Bleach thread
The last one was deleted for some reason
Bleach thread
The last one was deleted for some reason
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is still active
Orihime is the best.
You should give it a rest for awhile.
He means the one with an autistic bleachfag that thinks Kubo made no mistakes throughout the whole manga.
Such a pretty cover.
>for some reason
Not him, but I agree. I don't know which version I like better.
So how do you intend to prove Uryu had his ability at birth as well? There's plenty of scenarios where it should have activated but didn't, which you seem to be trying to hand-wave despite your other example (The Lloyds) having full access to their ability, not just passive.
In other words, you've successfully proven an exception to the rule but have failed to apply the same logic to Uryu.
>complaining about Bleachfags in a Bleach thread
I think the autistic one is (You)
He's also ignored that if it was antithesis that protected Uryu than it should have aushwalened Ywach into Uryu.
I mean I can accept the idea that Uryu used antithesis to reverse Ywach's almighty in a way where he could no longer see Uryu's future and that's how he managed to shoot him with the still silver, but as points out there were times in the series where it should have been used subconsciously and yet it never came up.
I like the one you posted more.
Who said that Royd and Loyds are exceptions? For all we know Uryuu could be like that too. Haschwalth stated the Antithesis was the reason the Yhwach was interested in Uryuu, Yhwach was interested in Uryuu because he survived the Auswahlen. This logically means that the Antithesis is the reason Uryuu survived the Auswahlen.
>volume sales
Still retarded as ever, I see
Still selling well though. Literally right under OP which holds the number one spot.
People are STILL giving Kubo their money. Seriously, how does the madman do it?
Its the reviews not volume sales you dink.
People who have all the volumes are still going to buy the last one even if its shit.
Just stop, user.
>For all we know Uryuu could be like that too.
But we've proven beyond a doubt that he isn't, or else he'd have been able to freely use his ability since birth, which he never did.
Uryuu can chose any two points and reverse them. Like for example himself before the Auswahlen and himself after/during the Auswahlen. His status from before the Auswahlen, where he is okay would reverse with the one from after or during the Auswahlen, where would not be okay. He would simply switch these two points in time.
In other words, the reviews are meaningless and probably just a bunch of angry Deathberry fags? Yeah thats what I thought.
Man, Kubo has developed such a nice style. Too bad he can't write a story worth shit. He should just become a character designer working for various studios.
Japanese retards can't appreciate Kubo's talent.
Since when that? It's a common thing that someone can initially only use a power on a subconscious level or when ones live is in danger.
>44 faggots rated it
Shitposters will shitpost
So it didn't activate when he fought Mayuri? Or even Syazel for that matter? You're argument is valid but not logically sound.
This person is silly.
That's not what he's doing though because Uryu is never hit by the aushwalen in the first place. How can he switch himself with a past self when the event never occurred?
Are you going anywhere with this?
He's trying to show that the nips hated the ending or something.
Because such things don't always happen. Ichigo's Hollow didn't always come when he was in life threatening danger. Like when Aizen almost cut him in two piece. Ichigo was dying, but the Hollow didn't attempt anything. It was probably more likely to say that Uryuu was lucky that his power just happened to awaken in the right moment. I would also say that the Auswahlen were more life threatening than either fights.
>44 people review
>final volume is under one piece in the rankings which means a lot more than 44 people bought the final volume
hes not doing a good job then
If I cherrypicked shitposts from Sup Forums and posted them on 2ch would that make my claim any more valid?
形式: コミック
Right. Also, you can review things on Amazon without buying them. He's being silly.
If Uryu had his Scrift form birth like the Lloyd brothers he should be able to use it at will. You can't just cherrypick situations in which it should work simply because it conforms to your argument.
>It was probably more likely to say that Uryuu was lucky that his power just happened to awaken in the right moment.
In others words, heacanon. Nice talking to you again by the way, but you're argument needs a lot of work.
But the hollow powers did pop up when he was in danger during the SS arc. The only reason it likely didn't against Aizen was because Ichigo had already exhausted all his energy fighting Byakuya.
You're telling me Uryu supposedly used it once to escape death as a young child and then never again. Not when he was poisoned by Mayuri? Not when he was having his organs crushed by Szayel? Just never?
The Ichigo/Hollow argument doesn't even apply to Shrifts as the one exception to the rule (the Llyods) implies that the ability can be freely used since birth, whereas Ichigo's hollow becoming free was basically a side-effect of Yhwach manipulating Ichigo's power.
Bleach has 90 million in print in japan (vol 1-73)
>Bleach has 90 million in print in japan
How did the madman do it?
still relevant
>something isn't internally consistent in Bleach
Add it to the list. Kubo is a hack and doesn't give a fuck to tie up or explain shit.
The best parts of Bleach all occurred despite Kubo's ability and efforts. Every single one.
The Renruki novel will most definitely give a good conclusion. The Hisagi novel is more iffy, but at the very least it will be an answer and we at least will most likely find out about the fate of all the missing characters.
We thought his early writing indicated talent and a plan instead of Kubo having no idea what he was doing and just so happening to catch lightning in a bottle once
People buying the final volume means shit all since the book costs like 5 fucking dollars and is the finale of the series. The important thing is merchandise sales to coincide with it, and none was even made because Bleach is a rotting corpse that no one cares about. It couldn't even get the anime renewed.
Stop making these dogshit generals
>good conclusion
Is it going to show mayuri getting executed and an end to the underclass system of the seretei/rukongai?
No good ending. Our heroes are now just cogs in a demonstrably broken system.
I'm not getting my hopes up about the novels being good.
