How many people has this witch killed?
Shuumatsu no Izetta
Nazis aren't people.
Not enough if they still keep fighting.
Billions of my single celled soldiers IYKWIM
Not enough.
I was waiting for some more episodes to come out before I start watching.
Does Not-Germany do holocaust things?
plenty, but such is war
Is that really so important to you?
That determines whether they are Nazis and whether it's OK to kill them in masses
I have 20usd that say she dies in combat in the last ep.
That's a weird way to determine it.
The correct answer.
Don't know about the Holocaust stuff, but so far they're pretty one dimensional bad guys. No need to feel bad for them.
No, only business as usual.
they're literally /y/, so it's OK to kill them
all for the sake of a j/u/st world
Villains aren't people.
What triggers my autism is that her body does not freeze at 400km/h.
This is bullshit but I'm still watching.
All hail the firebush.
What did she mean by this?
German globalist tyrants warshipping the 2% elitist cum should die, yes.
VLC just werkz
When will Izetta go berserk again? I want this so badly.
Jesus Christ, user.
when Fine dies
They're going to Norway?
That's Poland.
You know, the OP says she has to trust the crimson red inside her. Maybe that means she'll get a powerup by controlling the red power.
Won't be easy though.
She takes over Russia?
Based animu Stalin is a grill.
Not enough. The God of Yuri demands more sacrifices.
this is a starving gypsy witch.
>Republican Donald Trump
>Sup Forums style screncap
Go back to your containment board
Girls und Panzer meets Strike Witches.
If the Germanian Empire represents Yaoi, and the Allies represent Yuri, does that mean that that the USSR (Or whatever they're called in Izetta) represents Hetero?
Commies are bestiality. They only fuck manbears.
Sup Forums told me this wasn't yuri, that people just had their /u/ goggles on. I'm disappoint. Also dropped.
There is another /u/ themed thread, get in there and keep your shit there.
So, any other war crimes besides the execution of some villagers? I mean, after dropping 60kg bombs in the trenches that's kind of tame.
Bianca is a side character so who cares? Izetta and Fine are close but they don't get jelly over each other or anything like that. Interpreting their relationship as a close friendship is perfectly valid.
They are building prison camps in not!Poland. Take that as you will.
Except for the location that's a pretty common thing to do in times of war.
Kek. Trump is making anime real.
Who would Izetta-chan vote for?
Kek, she lives in a monarchy, she doesn't know what voting is.
Ask the Britbongs if they know what voting is.
Come on, the bongnarchi is just a tourist attraction.
Don't be dense, user.
Britanniafags are cucks, their Prince a faggot.
Isn't membership in the House of Lords hereditary? Genuine question.
But yeah, it's not like they don't vote or anything.
Monarchy just means that the head of the state gets this position due to inheritance. It doesn't say anything about how much power he has or if there is voting or not.
>What triggers my autism is that her body does not freeze at 400km/h.
Being the devil's advocate, they could pull the: "b-b-b-b-but it's magic" so if she can fly on top of a military grade rifle/cannon, well the least of her concerns is freezing her boobs while doing so on skimpy outfits
Ok, why does not the princess freez...
"I said its FUCKING magic" is the producer's answer
at least this is not the autismfest that were the Shelter threads, so dont worry, once the suspension opf disbelief is broken is hardly repairable
You wouldn't an old lady
I would but not her because she's ugly.
Challenge accepted.
>mfw I found the original article
It's still shit.
Can hardly even tell if it's a parody or plagiarism.
Is this a joke?
Of course I fucking would.
Not that user, but that's an obvious KNM parody.
>he doesn't know
Any yuri pairing worth it's salt gets a parody of the pose.
>Unlike the elected House of Commons, all members of the House of Lords (excluding 92 hereditary peers elected among themselves) are appointed.[4] The membership of the House of Lords is drawn from the peerage and is made up of Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal. The Lords Spiritual are 26 bishops in the established Church of England.[5] Of the Lords Temporal, the majority are life peers who are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister, or on the advice of the House of Lords Appointments Commission. However, they also include some hereditary peers including four dukes.[6] Membership was once an entitlement of all hereditary peers, other than those in the peerage of Ireland, but under the House of Lords Act 1999, the right to membership was restricted to 92 hereditary peers.
There are 812 members so just over 10% are hereditary.
Monarchs vote for each other with sword and steel. Whoever secures the most votes wins.
May I ask how did you even notice this?
you literal Gayzer
Not him, but did you never pause when a close-up shot of a newspaper came up to see if it's gibberish/intelligible or not?
I did, in particular I checked a Germanian newspaper in one of the first two(?) episodes. Something about a marijuana raid among other things, if I remember correctly.
Hana Kana a best
is there a "special feeling" parody yet?
That was a Not-Swiss newspaper.
when's the OP releasing again?
Jonas died for this.
I at least hope, he was getting cockblocked...
>Invade France
>See the Maginot line
>"Omoshiroi... you truly are my greatest rival!"
>Invade the Ardennes
>Meet the French Army
>"I kn-"
>"Your next line is 'I knew you were going to do that', right? Shouganai, I will always be one step ahead of you"
>Teleport behind the French army
>A muffled "B-BAKANA!"can be heard from the distance
>Occupy Paris
>yes... this is definitely the taste of witch juice
Monarchy is the only true form of government. Democracy is a sham
Bianca literally isn't even trying to hide her carpet-munching this episode.
>Being dropped out of the right vagina justifies your power
>Even if you are literally inbred
Even if democracy is a scam, republicanism is not.
This is the best knm parody I think. Even the one with the ending song was so good.
Politics is a sham. We were better off without roads.
The best politics for anyone in particular is the one where they themselves are in charge. It's only a matter of whether or not your view appeals to enough people that they think you should be in charge.
episode 4 was basically her being jealous of izetta getting senpai's attention
Bianca is the Tamao in this series?
>The best politics for anyone in particular is the one where they themselves are in charge
The ideal compromise is a republic. By making the affairs of the state public (literally what res publica means), you get the solution that is best, or at least that's the idea. Now you only need to separate between volonté général and volonté de tous, otherwise you get one mess of a democracy. The problem is that following the volonté général rather than the volonté de tous requires one hell of a lot of patriotism. Once that's gone, you just get a bunch of self-serving pricks and the masses they trick (see: late Roman Republic, especially the part where soldiers became more loyal to their generals than the republic itself).
Shit, ten years later and I'm still mad.
>3.13 MB
>being a tamaofag
It's your fault in the first place.
we anime now
28 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です
33 名前:番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です
>>he doesn't know
I obviously know the pose.
I was saying that it's so shit and there are so many small changes/not enough similarities that it's ultimately hard to tell if the artist was actually doing a parody or if they just stole the pose for their art, which happens on pixiv a lot these days.
But looking up the image on pixiv, apparently the artist does reference KnM, so I guess it's just shitty.
It makes me think of inanimate object transformation guro.
elective monarchy was a thing you know
And a ching chong nip nong to you young lady
what did he mean by this?