Why was it such an Otaku hit when Otaku cornerstone franchises flopped(ie Monogatari)? How did KyoAni find a way?
Koe no Katachi
It was nicely done.
Because Kizu was a sloppy insult to the medium and fans and Koe no Katachi is a cinematic masterpiece.
I want to laugh with Ueno while we take turns punching Shouko in her ears
The story of Koe no katachi sounds so uninteresting but i will see it when i can, just like your name, I have heard they look very nice though.
Ueno comes across a bit of a cunt in the movie. Revealing why she acts like she does is pretty much skipped.
Is it getting released in the U.S.?
One was done by Shaft and the other was done by Kyoani. Kizu took Shaft 3years and they produced a turd. I mean just look at that fucking scene when Araragi was running through the rail track. Utterly embarassing.
Meanwhile Kyoani only needed 3months to produce a cinema hit.
Ueno was always a fucking cunt. Bullying a deaf girl to be closer with your elementary crush, then bullying said crush when the whole school turns on him. Literally the worst girl in all of anime/manga.
Hâte de voir ça, quand j’ai découvert le manga il y a deux ans je me serais jamais douté qu’il aurait eu droit à une grosse adaptation en film d’animation par Kyoanimation.
>Ueno comes across a bit of a cunt in the movie.
>in the movie
Ueno was always a cunt even after they told us why.
bonne news pour KyoAni !! Vivement que le film soit dispo chez nous !!!
Kyoto Animation fait toujours du bon travail et ce film me donne autant envie que Your Name !!
Larger audience, much more acceptable by the masses, won a Tezuka Award
Cool pour le film et Kyoto animation. J’ai hâte de le voir.
Pourquoi JVC est parmi nous?
Well, for starters, KyoAni didn't split up Koe no Katachi into a series of 1 hour films to make a "trilogy". Kizu would've done better if Jewplex wasn't so fucking retarded.
Si tu parles de la distribution (œuvre distribuée au Japon en DVD/Blu-Ray et qui va être licenciée chez nous, via Kazé par exemple), c’est aléatoire. Par exemple, Byousoku go Senchimetoru (5cm par seconde) de Shinkai Makoto est sorti au Japon entre février et mars 2007 sous forme de 3 épisodes de 20 minutes. En France, Kazé ne l’a licencié et distribué qu’en mars 2012. Et au contraire, Colorful a été diffusé au Japon en 1999 et diffusé en France qu’en 2011… Mais je pense que ces dernières années, on tend à aller plus vite en matière de distribution française. Car après tout, c’est aussi un business gagnant que de licencier des oeuvres connues au Japon et qui pourraient connaître un grand succès en France…
In that regard they make her look better than in the manga as you can see by her expression that she doesn't like the bullying of either of them, which I don't remember in the manga but I might have just forgotten. Still a cunt when she's older though yet they make her tsundere with Shouko at the end.
Surprenant mais surement car les gens connaissait la fin du manga donc ils ont surement pas eu trop d’intérêt pour le film. Perso dès qu’il sort je le dégusterai ^^.
KyoAni finds a way
Shaft didn't find a way
-gatari couldn't keep getting away with their shit. Hack always get called out one day.
>parler francais = être de jvc
Tiens, j’aurai pensé que Koe no Katachi aurait fait de meilleurs chiffres.
C'est quoi la couille avec la moitié du thread en français ?
Vous venez du forum japanimation de jvc ?
Cette invasion qui veut rien dire...
J’attends toujours l’annonce d’un éditeur pour le projeter en France mais plus les jours passent et plus je me résigne au fait qu’on ne le verra pas.
Il faudra donc se tourner vers le fansub, une fois de plus…
Is this going to hit 200 replies with 19 IPs again?
J’ai peur que koe no katachi reste dans l’ombre de kimi no na wa vu de son succès phénoménal, le film est quand même 2 ème dans le box office, je vais pas me plaindre ^.^
They are retarded especially He is randomly responding to everyone
Legit brain damaged, un survivant du bataclan.
Bonjou, co d'uamong dé toi'xoa
C'est surtout pas super pertinent de venir sur Sup Forums juste pour shitpost en français sur un thread random
Je me doute bien qu'il y a que des attardés pour poster et discuter dans une autre langue que l'anglais en dehors du Sup Forums mais j'ai du mal à comprendre l'intérêt de la démarche
Shaft is ridiculously milking Monogatari at least since Hana: arcs that should last two or three episodes are painfully stretched to twice that.
