Absolute Pottery


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>sued by govt
>judge asks why they told everyone that they bought the land in order to impede future plans of govt
>lol drumpf
>eminent domian
>land taken away
gg retards


Even if you hate BLUMPFH I don't see how impeding the wall is "saving America".

Who gives a fuck? Build around it.

>implying they won't just build the wall round it so now it's on the mexican side

>"why do you own this land"
>"we own it so drumpty can't build his wall!"
>"Judgement in the favor of the government."
>gavel hit

Builds wall around purchased land, gives it to mexico

Does that mean Americans are humans and Mexicans are not? God damn, cards against humanity so racist

PR stunt or land holder going to be epically disappointed that this won’t matter. Governement seizes land



>eminent domian

>Eminent domain
Land of the free

No, they do get paid for it. The land isn't free.

Pretty sure you can’t own land on the actual border. The wall will still go up. Hope those cards against humanity faggots enjoy their new anti beaner fence.

absolutely pathetic

how on earth is this "saving america"

It's a fun game. Pretty sure the original CAH packs have a lot of racism and transphobia.

It would be really awkward if people remembered that the creator of cards against humanity raped a girl in college.




>haha now there's a hole in the wall, drumph BTFO!
>damnit, how did border patrol know to look for spics sneaking through the hole? Russia must have leaked our plan!

you mean the rapist Max temkin?

how could anyone forget that
max temkin is a rapist

Was removed. There were a few cards that got removed.

Lmao this. If I were Trump I'd just call eminent domain and not give them a cent.

>Brought too you by the company that sold people literal shit in a box

there have been many times where land has been taken away from us citizens.
and when they dared to defent their land they were shot.

It's stupid to think that what they do will help in any way.


Bah, I misread. "Max Temkin rape teleport" sounded a lot more interesting.

Eminent domain. What a bunch of retards

>On June 23, 2006, the first anniversary of the Kelo decision (see above), President George W. Bush issued Executive Order 13406, which stated in Section I that the federal government must limit its use of taking private property to "public use" with "just compensation" (both of which are phrases used in the U.S. Constitution) for the "purpose of benefiting the general public." The order limits this use by stating that it may not be used "for the purpose of advancing the economic interest of private parties to be given ownership or use of the property taken."[21] However, eminent domain is more often exercised by local and state governments, albeit often with funds obtained from the federal government.

Tl;dr: so long as the government pays you market value and isn't doing it for commercial purposes they can seize your land.

>not pictured DHS and border patrol outpost that makes you go through customs and immigration every time you want to visit your property.

This would only be funny if the CEO of that cucked company is inside the property.

Did they seriously think that will work?

>pay $15 for nothing

Ah, so that's how it works. And who's to say they even bought this piece of land? After all, these are the same people who sold literal bullshit to bunches of gullible idiots who were also willing to pay mountains of cash for pieces of cardboard with easily duplicated phrases on them. It would take one fucking afternoon to make your own version of cards against humanity.

I think they just don't give a fuck. This is just another way to squeeze money out of idiots, and they're welcome to it. Why should I even be butthurt over this? Anyone who thinks this will stop the wall is a total moron.

>isn't doing it for commercial purposes they can seize your land

That is a load of shit, though. The government seizes land for supermarkets all the time.

I love how lefties will compromise national security and defend pedophiles just to avoid being called racist

How is this even a thing. Governments everywhere literally remove hundreds of people just to build a highway, or railroad.

interesting goyim

wtf i love illegal aliens coming into the us to sell drugs and rape women now

Are these people retarded?Haven't they heard of iminent domain?

Lefties do not care about being called racist because they believe they can not be racist because of their politics. Go and try. Call a leftist a racist, and they will immediately assume they YOU are in fact a racist, because not agreeing with their politics automatically makes you one in their eyes.

They don't support mass immigration out of a collective fear in their ranks. They do it because they believe it makes them better people, and because it will usher in a utopia. They simply call us racists because it's the worst insult they can think of. It's their word for "subhuman". Doesn't matter if you actually are one or not. Which is exactly why Sup Forums sees classical liberals rub shoulders with literal Nazis.

They aren't retards, they are going to skin the virtue signaling faggots with meme gift certificates "there was an attempt to stop Drumpf" and they will make 100 times their original investment

>hand rubbing intensifies

>like typical Americans they forget about the corner

>cards against humanity guys plot of land to prevent trump's wall
>Trump builds inward 500 meters and goes fully around the plot of land, legally.
>mfw Cards against Humanity gets blamed for America being 25000 cubic meters smaller.

Not that land

Why won't anyone save her