3 episodes were a masterpiece for me the first 21 episodes were kinda mediocre
Mediocre? Really?
Agree, the arcs were all pretty dragged out. If they had stuck to the original story it would have been much better,
It's actually quite the opposite, mot people consider the novel to be vastly superior to the anime, and the manga is considered to be absolute dogshit
The anime has a pretty sweet OST and artstyle going for it. Other than it, i believe they should've just directly adapted the novel.
Indeed, the manga filler and washed down characters relly hurt it
are you kidding me? the novel was shit. we should be grateful the anime elevated the material
the novel is the worst version of the 3.
>do I fit in yet
Manga > novel > anime
Gonna need a bigger b8, m8
novel > anime > manga
the anime is pretty fate/stay night / higurashi adaption tier compared to the novel.
Manga > LN > anime, faggot.
This is one of the few series where a live adaptation would actually be relevant.
>they make another magical girl live adaptation
>they make deathnote with niggers
What is wrong with the world.
That's because it's an adaptation of the manga, they just used the novel finale instead of the shitty manga one and brought back some of the monologues, but the anime is based off the manga for the most part
Aside from the beginning and end it wasn't great though. The suicide island arc in particular was fucking terrible.
Best things about this series were the 1st OP & ED.
Funny because the suicide group was manga filler
now i'm really confused . i liked nhk but i only consider the last 3 episodes a masterpiece . should i read the manga or the novel now . is the manga really the same with the anime?
Read the novel, the manga is shit
no i wouldn't like it if it was a movie