Why did she do this? Does she have a death wish? Because it certainly looked like she enjoyed playing being killed.
Also general Black Lagoon thread.
Why did she do this? Does she have a death wish? Because it certainly looked like she enjoyed playing being killed.
Also general Black Lagoon thread.
Probably. Revy is self-aware she's human garbage but usually didn't gave a fuck but Rock is making her very self-councious about it, plus they were near Rock's family home so at the moment it may triggered some feelings.
Too bad any semblance of development was thrown out the window during Roberta's Blood trail arc and she went back to her shitty nihilist edgelord persona from the nazi arc
How do you think she will end? Being shot, obviously, but will they give her a Hero´s Death? Or is the show too nihilistic for that?
I'm guessing she'll be about to redeem herself but then dragged back by her past like Cowboy Bebop for maximum drama points
I know it will probably have a depressing end but I would really love to see her be saved. Something along the lines of Rock taking on all her issues and becoming just like she was at the start of the series while she slowly starts to regain her sanity and become more like Rock was at the beginning. Final arc, Revy and Rock face off. Revy ends up killing Rock to put him out of his misery. As penitence she quits the pirate life, goes to Japan and works the rest of her life in an orphanage.
Nah, the Jap Mafia arc had her a tad more caring about Rock. Not much, but remember, she´s supposed to be heavily damaged and traumatised, probably even has Borderline.
That would be quite a tearjerker, but I guess that´s just too much to hope for. Also, it would disturb the series´ "muh gritty nihilistic realism" thing.
Roberta's Blood Trail takes place after the yakuza arc, m8
Huh? Roberta was at the end of season 1, right? And the Yakuza arc with Laika killing all the Jap mobsters was at the end of season 2, wasn´t it?
Or am I confusing something here? If so, please explain.
Second Roberta arc, with the NSA guys and Rock taking up the role of the villain.
Why were they so ungrateful, Sup Forums?
He got a bunch of people killed, risked the lives of everyone involved and then he comes out with this massive grin on his face and says he's so happy that he had a part in this. Why do you think?
Oh, sorry. My country only has season 2 dubbed yet.
If he hadn't done what he did, everyone involved would have died.
>risked the lives of everyone involved
That's just what they do every single day. They're just mad he played the high stakes game and came out on top. Nobody likes being manipulated, even by a cunning and mostly friendly manipulator.
Read the manga
Couse the smug is fucking annoying
Why would I do that? I hate b/w coloring and the last manga I read was Conan, about 10 years ago.
Also, the action sequences in the anime are just too good to not see them on screen.
Kill yourself
You disgust me
Best girl
Here's your new home
>How do you think she will end?
It's HiroeI we're talking about, so I bet Revvy will marry Rock and have happy children just to fuck up with the fans. It's the only logical development left to throw at us after all that's happened before.
More likely some random kid will put a bullet in her head because she let her guard down at the wrong time.
This is so randomly cruel it's totally plausible.
who's that?
Please be bait