>still mad that Mayuri was right
t. Quincy cuckboi
Bleach rating in Amazon has never been too high.
Why did people think the anime would get renewed though?
Isn't this the volume where Rukia reveals her bankai? Why is it ranked so low?
He experimented and tortured a race to what soul society thought was extinction, then blew up other members of soul society casually, men under his command.
There is no good end where soul society exists even remotely resembling it's pre rescue arc self.
The gotei were founded as a fucking gang of warlords for fucks sake.
Because they were anime only fans and were angry that they had to read after the fullbring arc.
>complains about the grey morality of SS
>is an Aizenfag
Hypocrite much?
Because the ratings don't reflect what the majority of the readers really thinks. The Äs Nödt fight was voted the third or second best of all Bleach fights (that don't involve Ichigo).
>grey morality
Kubo wrote grey thinking it was black and white and enforcing black and white outcomes.
Stop giving Kubo credit for being a hack writer.
IF Kubo had actually intended a grey area he would have explained aizen and especially Tousen's motivations more.
Guess what Kubo chose not to explain? In a long list of things Kubo never explained.
Ah, yes I remember that. It was stated in the 13 blades databook.
Why is Soybeans such a shit character?
Rica stop posting already.
Bleach in 2012 made 16.4 billion yen. You're retarded.
Also, rankings are irrelevant Oda himself said the editors pick whatever they want.
>no one cares about
>gets a movie
This is how I know you're retarded, also... are you that JUMP obsessed retard that hates Bleach? Why don't you go back to MH and Leddit, you're being obvious now.
>rukia is the loved female character in the series
>the volume where she reveals her bankai is ranked low on nip amazon
>databook states that it was actually apopular fight that was ranked quite high in the poll
literally what is the truth
Because after the yoruichi bombshell Kubo never bothers to reexplore their relationship or show yoruichi's reintegration to soul society.
And then Kubo made one of bleach's more interesting character dynamics get awestruck by yoruichi with a dick completely undermining her devotion to yoruichi as a person and mentor.
Yoruichi became irrelevant after she helped Ichigo train. Most characters became irrelevant after they do their part to kick him into shape.
user have you ever read Amazon reviews? it's just 10 crazy fucks that put 1 stars into everything, you just need to sign up and you can write a "review", it's not a professional review.
She's actually about as popular as Aizen and just barely outside the top ten. Also more popular than either Yoruichi and Urahara and is seen as the better choice for Yoruichi.
after they did* my bad
>more popular than either Yoruichi and Urahara and is seen as the better choice for Yoruichi
Are people dumb?
Kubo in a nutshell.
Create interesting characters brimming with potential. Use them to power up a character for one fight then discard them.
Fuck Kubo.
That's the kindle review, which is even less something to go on than the regular amazon review.
Kubo just insinuates better stories going on behind the scenes than the ones he chooses to animate.
She unlike Urahara doesn't drug Yoruichi or turns her into a mindless beast or disregards her consent and dignity or participates in highly unethical behavior that cost many lives.
Yes. Just look at how high Momo tends to rank.
>Create interesting characters brimming with potential. Use them to power up a character for one fight then discard them.
Literally Unohana. She died for a jobber.
She also voiced her feelings first.
So by ichihime logic, uraharaxyoruichi was doomed from the start and any romantic hints between the two make zero sense and are just grasping at straws.
Reading comprehension failure much?
Shitty attitude and overall unfunny.
Fuck off
>44 votes
Still autistic as ever huh.
What are your expectations for the RenRuki LN?
Writing failure.
I'm done trying to justify Kubo stumbling dick first into narrative gold only to not realize it and ignore exploring the themes more.
But it's cool because Kubo gave me an undeveloped relationship upgrade with shinigami babies after a time skip. That TOTALLY makes up for 15 years of loose plot threads.
>waaaaaaa Kubo can't write and instead spends his time creating new characters to underutilize and negatively impact his already shaky narrative control of his own writing
Go enjoy eating your shit.
Do they have bachelor parties in Soul Society?
The author loves Rukia so I think it'll be good. It's going to cover the 10 year timeskip so we'll probably see how SS was rebuilt and what-not.
Why would they?
They apparently don't even have dating, courtship, or even character interaction in the world of bleach.
>They apparently don't even have dating, courtship, or even character interaction in the world of bleach.
Angry and bitter IRfag spotted.
T. Retard
Hey man. All MY favorite pairing had was accidental and unintended chemistry.
You didn't even get that, then Kubo thought you'd be happy with time skip babies.
Your shit taste and hope for some fulfilling closure are going to leave you heart broken when you make wishes on the monkey paw that is Kubo.
>this guy actually thinks bleach is good and Kubo is a good writer
Stop bro. You're embarrassing yourself.
Rukia should be screaming KUUUUUBO at the end instead
-finding out who is alive and who is not
-Development for the individual characters
-Characters dealing with the consequences of the war and trying to rebuild the Seretei
-Renji trying to confess his feelings to Rukia, them going on dates and later asking for Byakuya's approval
-The wedding being as catastrophic and funny as every wedding in a tv-show
-Shinigami and Quincy making peace
-The Quincy learning to live without Yhwach
-Possibly some character development for the Sternritter, if some of them survived
>-The wedding being as catastrophic and funny as every wedding in a tv-show
Who's ready to see one of the karakura kids drunk? They should be of age already and Rangiku already asked Orihime/Ichigo to join her and Kira back in the SS.
Classic deflection, keep posting
I'm split between wanting to see Ishida or Chad tipsy the most.