Kizu is three movies for fuck's sake. That the same treatment than Jackson's Hobbit. Fuck them, they chose their path.
Dit-il en Anglais.
Yeah, same KyoAni drones. Let them have their fun. Kizu 2 blew the fuck out this shit movie anyway.
Le fait qu'ils aient les qualités que tu évoques contribue à la haine que je leur voue.
C'est du potentiel gâché!
Bon après, FMP... :bave: (s'ils s'en chargent ce qui n'est vraiment pas dit)
Dit-le en anglais.
>3 kizu movies combined won't sell more than Koe no Katachi
Shaft got way too greedy and now they're paying for it with the shit ticket sales.
Arrêtez de parler grenouille, les mods vont sortir le marteau.
Might as well speak french at this point, I don't think these shitposters will stop derailing the thread
Please end yourself anyday.
We also pay for it by having shitty Monogatari adaptations since Hana.
On crache sur ce studio parce qu'au lieu d'adapter des romans intéressants (et dieu sait qu'il y en a des bons super connus) tout ce qu'ils font se résume à du school life depuis facilement 11 ans.
Et c'est du gâchis hein, y'a qu'à voir les animateurs d'enfer qu'ils se tapent. C'est un talent inexploité.
Hiro comprend mieux le français que l'anglais de toute façon.
Kizutrash 2 got blown the fuck out by GodAni.
The monogatari series is dragging on, and the Shaft shtick is running thin. All of their shows look the same, even Nisekoi for fuck's sake. People have understandably lost interest in what has become a painful caricature of what made Bakemonogatari original and interesting.
Yeah man. An anime about ableism done well is so uninteresting.
They're making normal things inaccessible with their shitty direction template, it's annoying as fuck
It only worked for Bake and it's just drones mindlessly copying Oishi style now.
YKK par kyoani *_* ça serait ouf (le livre sur l'image m'y a fait penser)
oui j'imagine, mais ce studio semble assez différent des autres quand même, plus autonome
Si vous avez faim pour plus de Hibike! Euphonium contenu au-delà de l'anime et des romans, considérer ce qi suit:
Ultimatemegax a traduit de nombreuses interviews avec le personnel de Hibike sur son blog. Il y a trop de liens à relier individuellement, mais vous pouvez trouver une liste en faisant défiler jusqu'au bas de sa page. Il vient aussi de publier un article détaillé sur la saison 1 et sur ce qu'il faut attendre dans la saison 2 il ya quelques jours ici, alors vérifiez-le!
Si vous êtes intéressé par les actrices de la voix de Hibike (et parlent couramment le japonais), vous pouvez trouver beaucoup de vidéos promotionnelles avec le seiyuu sur youtube. Malheureusement, aucun d'entre eux n'a été traduit à ma connaissance, mais ils peuvent encore être amusants à regarder.
Enfin, si vous avez apprécié la musique que vous avez entendue tout au long de la série, s'il vous plaît envisager de soutenir Hibike en achetant un des albums bande son:
Dream Solister - True (album d'ouverture d'un seul album) (CDJapan)
Tutti! - Kitauji Quartet (Full ending theme single album) (CDJapan)
Hibike! Euphonium Original Soundtrack - Memories of Music (Série complète OST avec versions TV du OP et ED) (Amazon / CDJapan)
Sonner! Euphonium: le film Bande sonore originale - Reflet de la musique jeune (musique et arrangements exclusifs au film de récapitulation) (Amazon / CDJapan)
De plus, il y a des albums de Character Song pour les quatre pistes, ainsi que des CD Radio et Drama - je ne les relierai pas tous ici, mais ils peuvent aussi être trouvés sur Amazon et CDJapan (et autres détaillants similaire).
>drones mindlessly copying Oishi style
I couldn't have said it better myself. It's rather painful to watch.
Koe no Katachi is at 2.1 billion. Can it surpass Garupan's earnings?
Shitposting at its finest.
Garupan ¥2,315,264,894
Koe No Katachi ¥2,100,262,000
Rebellion ¥2,080,000,000
Keion Movie ¥1,900,000,000
Disappearance ¥850,000,000
High Speed ¥680,000,000
Kizu 2 ¥500,000,000
Love Story ¥205,000,000
Mirai-hen ¥161,817,100
>More theaters began showing the film starting on October 29, and more theaters will add the film every weekend through December 3.
It will try
1 heure et demie de combat sur un film de 2 heures, très agréable à regarder même si on à pas vu la série
Kizu can only really be watched by people who were already fans of the series. It can't be the first exposure a person gets from the series. Koe no Katachi however, is a standalone work and can appeal to a wider audience than Kizu. Kizu requires you to already have done your homework on the Monogatari series, while you can go into KnK blind and understand everything.
