Is Flip Flappers an Isekai?
Is Flip Flappers an Isekai?
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yes, with a little hint of yuri thrown in here and there for some people..
Not really, they don't stay on a single parallel world for more than one ep
It's at base a magical girl anime, which often feature barrier worlds and pocket dimensions.
it's a Alice in Wonderland Yuri Mahou shojo Isekai
Japan can't stop making them
I watch the show for the plot and visuals
Bright colors
Yes, but I'll bet money on the twist being that Cocona's world is the fantasy/alternate dimension, and KKK world is the true world.
I bet there won't be a twist.
Nah, typical stoner show for lolsorandum mentally diseased faggots.
But which is flip and which is flap?
They're both flip and flap.
Better than watching 3-gatsu and thinking you're a classy manchild for looking at a sad teen be sad because everyone he loves dies.
They're both great, best shows of the season.
Not a chance, the OP already suggests otherwise with all the dark imagery
They're in superpositions of both Flip and Flap. Until they kiss we'll never know which is which.
Is Yayaka still best girl?
Cocona is best girl. She always was and always will be.
Yayaka > Cocona > Papika
That's not Papika, though.
It doesn't matter since they share the same Umwelt.
Papika is
When is the dark twist gonna happen so I can finally use pic related?
Episode 8.
no? There's lot of series where the main characters travel to different dimensions/lands/worlds all the time, but I don't think those are considered isekai.
Isn't isekai more like those fantasy stories where you are reborn in another world? Here, the main characters are still grounded in reality as their home.
why do anime eyes keep getting bigger every year?
Small eyes aren't cute.
The same reason why tits are getting bigger. They don't know how to make appealing characters anymore.
If we are going with the theory that Cocona's world is just a Pure Illusion, then I'd like to see that world disappear, casting our protagonists adrift in the multiverse.
It's not like they'll have anything particularly tying them down to that world after grandma turns out to be the big bad.
Reborn, teleported, it doesn't matter. In general, the protagonist needs to be stuck for a long in the other world, and it needs to follow its own set of rules long enough that viewers learn about the other world.
The other world can be a different time (A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court) , another planet in the same system (John Carter of Mars) or a different reality (Alice in Wonderland), or somehow mentally (the dream quest of unknown kadath).
Because of the wildly diverging themes of each episode's Pure Illusion destination and protagonist Cocona and Papika not having to live in those different places of existences for any extended period of times, I wouldn't really count it as an isekai.
If they were both somehow seemingly stuck in the Pure Illusions for a long time, perhaps even forever, is when I would count it as such.
Others on the other hand might use less stringent requirements.
Every girl in Flip Flappers is below B cup though.
All the nutrition went to their eyes.
I like it
For some reason all 3dpd girls with big eyes I know personally are flat
It's all good.
Serious Puppyka woul break Yayacat.
What animal is Cocona then?
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
With emphasis on the homo.
Sayuri, what's sex?
>All the spooks are the soulless remains of previous girls that got completely assimilated into the loop
>Similar with the bondage slaves of ep3
>pays their animators well
>treats them like people and doesn't demand ridiculous hours
>training new animators to insure anime has a future
>makes great shows with lots of love put into them
Other studios
>works their animators like slaves and pays poorly
>doesn't care about the future of anime, outsourcing more and more to korea and vietnam and china and africa and new zealand and america
>half asses everything and will only fix it when forced to for the BeeBees
Where were you when you realized GodAni is the greatest studio in the world?
Look at kyoanis style before and after nichijou. LOOK AT THEM.
They MADE their studio from then on.
For those who don't know why, its because kyoani isn't technically a studio but a college. They have endless slaves. They used nichijou as a 'training' project. They focused on the visuals and animation and found what they liked and didn't like.
And it still gets discussed to this day. It was a resounding success. Sup Forums doesn't understand it, Sup Forums doesn't need to. Kyoani will continue to put out their brand and gather students like no one else can, and pay about the same as other studios for better shows with better work.
They aren't always going to have a Free! or two, but still they are going strong and its nichijou that lead them down this path.
HONESTLY, when can Kyoani be toppled?
Their business is still going strong, and no studio is even coming close to their sheer production vales and direction.
Maybe Trigger will start training their own animators, but I doubt any studio will come close to Kyoani's technical level for at least 10 years.
How does she deal with her pets when they're in heat?
>Sayuri shows Puppyka a video of two dogs fucking.
This show is really picking up on good fanart it seems.
Episode 7 is the middle of the show, so that's when the flap will be flipped.
That fucking rabbit knows exactly what he does.
Jojo reference?
This chara design is so much off-putting, how can you watch it?
