How much value do you put into visual direction?
How much value do you put into visual direction?
how much?
None. I'm a Shafturd.
This is an American image board. Speak American not European.
makes sense
oh god fuck off
nice rigged
what's worse, 2015 or 2016?
definitely the worst years in recent memory
>no Rakugo or Kiznaiver
>do I look cool guys
Neither are much better than what's on there, save maybe O;9 which I can't be arsed to watch because it looks bad. Weak year though.
Kyoani is best, the like giving their characters the abilities to slide
Do you think they're good?
Rakugo wasn't visually ambitious
Are any of the things on that list visually ambitious? Outside of Flip Flappers I guess.
How does something be "visually ambitious"? There is literally nothing you can do with visuals at this point which hasn't been done multiple times before.
Visual direction, Animation quality, and Art style take priority over everything else for me when it comes to anime. Soundtrack is close second.
RE: Zero lacks all of those imo...But the opening is good I guess.
It's real dude
Define "visual direction"
Flip Flappers is my favorite show of the season.
Next to Hibike I'm too lazy to make those 3x3
What exactly people consider "visual direction"? Because other than using trippy colors and adding dark subliminal messages everywhere I don't see what's so special about FF.
It depends on what the point of the thing I'm watching is.
SAO is a pile of shit trainwreck self-insert power fantasy from a hack, but the visual direction for ~70% of it is nice, and makes it watchable for me.
Naruto is a convoluted mess of a power creep about japanese forest wizards, but the visual direction of action sequences is on point and makes it worth watching.
I think I'm in camp with this user. I can put up with a lot of horse shit if it's nice to look at and arranged in a nice way.
That being said I have dropped very pretty series because the story made me seriously consider nailing my hand to my own foot as a better use of my time.
what do you think is special?
I made one for ep 3 back when it aired.
Things like the framing of shots, how motion is depicted, how meaning is conveyed through art.
Fucking stupid and cliche as it sounds, Eva and Esca are good examples of how visual direction can matter.
>what about now do I look cool
Why are you bullying me? Have I wronged you?
>meaning is conveyed through art
Oh boy.
And how do you deduce this exactly?
Just because people deconstruct things too much doesn't mean that anime can't have things deeper than the surface level, i.e. not said through text but shown on the screen.
It can be deduced by thinking why the director chose to do this shot, why would he frame it that way, what the purpose of certain objects are on the screen. Is this really a hard concept?
When it comes to visual direction I just think about how well placed the environment is, it's good when it makes sense and has a meaning.
Sadly, most times the creator is just trying to make something 3deep5u with a mess of implied meanings with no real connection.
Well start with not being smug of your own ignorance.
Beyond that, understanding what colors mean in relation to shapes, common associations like red meaning anger, blue evoking sadness.
Like. Hey look I put this can of human shit on this pillar with green lights, let's have a conversation about it.
kill yourself cancerous crossboarder
Are we discussing third Madoka movie already?
None. I'm blind.
pretty visuals: the movie
i'm sorry but how are you typing then
check mate
>things deeper than the surface level
>what colors mean in relation to shapes
It's like a stalker thread over again and your favorite is flopping. How does it compliment "direction" in any way if meaning can't be conveyed right away? Is it actual flow of the show or your own imagination at work?
>pretty visuals
It only lacks animation quality
I'd say I was a little bit more blown away by MP100's animation then FF's, but the mystery and unpredictability of Flip Flappers makes it slightly more enjoyable for me.
So what are you looking forward to visually in 2017?
Dragon Dentist + hopefully new Imaishi and Yuasa projects. Subs for 2016 movies.
flip flappers season 2
I really hated Re: Zero's artstyle.
>Little Witch Academia
>Violet Evergarden
>Dragon Dentist
>subs for Koe no Katachi and In This Corner of the World
>yuasa's thing
>probably those 2 movies furuhashi is doing
Furuhashi's doing a movie? Two movies?
I had no idea, that's super exciting.
flip flappers looks like garbage compared to naruto
top lel
literally google it, retard
but the last looked like shit
hello pleb retard with no eye for breath taking VISUAL DIRECTION
go back to your containment thread retard
the adults are talking
Wew lad
What do you really see in Imaishi? Almost all of Sup Forums seemed to hate him.
Nostalgia, perhaps? He's undeniably a brilliant animator and I really love everything he's done at Gainax.
Yup. Hopefully it's a return to form.
Has he been slipping? I've only seen his most popular stuff, I think just Hunter x Hunter and Trust and Betrayal.
