*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*
hey gaijin, show us your waifu.

I’m sorry I love Tekken.



Fuck you asshole.




I deleted my Kirino garbage truck pic, so have some doriftu instead.




H-here I go!

is this real?

my god



>pigfat four-wheelers

Are you retarded?

>keeps engine at a constant temperature

My god, the speeds you could achieve...

Who do I have to kill for this bike?

At least one journalist fell for it, amusingly enough. She used it in an article about how some members of ISIS love Call of Duty and Attack of Titan [sic], and she also managed to namedrop Anonymous.

Outta my way, Nip.

Is the driver into netorase?
Every time he refills gasoline, his waifu gets violated by the gas station worker

>living in a state that doesn't let you pump your own gas

>living in states
Seriously though, I don't drive so I wouldn't know

there are like 3 states where you it's illegal to pump your own gas

everywhere else it's pretty much do it yourself and then pay

>not filling up by yourself
>letting some minimum wage schmuck cuck you with your own car
Just end your life, holy shit.

Fucking cagers, am I right?

*teleports behind car*
*pulls out katana*
*slashes tires*
*teleports away*
yare yare daze

Bakuon almost tricked me into buying a bike but I don't want to die yet

I thought Americans were supposed to be free, yet you can't even put petrol into your fucking cars? Hilarious.

Very few places even have gas station attendants that pump your gas for you. It's almost all pay and pump for yourself.

>there are like 3 states where you it's illegal to pump your own gas
solid, liquid and gas?

oregon, new jersey and another one i think

Only in two states: New Jersey and most of Oregon*

*In 16 counties in Oregon, it is legal to pump your own gas between 6pm and 6am. Federally recognized Indian reservations are also exempted.

Probably plasma


Seriously, what is even the logic behind this?
>it is legal to pump your own gas between 6pm and 6am
End especially this? Seriously, what the fuck? Like who comes up with this shit and how?

Is this you?

Creates more jobs for otherwise useless fucks

Actually not my car, but I know this is a WAT car since I've seen it posted on /o/. Where did you take this pic? Might be the same one.

I still need to get Ryuko stickers for my shitbox.

>people actually reveal their power level in public

>when your military has literally nothing to do for a whole century so you just replace your air force with OC anime character mascots but cardboard cutouts can't fly helicopters so you pay a girl to cosplay the OC character while flying the helicopter

They just adopted that provision in January. People kept getting stranded in rural Oregon at night because the gas station attendants went home after dark.
In the case of New Jersey, for the last few years the president of the state senate has repeatedly said that they'll do away with the law over his dead body. He's never really explained why, but he has a veto over all bills entering the floor of the state senate, so here we are. That's not an atyical story in New Jersey politics either.

I found it on /o/, he probably posts here too.

>leaving you're waifu in the hot car.

fucking faggot.



dafuq man. take your gore back to Sup Forums

Turn that little thing into a Bugatti and it becomes comedy instead of tragedy.

>Fellow Yayoi fans.
My niggas.


Also, how do those tires not rub up against the body when it goes over a bump?

Nice, I like it.

Show me your HDI first, cunt!



Speaking of New Jersey.

Says the poorfag

>does this in Chicago
>news report of two Japanese men shot dead with ghost guns and 1000 round clips
>Obama tries to ban guns