Highschool DxD

This is your date for tonight

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Fuck off.

No thanks.

please don't use emoticons on Sup Forums.


What scenes are you looking forward to in S4 the most?

More Grayfia

Charcoal's a terrible grill, I tell you whut

>when you try to fit in so hard

Nothing wrong with trying too hard to fit in

here we go again

Lies and slander by the demon-bullies

Shouldn't have tried to kill him Raynare this could've been you.

shes better off now.

>that foreshadowing with the muscle t-shirt
I remember reading a fanfic with that happening
Not that will actually ever happen to Rias anyway

I prefer best girl.



Can Rias be my tutor?

user! That's a big, mean bully! Stop her!

>should I trust the girl who tried to kill me or the girl who saved my life?
Really makes me think

Azazel is the best

I like Asia.

You have great taste, user!

Shut up baby I know it...

Do you think he teases Ise about being a virgin?

Damn straight

I want to marry Rossweisse.

He's dead in the books so who cares?

Ise does, he was a second dad to Ise

>Tfw only one line in all the series

How'd she react to Kiba's gender bending?

>gender bending

Apparently the gay-option turns into a girl later or something. With a gender-bending-beam gun. Like for real.

Is that one when Rias and Akeno turn into guys?

Here's your "every time".

Why Xenovia is better than akeno and rias



What? NO! That can't happen!


Personalities aside, from a strictly physical appearance stand point, who do you think is the hotter fallen angel, Raynare or Akeno?

For me, it's Akeno with hair down > Raynare > Akeno (but it's still really close)

Plus, Akeno never did that strange shark teeth thing, but that might just be a anime thing.

Akeno there's no contest.

HIGH PONYTAIL MASTER RACE Akeno > Raynere >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hair-down Akeno >> The rest

Who is the best DxD by international agreement?

i really wish I knew why. its been a slow burn but Xenovia does it way more for me then the rest of the girls now.

Is that a fancy way of saying she's some kind of predator?

Still would.


Wish I could get excited for S4, even if they go back to sticking to the LNs, they've already ruined all of Akeno's scenes in S3. I mean, she gets the spot light what? One more time? And that won't be covered in S4.

Sorry, these are my dates for tonight.

Are these from the same doujin?

When is Issei's confession and beatdown of her father going to be translated already?

It was a shit way of fixing Akeno's daddy issues in BorN. Though nowadays I lost interest in Akeno ever since the author put that dad BDSM thing in the novels.


There wasn't any sex involved she just beat the shit out of her dad. That scene is always overblown for more then what it is.

Hands off bro.

Still gross. We don't need that shit.

Baraqiel is such a sad sack of shit he needs to leave his daughter alone.

Is it really any grosser than 16+ chicks sharing one dudes cock for a 1000 years? Not to mention all the various group sex pairings that will probably happen. (Cat sister night, Onee-sama night, Church trio night etc)

NO! because double standards are a thing

Yes it is. Issei banging his harem is fine. I don't want to read about Akeno's pleasuring her father even if it isn't sexually. Leave that shit to the doujin fanboys.

this show was shit.
only season 1 was good, fucking garbage.

That's hot though.
Double standards exist deal with it.

Guess, I am ESL-kun
I Hate high school dxd
All girls in the harem of issei only are a submisives sluts who left their dignity by a jackass like issei
Xenovia is my bad guilty pleasure
My bad guilty pleasure

I've only watched the anime so far. So does she actually become part of the harem? I always kinda liked her.

Not yet but there's still time. She knows that Issei etc are devils.

And she likes what he's packing.

At least mine doesn't.

Momo wants Saji's cock.

And Saji loves Sona!

Are the BD torrents for season Next and BORN dead?

Shame that feeling isn't reciprocated. I think they could have made a good couple.

Nyaa has them all alive and well i don't know what you're talking about?



Stream on KissAnime they have some unreleased stuff.





Low seeds if any. I wonder why there isn't a batch for them?

I don't like streaming.


Thx senpai.


>BorN batch 1080 BD
Seriously? This took me 20 seconds to find.


Was this really necessary?


Post the rest of the succ


The girls are going to be biting off more then they can chew.

The irony of your post is not lost on me.

all I got ;_; but I do got some YT links :D




She's so underrated. I would do her all day every day.

She does nothing for Kiba apparently.

HOT DAMN! Akeno's body is just perfect!

Her sister demanded it

Kiba is gay apparently.

Shit Taste

>he didn't like Akeno's whipping
How such faggotry exist, besides it wasn't even that sexy, it was just crazy
>Akeno whipping some dude
>ok Gasper's a box-missle vampire now
>Akeno whipping her dad
>her dad and her priestess mom used to do S&M play every night
>she even starts whipping Azazel
>Azazel and Baraqiel have a parent/teacher meeting while being whipped by Akeno
>IsseI then gets experimented on
I was laughing like a madman