How will P.A. Works ever top this?
How will P.A. Works ever top this?
Phantom Assasin works? In low mmr, sure
S2 when?
They already did, It's called Shirobako.
Its coming.
Considering it was mediocre at best they certainly will.
Previously done Angels Beats,Uchouten Kazoku,Nagi no Asukara and Shirobako were all better,upcoming Uchouten Kazoku S2 will certainly top it by a substantial margin.
>Angel Beats
That was garbage, though.
Not everyone likes that type of pandering garbage.
No shit. It's been 6 years and I still don't get the appeal.
Are you one of those idiots who still think that there actually is such a thing as a work of fiction that doesn't pander to a particular audience in any way or another. Also apparently pandering= shit in that tiny brain of yours.
Just finished watching it the other day.
A really enjoyable show, overall.
Too bad Sup Forums was too busy sperging over Mayoiga at the time, which turned out to be a colossal piece of shit, to notice this underrated gem.
I honestly think it's one of the best shows this year. But yeah when it first started airing it was competing with Mayoiga, Kabaneri, Jojo, and Macross Delta for attention so it's not a surprise that it flew under the radar.
Pretty surprising a mecha not having 100% happy ending but most people(including myself) like it.
*a mecha show
muh bathos
It's a shame the organization didn't get completely shat on for the way they treated the kids.
It was a decent ending though and gives room for another season.
This anime was incredibly mediocre so it won't be hard to top it
oyakodon hmanga when
>no 100% happy ending
But seriously this always ends up bugging me for weeks if I'm attached to the characters.
fuck u im 7k mmr pa only
So is major tom immortal now like kennonosuke?
As much as i'd like to see what happen's next it wouldn't be the same without all the culture shock moments