Direction involves more than just art, and many of those are poorly directed. Nice idea but it needs some slimming down.
you mean, dead?
His latest stuff is meh except Unicorn
You actaully did change it based on the suggestions in the last thread. Cool.
Also, why is Star Driver on there? I'm watching it at the moment bc I saw it on there and it doesn't seem too special.
Which ones don't you think are good? Why?
Please ignore the Sup Forums cancer and his circlejerk or he will never go away.
Watch at least 300 titles before you start posting, cancer.
Watch at least 300 titles before you start posting, cancer.
Kiznaiver, YKA (while I really did enjoy this one it was very sloppy), Tamako Market, Kill la Kill, Eupho, Mob. Haven't seen Star Driver. I'm not really interested / feeling eloquent enough to go into any detail, so I apologize if that's what you were hoping for.
Such an original thread
>now the newfag start parroting after getting called out
I love Hibikeks but it never had interesting directing outside of the Kigami and Fujita eps.
Swap Eupho with Tatami Galaxy and we'll have a deal. I kinda thing Aku no Hana and Hyouka suck, but I can at least accept those ones.
They're both about equal but I'm going to say 2016 and here's why. I'm disappointed in Sup Forums the supposed home of the elitist anime fan forever fighting against the invasion of crossboard interest becoming outright pathetic shills for ACJ anime. At least in 2015 Sup Forums still had something resembling taste and a counterculture atmosphere towards the yoke of the big production companies hyping and shilling but I guess Hiro's takeover managed to take care of that somehow. Now we're stuck with people forever going out of their way to defend and only talk about the absolute lamest sort of Aniplex hype tripe stuff and last nights jerk offs like it's MAL. Like seriously that about sums up all you fuckers talk about and talk up anymore. That and maybe Kyoani and this Flip Flappers thing that's really turning into one prolonged drone at this point, but only in what forever feels like purely ironic terms.
Seriously just kill this fucking board already, it's a complete joke anyway that can't even generate enough content to sustain itself anymore with shill generals like this.
I think Sup Forums is just starting to collapse under the weight of it's own tired memes that have been going on for too long at this point. It's like that episode of South Park where Randy can't stop being sarcastic to the point where even he does know what he actually feels about things anymore, he's just saying shit cause he feels he has to. That's basically what 75% of Sup Forums posts feel like in 2016.
>4 pictures of the same scene
>a simple hand in the middle of the screen
you tell me.
Nice non-argument.
where is naruto?
Stop posting this you fucking autist.
I love space dandy but why did you chose this picture?
>8 things
what a shit decade
Yes? The second half of Hibike's episode 5 was a 7 minute performance with no dialogue or commentary and pure visual bliss with instrument animation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's better than everything else this season, I'm saying it's ambitious.
Add Uchouten Kazoku please
Uchouten Kazoku's direction wasn't anything to write home about.
There's a grid for every episode
Ah yeah, I could agree with that. Not "overall" impressed by Eupho but its highs were very high.
Tamako Market, Kiznaiver, and Mob Psycho 100 had decent direction. Tamako probably wouldn't be in the "best directed of the decade", but it does have some very nice moments throughout. TLS might be up there, though. I didn't finish Kiznaiver but the episodes I did watch had very interesting visuals, I specially remember when the girl pushed the dude down the stairs and when the mascot things were moving him into the hospital, that was pretty surreal. Mob Psycho had pretty dynamic visuals and a fun use of color, I would put it in the list of best directed shows of the decade. Eupho has some pretty tame direction in the day-to-day moments, but it's still pretty solid, and it jumps all the way to great direction in the more "romantic" or dramatic moments like the mountain scene, Kumiko's Umaku Naritai scene, or the performances. Maybe not great "visual direction" per se, as in shot composition and style, but it definitely has superb scene composition.
What is it with tumblr gifs and having weird colors? Is it just something that's "in" there or is the actual compression algorithm the site uses that fucked up?
It's not the site. Users are the ones that alter the colors so it's a smaller size, since the site has a small size limit.
Agreed too
Ufo feels too accessible in general with its directing but man do the highs deliver.
Oh, alright. Can't they just embed images on image hosting sites in their posts? It looks fucking ridiculous as is.
Sure, I could compliment certain scenes in each and I'd never say they were outright bad (except Kiznaiver), I just dislike lowering standards to fill out a "best of" list.
I don't know, I don't use the site. I don't think so, though.
I guess you're right, these charts should have high standards.
bwoah, shit
I didn't see any kind of skull in that scene until I saw this thumbnail
>this new