Kizu is the first part of Monogatari though.
Is Ueno the designated Mio clone? Instead of a enjel we have total bitch instead. She is a dirty mark on the brilliant lineage of Mio's.
She has small breasts too. Meanwhile Shoko's are made for breeding.
Still there's a big dropoff from Kizu pt1 to pt2 and the only explanation is that theatergoers lost interest.
Les Monogatari c'est ce qui est le plus marqué par le style Shaft, que tu aimes ou pas c'est à voir au moins en partie, c'est vraiment Shafté à l'extrême :hap:
Is this shit still even in the top 10?
I doubt it'll hold very long. I also doubt it'll be beat Garupan. Also no chance of beating Love Live.
>cute and kind girl
>bad and cruel world
cheap melodrama
Il faut les voir dans l'ordre (celui que GaruPan t'a donné d'ailleurs :ok:).
It doesn't work like that. Films with a popular pre-existing TV anime tend to always do better in the late night market. Anthem of the Heart might be the first standalone otaku anime movie to earn 1 billion+. Koe is the first to earn 2 billion+.
Still can't touch "Keeping up with the Miyamizu's" tho.
Merci de vos conseils alors :)
Get out french bread.
I'm on mobile. Don't make it hard for me to give you (you)'s
Arise children of the fatherland
The day of glory has arrived
Against us tyranny's
Bloody standard is raised
Listen to the sound in the fields
The howling of these fearsome soldiers
They are coming into our midst
To cut the throats of your sons and consorts
Un manga (漫画?) est une bande dessinée japonaise. Le mot « manga » est parfois utilisé pour désigner, par extension, une bande dessinée non japonaise respectant les codes des productions populaires japonaises ou pour nommer, par métonymie, d'autres produits visuels rappelant certaines de ces bandes dessinées (dessins animés, style graphique, etc.).
I like how you add an otaku tag just to filter out Freaky Friday. First to 2 billion my ass
Oh boy, ça va déchirer.
You'd have to be a retard to include mainstream movies like Ghibli, Hosoda or Your Name into the equation.
Moi j'aime bien l'affiche et le peux que j'ai vu de Hosoda me mets en confiance.
If you're hungry for more Hibike! Euphonium content beyond the anime and novels, consider the following:
Ultimatemegax has translated numerous interviews with Hibike's staff on his blog. There's too many to link individually, but you can find a list by scrolling to the bottom of his page. He also just posted a detailed write-up about Season 1 and what to expect in Season 2 just a few days ago here, so check it out!
If you're interested in Hibike's lead voice actresses (and also speak fluent Japanese), you can find lots of promotional videos with the seiyuu on youtube. Unfortunately, none of these have been translated as far as I'm aware, but they can still be fun to watch.
Finally, if you enjoyed the music you heard throughout the series, please consider supporting Hibike by purchasing one of the soundtrack albums:
Dream Solister - True (Full opening theme single album) (CDJapan)
Tutti! - Kitauji Quartet (Full ending theme single album) (CDJapan)
Hibike! Euphonium Original Soundtrack - Memories of Music (Full series OST with TV versions of the OP and ED) (Amazon / CDJapan)
Sound! Euphonium: the Movie Original Soundtrack - Reflection of Youthful Music (Features music and arrangements exclusive to the recap movie) (Amazon / CDJapan)
Additionally, there are Character Song albums for the four leads, as well as Radio and Drama CDs - I won't link all of them here, but they can easily be found on Amazon and CDJapan as well (and other similar retailers).
RIP Shaft
Because Shaft found a way to fail.
>that part where Ueno calls Shouko a baka using sign language and Shouko corrects her
Loved it.
Ah d'accord :hap:
> A movie that is a stand alone story that is easily accessable to basically anyone, set in a realistic world where the main conflict is just people drama, by a studio with extremely high animation quality
> vs.
> A movie that basically requires that you have watched/read the source material and/or other content of the series to understand properly, whose plot contains magic, vampires, and presents itself in an extremely odd way in both dialogue and visuals, and that is done by a studio that doesn't have nearly as good of a production team or as much popularity as the previous studio.
> WOW one was massively more popular than the other! I wonder why that happened!!
You're retarded, OP.
>done by a studio that doesn't have nearly as good of a production team or as much popularity as the previous studio.
You now realize that Shaft has the two bestselling anime BDs of all time.