Who would you rather have?
Akame vs Asuna
can I die instead?
kill them both for being worst girls
Akames body was made for my D.
Is it possible to trade them both for Argo? If not, then neither.
Both are shit-tier garbage. So neither.
i don't know the left
Manga akame
Asuna. She's the lesser of two evils.
Rem is my only waifu
Akame, I want to cook her a nice dinner full of assorted meats.
first always best
Asuna can cook apparently so I guess she would make a better slave.
Ur mom
i like akame's body . but asuna has the body and the superier personality she is my ex waifu
Akane is cuter and can teach me how to fight.
I haven't seen SAO, but isn't Akame the perfect wife and mother? Also Akame is hotter.
>perfect wife and mother
no that that would be asuna for sure
Both are boring characters in shit shows, but at the end of the day they'd both make godtier waifus. The deciding factor for me would be Akame's muh dark and troubled past, so I'll take one Asuna please.
Man Sup Forums really fucking loves these obvious bait topics with two hot button options. There really is just no hope for this board for anything other than this bland shitposting anymore. I think even Sup Forums is more interesting to read lately.
boo hoo
Akame is the dad, Asuna is the mom.