Opinions on Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko?
I found the fluctuation between believing in aliens and not pretty interesting. I don't really get the ending though, anyone got any thoughts about that?
>Erio #1 girl, goes without saying ofc
Opinions on Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko?
I found the fluctuation between believing in aliens and not pretty interesting. I don't really get the ending though, anyone got any thoughts about that?
>Erio #1 girl, goes without saying ofc
The main thing I remember about it is watching episode 10 the night of June 16th 2011, then my grandfather dying the next morning.
I don't remember nothing to value, just Maekawa being the best.
>inb4 darkest corner of the internet
Erio is perfection
I found it pretty boring in general but Erio's beauty was enough to keep me from dropping it. She has a beauty far beyond cuteness that i can't really explain.
Also,the OP was the fucking shit. The definition of an acquired taste.
Thank you for reminding me of it's opening. I remember most people including me didn't like it the first episodes but we ended up loving it by the end of the season.
It was worth watching for the character designs and the OP alone
It's been a while but wasn't the implication basically that she had been kidnapped and left traumatized, and used the whole aliens story as a way of coping with what happened by avoiding it entirely?
I remember it having some really shitty message about letting people rot in their misery because that's the mature and responsible thing to do.
Love Erio!
I don't think you were watching the same show. Episode 13 implied aliens, and it was definitely not about letting people rot, it was about helping Erio get back on her feet.
Kaze hiko nooo... Hakshuu!
Thanks for that - I'd never heard it live before.
posting worst girl in an anime hisory
I remember the OP being posted so often that people could tell what it was from the url alone.
I suppose the average CNN viewer would find it creepy that people were posting pictures of an underage-looking bug-eyed cartoon girl.
I also remember when Erio's character song was posted so much I could recognize the URL.
A nice comfy show with god tier girls, visuals and ost.
I still hate the OP. Love the rest though.
I agree but what about the ending? That white haired girl showing up out of nowhere and then she appears to be an alien who can strike down meteors at will? What the hell.
That's something we'll probably never get a proper answer to, I believe the LN was canned about a year after the anime finished.
You want dinner, a bath or the Touwa?
I want an epic Meme
Just give me a summary.
NO! You take that back right fucking now
She fucking sucks.
You fucking suck. She is cute and pure
Too bad the matters of Erio's amnesia, Meme's depression, and the magic loli were never wrapped up in the anime.
She sucks, period. And she's weird. Then again, the MC sucks as well, so they're perfect for each other.
Nah, she's the best
>And she's weird.
Doesn't that apply to every girl in the show though?
I want to ejaculate deep inside an unwilling Erio
Maekawa-san is perfectly normal.
I only remember that one artist's doujins, you know the ones
I don't actually. Please, do share.
Close enough.
OP here. Please share.
Starts out great with a "small sleepy town with a mystery buried within it" feel during the first few episodes.
Then it turns to haremshit.
Remember getting the message that she had gotten raped and left for dead and said ayyy lmaos took her