So why do people consider this to be the "best" part? >Says its a SoL. Its still a MotW like Part 3 >People say all the characters are developed. The only character who gets development is Koichi and he still regresses back to whiny bitch mode all the time >People say Kira is the best villain. He gets his shit kicked in and his dad pretty much takes his role
Why do people think this part is so great? IMO I think Part 2 is still better than this and Joseph is way more interesting than Josuke.
Bentley Lopez
Part 4 fags have always been a vocal minority yelling memes like MUH SOL MUH ROHAN. I'm glad anime watchers finally will BTFO them.
Alexander Barnes
It's mindless and really entertaining fun. That's what people like more about JoJo at the end of the day. Other parts are more of a chore.
Ian Jones
Lucas Sanchez
It's not really that great but it's a landslide better than 3. Though it does have crappy animation in the anime second half.
Grayson Harris
>People say Kira is the best villain. He gets his shit kicked in and his dad pretty much takes his role I don't think you understand why people like Kira.
Landon Edwards
>I don't think you understand why people like Kira.
Because he's autistic so the fanbase identifies with him?
Brayden Taylor
Lincoln Cox
Part 7 is when jojo becomes genuinely good. Before that it's just enjoyable.
Hunter Hughes
People only say that because half of part 3 is a boring slog.
Aaron Baker
Part 4 is better than any part before it, but worse than any that comes after.
Anyone who thinks part 3 is better is full of shit. Its a fucking slog that's 20 episodes too long.
Nolan Cruz
So far part 4 has been better just because it has a bigger cast of characters. Part 3 had 5 main characters and pretty much took a rotation for the most of episodes so shit slowed down and kinda dragged on at points. Just having a bigger cast lets them mash up random people per episode and give shit a fresh spin all the time. Not saying its the best part it just flows a little nicer than part 3 did.
Colton Watson
Animefag reporting in. 2>3>1=4
Samuel White
But user, 5 is immediately after 4
Xavier Sanchez
>5 in the top 3 >ever This should be a bannable offence
Jonathan Nguyen
I bet you like part 6 too.
Mason Hernandez
>Just having a bigger cast lets them mash up random people per episode and give shit a fresh spin all the time
Like? Almost no characters reappear to play major roles outside their arcs.
Aaron Perez
Yup. Every even part is better than the odd part the preceded it.
Colton Lewis
John Rivera
>People say Kira is the best villain He is pretty great, even if the anime's pacing is kind of weird. Yoshihiro isn't actually doing anything besides running around, how's that taking his role?
>People say all the characters are developed Who says that? JoJo is my favorite manga and Part 4 is my third favorite JoJo part but l wouldn't dare to call the series well written or it's characters well developed. l like it because it's fun and the situations and abilities creative and unique.
Charles White
We'll see, lets give it the odds even test. >7 Haven't included 8 so you're fine here >5 Above 6. Fucked it up already. >3 Below 4. If only you didn't fuck it up with five >1 Below 2, looking fine.
You were so close but you couldn't even make it past the first round of testing.
Luis Mitchell
>Yup Thought so.
Jaxon Sanders
The anime version is pretty underwhelming to be honest.
Jack Morales
>3 >Below 4. But this is right
Jacob Watson
Kira is definitely the worst villain. Actually got himself caught because he got angry with a couple of delinquents and killed them.
Austin Taylor
animeonly fag here, part 4 is my favorite so far
Carson Lopez
This desu. Manga Highway star was amazing, anime was just meh. Which is a pity because David nailed everything up to Red Hot Chilli pepper.
Landon Scott
It is. That's how it works. Every even is better than the preceeding odd. 6>5 4>3 2>1 Hopefully also 8>7 Let's be fair, beetlemania was top shelf and has probably gotten 8 half way there already.
Jaxson Wood
He was suppressing his urges for too long. It's more like he got caught because he screamed like a retard in the streets.
Andrew Taylor
Animefag 2>4>1(what I can very vaguely recall from it)>3
Christopher Sanchez
This opinion has the official oddsevens seal of approval. You might not be as right as other people but at least you're not wrong.
Ethan Evans
3 > 2 > 1 > 4
That said I like Johnathan more than Joseph who's obnoxious more than anything
Isaiah Johnson
If you don't even like Joseph how is 2 that high? Other than Joseph, only stroheim does anything in the entire part.
Brandon Adams
Adam Rivera
It stays interesting because it's a constant narrative that flows steadily from start to end.
Nathaniel Hall
>episodes Kira kills Okuaysu but he comes back to life anyway thanks to asspull and saves Josuke. kira's head gets run over by an ambulance.
Camden Mitchell
>but user best part is immediately after 4 Yeah what's your point?
Wyatt Hall
It's a slog in the manga too user. Granted not as much of a slog, but still a slog. The majority of the stands in Part 3 are pure shit. The arcs don't start getting consistently good until like Oingo and Boingo, and even then there's still garbage like Alessi in the mix. There are a few good ones in the first "half" to break up the shit like Death 13, but it's still by and large a shit show.
