Say something good about A-1
Say something good about A-1
They're a good studio when they try, and their character designs are always well done
Unfortunately they take on too many projects and clearly have a "good" team and a "bad" team
They make alright steak sauce.
They haven't had a suicide in a while.
They're better than Lerche, Liden Films and Diomedea.
>Gin no Saji
They've done some good work.
Working!! is well made and is a good series.
They are not Kyoani.
They made sword art online
and Actas
0 employee deaths this season for now
SSY, SnW, Birdy decode, and Saekano were pretty good adaptations.
They haven't made any good original TVA that I can recall off the top of my head. Their last one that I remember watching was Zvezda plot and that was decent at best.
They gave us Utaha.
i like shinsekai yori and nanatsu no taizai. magi had great ost
Doukyuusei I guess
How about three nice things?
You could use that Miki ass as a pillow.
They made Chihiro an idol in the anime!
It's not like they created that franchise or the characters or even really know how to draw them actually on model
kannagi was ok
2009 was the best year for Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general.
Only 30,000 users in average but the quality of all boards was tenfold higher.
Amazing source of QUALITY
But they made a damn good anime adaptation
They improved Working!! and made a good adaptation of Gin no Saji. Other than that they're mostly trash and I wouldn't want them touching any of my favorite manga or Light Novels.
It's gonna be complete shit, isn't it?
Worse than that: that damnable descriptor "forgettable".
I love Shinsekai Yori, Uchuu Kyoudai, Tsuritama, Oofuri, Working! and Gin no Saji. I just can't hate them.