I mean, you could technically call any show that involves a new world "isekai" and you'd be technically correct. It's a pretty simple and broad category in that sense.
Most of the time people discuss isekai as a genre, though, they're also incoking a lot of genre features and details not necessarily contained just within the word itself. Isekai fiction is generally a subgenre of fantasy or scifi that involves a character from our world entering a different world and experiencing this new setting through the perspective of a native of our world. That clash between real-world cultural experience and new-world environment is sort of a defining characteristic.
Flip Flappers definitely involves all of this in a big way, so I think it would be fair to include it in the isekai genre. I suppose the only important distinction to make is between the popular isekai LNs that have goven the genre a negative reputation as derivative harem/power fantasy trash aping shamelessly from Dragon Quest and tolkien fantasy, as opposed to series like this one that use the isekai genre in a creative and interesting way. The genre title has become something of an otaku pejorative due to the recent LN trend, but I think Flip Flappers deserves to ge counted as part of the genre without the negative connotation created by its contemporaries.
By enjoying the great character design.
The current trend is smaller eyes. Flip Flappers character design is actually seen as nostalgic in Japan.
Shows with an artsy style usually get pretty solid fanart because there's a lot of composition and ideas to work with.
Still, I'm glad at least some of the
11s are paying attention. I would love for this show to see success deserving of its quality.
Why isn't on the internet a webm of Papika saying FURIPPO FURAPP UNGH from episode 4? I am disappointed.
Now we're getting somewhere.
Twists like that usually land on episide 8, because the twist typically transitions into the concluding arc of a 1 cours show. Episode 7 is a little too early, because the concluding atc will generally only want 1 episode of setup followed by two episodes of conflict, climax and resolution. A long final arc takes some of the edge off the climax and a dangling plot twist needs to advance quickly into a important event or else it undermines itself as a twist.
Is Cocona learning how to gay from sempai?
I think I read a doujin like that once
I think Sempai is taking advantage of the other haremette's distraction.
Yayaka distracting Papika so Senpai can make a move on Cocona?
10/10 plot, would watch a hundred times.
Oh I just noticed the braids on Yayaka. I thought the image was two panels and far right was Cocona again.
There cannot be a ying without a yang
There cannot be a flip without a flap
Man, I think Yayaka just suddenly got popular because her braid hairstyle is so much better.
No it is not SAO ripoff
Flip is stunningly beautiful while Flap is beautifully stunning.
The braids really are top tier. They should be a mandatory yuri hairstyle
braids are for ballers
I don't understand why you do this
How is it not obvious. To try and reason with scumbags to make them understand that what they are doing is not acceptable. Thus they want to correct their own behavior, thus threads stop getting ruined because of them.
You can't reason with /u/-posters, they are completely delusional. Just ignore them.
this is great
I could see a twist being set up in 7 but happening in 8. I was just going with the theme of Flip Flapping, opposing elements. At episode 7 you'd have 6 episodes on either side of it.
But if a twist happens it should be at the end of an episode
I regret not watching this immediately when it came out instead of letting it pile up. Now I have to wait for each episode after watching almost half of the series at once.
it's pretty obvious who is who papika is flip
But her skirt is really flapping in that image.
Papika's rigid skirt is flippable while Cocona's loose one would flap whenever she moves.
Do you think there will be any deaths?
Salt, one twin, Yayaka or Papika.
Senpai isn't gay, though.
Papika gets trapped in PI
I'm really happy at least one of the artists I follow on twitter has noticed the show.
>one twin
That's horrible
Arrest this user.
There are still no deaths, I think this will go peacefully. Maybe Papika will be gone at the end. Those bad guys (I don't mean Yayaka and twins) will die tho.
Are you ok in head?
Trigger is already miles ahead from Kyoani.
Have you seen what old school Gainax key animators pulled off when they had near full creative control. That's miles ahead from anything Kyoani ever did.
TRIGGER has that working force, allows creative control and according to interviews they have the most flexible scheduling of all the studios. Their working policies even enabled the only good thing to ever come up from kickstarter and they delivered with their unique artistic direction.
Kyoani is decent, but it can't compete with TRIGGER in the technical sense nor in work versatility.
I praise kyoani for Nichijou and how torough their work on enhancing the source was, but if we talk about original content, cross work with different designs and worlds as well as working policies TRIGGER wins.
two retards at war, carry on with the thread people and ignore them
He's too pure for this world user.
His death would be an effective way to hurt Cocona without disrupting the rest of the cast.
You already fucked up
>I don't have anything else I treasure
Yep. Definitely possible. Although Japan doesn't seem fond of the shoot-the-dog cliche.