Michael Turner
Yeah I really don't get the SOL label. Maybe in manga form it's more apparent but the anime feels like an action show with long comedy segments. Even more plot driven SOL like Barakamon or Silver Spoon feel nothing like Part 4.
Asher Bell
how is death 13 bad? won't deny there's some boring episodes but so many of them are interesting and the payoff at the end is always satisfying
John Torres
literally no one cares in what order anyone ranks their favourite jojo parts
James White
>how is death 13 bad? Sorry I forgot to put in a comma. I meant to imply that Death 13 was one of the better stands in the wake of all the shit in the first half.
>but so many of them are interesting and the payoff at the end is always satisfying They're interesting as far as how out of left field some of their concepts are, but that goes for a lot of stands in the series. Part 3 isn't really unique in that regard, and much of what it does well is done better in Parts 4 and 5. A lot of them aren't even that interesting at all. Wheel of Fortune and Strength are just vehicles, Khnum is just a shittier Yellow Temperance, most of the main cast's stands have JRPG tier abilities, Tower of Grey is just a really quick beetle, so on and so forth.
Jaxon Diaz
5 and 6 are the worst parts, sorry
Adam Rogers
It's hilarious watching the progress of mangafags over the years of these adaptations. Eventually there won't be any manga left for you to backpedal into saying was actually the best one all along.
Nolan Cooper
>Implying Part 7 and 8 will ever get adapted.
Adam Perez
This is pretty easy to explain. Nigga just wasn't dead. Josuke just thought he was due to stress and having Kira right in front of him.
Jace Ortiz
Nigga look at his fucking life dust go. He was dead. Dead.
Charles Ward
Top tier: 2,7 High tier: 4,5 Mid tier: 3,1 Low tier: 6 Not yet finished tier: 8
Cameron Carter
>Life dust Yeah. No nigga. Unless his spirit flies up and he gives the cliche "go get him my dude" monologue he aint dead. If he had "died" like Joseph I'd call it an asspull.
Liam King
Part 4 is a cozy ass slice of Jojo life that's leagues better than previous parts before it.
Owen Nguyen
You going to asspull me too? Fuck off, Araki.
David Bennett
I don't think you know what that word means, user.
Nolan Peterson
because its Nichibros + Stand
Christopher Jackson
>because its Nichibros
No it's not
James Brooks
To be fair, the anime is sort of more MoW esque then the manga is just due to it having to fit into anime episodes and how they choose to pace it
in the manga it's not quite as directly segregated.
Robert Garcia
I expect 5 to move up 1-2 spots when it gets an anime, I think it'll benefit from one
Jaxon Adams
Best JoJo/Girl
Jack Cooper
Okayasu was definitely dead.
Lucas Lewis
I'm probably the minority animeonlyfag that absolutely hates Part 4 and liked all the other parts way more.
Owen Hill
Prove it.
Leo Cruz
Not that guy but I think Part 3 at least has the grace to keep its encounters clean and compact, so at least if an idea doesn't translate well it doesn't hang around too long.
One of the failures of later parts is when they drag on things too long, which can be okay for climactic fights but really awful for filler. Part 5 is particularly bad in this regard, where even a high-profile fight that started out well could wear out its welcome. To give one example, White Album could have had a perfectly acceptable resolution the first time they got at the enemy's neck hole, but it kept going after that and it felt like the fight was being artificially prolonged. This is fine if it happens occasionally to signify a tough opponent, but not when it happens in practically every fight (the final boss being a notable exception.)
Ayden Cook
It's like a better part 3, but the official best ranking (of the first 4) is 2 > 1 > 4 > 3
Nathan Hill
Another anime only fag:
I was thinking on picking the manga but after the disappointment that 4 has been so far i'm afraid of going in.
Jack Rogers
As a mangafag,I still say Part 4 is my favorite.
Landon James
>Kira kills Okuaysu but he comes back to life anyway thanks to asspull and saves Josuke. kira's head gets run over by an ambulance. ...driven by rohan
Grayson Robinson
>people actually fell for the part 4 meme Part 5 is even worse, don't let the vocal minority who will rush to defend it fool you. Part 6 onwards is good.
James Bailey
The part 4 manga is still the best one. Eat shit animefags, as you know no better.
Gavin Hughes
Just started reading part 5. Is it really that bad?
Ryan Gonzalez
No it really isn't. It probably has the best fights on average out of any part. My only problem with it was Giorno, the main villain, and the ending.
Cooper Gomez
It gets worse each fight
Ian Flores
It's part 3, but gayer.
Jaxson Watson
Good fights,overall shit story and characters(with a few exceptions)
Jayden Bailey
Animeonly detected
Asher Cox
>Not that guy but I think Part 3 at least has the grace to keep its encounters clean and compact, so at least if an idea doesn't translate well it doesn't hang around too long. That might be nice if Part 3 had mostly good fights with some occasional instances of bad arcs, but it's the opposite. Part 3 is flavor of the week and most of the flavors are bad. It's clear when reading it that Araki was really testing the waters for a while which, while good for his writing in the long run, doesn't make the arcs any better. Each individual arc may go by faster, but it makes the part as a whole feel like it goes on forever because it's lame stand after lame stand. The later parts may have instances of "forced" elongation, but those arcs and their stands are still better on a conceptual level. The occasional needless elongation is a blemish on an otherwise good fight, while Stardust's fights being shorter feels like a conciliation to the fact that you've had to sit through 3 or 4 bad arcs in a row.
Evan Jackson
Also Josuke's mom has sex with Jotaro and gives birth to Jolyne.
Noah Perry
Except it has the best main crew out of all the parts and you're a fucking idiot.
Bentley Cook
Okay hold up. Can someone please fucking explain to me why everyone gives part 3 for being "villain of the week" when literally every single JoJo part is like this. I understand you're point that part 3's villains are lame, and I'm not talking about that. Just wondering why everyone pretends that JoJo hasn't ALWAYS been villain of the week.
Carson Brooks
Holy shit spelling and grammatical errors everywhere. Sorry. Haven't had coffee yet.
Parker Stewart
Part 3 gets blamed for being "villain of the week" more than other parts because it handles the villain of the week format worse than any of the other parts. Keep in mind that I am not denying that the other parts have a "villain of the week" set up. It's clear when reading Part 3 that Araki had no clue what he was doing with the stands early on, and thus they come off more as random shit than actual super powers. That's why I said "flavor of the week" not "villain of the week." I wholly accept the reality that parts 4-7 also have villain of the week set up. What sets them apart from Stardust is execution.
Adrian Morgan
This is the only correct post in the thread. JJBA is vastly overrated by it's fans who haven't read other good manga.
Jayden Ortiz
>Overrated >Series got itself a Gucci deal along with having its art displayed at The Louvre >Influential manga series spawning several iconic imagery and poses that frequently shown in other mainstay series such as Street Fighter and King of Fighters
Jaxson Russell
Oh yeah I know what you meant. Should have clarified more. I was more of just talking about how most people I've talked to don't share your view on this subject. They just blame part 3 for being villain of the week and pretend the rest of the series isn't.
Gavin Peterson
Nothing of that speaks of the actual quality of the series' writing, drama, or characters. Being influential does not automatically make something a masterpiece. Astro Boy is one of the most, if not the most, influential anime in existence and I can tell you that it's absolute garbage when compared to what came after it as well as the other series made by Tezuka.
Zachary Adams
Not gonna judge 8 until it ends since 50% of a jojo story is how ramped up the final villain looks.
Kayden Scott
While they are wrong, I think this line of thinking is just a testament to how much better handled to the format is in part 4 onwards. Part 3 is almost everything people hate about the villain of the week format, so they criticize it for it. Part 4 and beyond is such a fresher take on it that it hardly even registers as villain of the week to them. Again, that doesn't mean they're correct, but I think it definitely says something about the differences between Part 3 and the rest of the series.
Brandon Ross
>Having a Gucci deal and art in the louvre are markers of good manga Ok then, incidentally the louvre shit only happened deep into lifespan of SBR, when the manga became GOAT tier.
>People ripping off poses make a manga good Ok then. Literally every pose in JJBA is from a fashion magazine anyway.
The only reason people give JJBA a pass is because stands a unique concept and Araki is great at putting tension in fights. In terms of story, JJBA is terrible until pretty much now, in terms of art is goes up and down between parts. It shouldn't even be considered in a list of top 10 manga, maybe not even top 20.
Christopher Hernandez
Jojonie detected
Levi Parker
>Astro Boy is one of the most, if not the most, influential anime in existence and I can tell you that it's absolute garbage when compared to what came after it This is the most retarded argument I've ever seen. It's like saying Isaac Newton was a braindead fuckwit because modern mathematicians and physicists are a lot more knowledgeable than he was.
Landon Harris
>Popular = good
Joseph Torres
>mfw people say Part 2 is the best
Brody Harris
>comparing art to science No. What I brought up about things coming out after Astro Boy being better is to be taken in conjunction with what I said about Tezuka's other works. My point is that there was things both in and out of Astro Boy's day that were better than it. When you're one of the first to do something that gains you respect as a pioneer, but it doesn't automatically make your story, characters, and concepts quality material. There are many things from the past that still hold up today, that can remain both influential and good products in their own right. Astro Boy is not a part of that club.
Daniel Phillips
>When you're one of the first to do something that gains you respect as a pioneer, but it doesn't automatically make your story, characters, and concepts quality material Technique is justa s important as any of these other things mentioned, arguably moreso even. Just because you're too much of a plebian to understand this doesn't change the fact.
Julian Murphy
Carter Long
I tried to read part 4. It blew
Carson Price
fuck off
Logan Scott
Sick rebuttal man.
John Phillips
I tried to read your post. It blew
Christian Bell
5 is more like 3 in the way that it's structured. Not sure if you'll like the art style going full twink though. 6 is an okay part. Pucci is easily the most hands-on villain since the Pillar Men and I think it does a good job of wrapping up the original story.