WSJD - Boku no Hero Academia

I'm late, but whatevs.

The Promised Neverland:
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>The Promised Neverland
Thank you as always. Dump here:


Oh, new costume with a cape for Shiggy. Nice.

World Trigger

>What are you doing sitting in the dark by yourself Shiggy? Ugh, it's all dusty in here. When did you last open the window? Wait, what do you mean I open the curtains it'll ruin the ambiance? Stop being so chuuni.






I like how the MC didn't fail at the first big test but the "top two" did, it's a nice change of pace compared to how it usually turns out.
Although Deku didn't have much to learn from the test so yeah, makes sense that he passed.


That's a jacket

Thank you.
Great chapter this week.

Meh, still new enough for dumb Shiggy. At least it's not a onepiece jumpsuit anymore.

Love Rush

Cool, the scalation version didn´t let us see Hands new look.

Red Sprite

That last panel feels out of place. Needs to be worded better.

>Bullshitted their way around an explanation for Inasa's name placement last chapter
>Put a note for this one


Im gonna be honest, I really like Shiggy's new look. The jacket suits him.

Viz media is bunch of retard, you know.

It seems that the bunch of creepy hands look good with any clothes.

Mt. Lady a cute.


So damn cool, AFO really needs to show in more fanarts.

That is pretty fucking sick.

It's the end of the pixiv contest soon so all the cool shit is getting posted.

>Three-month training course

Finally, a translation that got it right. Both FA and niggerstream translated 3か月 as March instead of "three months". Seriously stupid.

When we will see a berserk Shadow again?


>Kemi's fucking dead
someone will pay.

The league of shits is too dumb to do that. Plus killing a 16 year old hero student would be end of all hero schools. That or the government would have to raise the age of hero training to 18 or 21.

It just fair that the Villains get new costumes too.

Shigaraki looks like someone that wants to find the One Piece.

Easily the best fanart I've seen for this series.

>It's a new costume episode

This don't look like pixiv art

Damn straight.

Toga's first appearance is her killing someone

It isn´t, it´s some kind of poster by Hori, dunno for what it is though.

Was this done for the fanart contest? The deadline for both the OC and fanart contest is over since some hours.

Where did you get this from

I kinda hope she's dead desu. Then shit can get really real.


>Toga has now crossed the line and is 100% unable to be redeemed in true shounen fashion
I mean I expected that since her quirk is too edgy anyway and she has some kills stacked already, but going down the the bad guys is such a waste for her.

I meant "going down with the bad guys"

It's a refference to the famous Superman / Batman pose.

The league of villains has several confirmed murderers on their team. They don't give a shit about killing anyone.

Dude her first appearance was her orgasming after she just killed somebody. Not to mention that she was always insane as fuck and out to do heinous shit. She was never going to get redeemed. As it stands, Dabi, Spinner or Shigaraki/Shimura have the best chance out of them all.

>off screen deaths of some literal whos
How man WSJ manga killed a character in the middle of the story? Not a flashback, not off screen, right in the middle of the story.

>unable to be redeemed in true shounen fashion

user please, shounen series have redeemed characters with far more heinous crimes

Shit doesn't get real with the death of some bimbo. It would get real if Deku gives up on saving Toga, Shiggy or some other villain.

Kemi is a literal who. She never even appeared in the story, someone using her appearance for a handful of chapters did. We have no idea who she actually is.

God damn he looks slick in that.

Okay, in Niggerstream version this page made it look like Toga got Deku blood as some kind of present toward Tomura, in FA version she says "my darling Izuku" so it's the opposite intention, and now Viz make it more neutral as the intention was to get the blood itself rather than a present to hands.

I'm confused, do someone know from the raw the intention of toga dialog here? Because if FA version is right then we can't stop the yandere wild ride and ochako suffering is imminent

I could see Spinner and Twice defecting, but not Dabi or Shiggy.

It's probably for Tomura, given that he's their leader and probably planned this to get back at All-Might. I doubt that Toga has the foresight to do plan anything besides getting out of bed daily.

Spinner is the principal's mole in the league. He protected Deku, he never used his quirk, he is acting as too much of a Stainfag to be taken serious and his sword was like the dream of an edgy teen.

Even if she's not dead (and I agree she probably won't be), a student at a top hero school being targeted and abducted by a villain ought to be a pretty big fucking deal

In the span of a day over 8 pages of fanart were published on pixiv. It's usually 1 page every two days.

He should be using the cape.

Everyone was shitting on UA for letting Bakugou get kidnapped. And now, 4 weeks later, the same thing happened at another elite hero school. If this goes public it will be over for the hero schools and the hero system.

There are two options now: If Kemi is still alive go save her and pretend nothing ever happened afterwards. If she is dead erase her whole existence from the records and pretend she never existed.

Whatever it will be, being Kemi is pure suffering.

You'd have to be a total shitter if you managed to get abducted by villains while being part of a top hero school.

Would heroes really be okay with a government cover-up? 'Cause that's not very heroic.

>what is the Stain cover up
The government is experienced in it.

Actually this reminds me: We saw a lot of students get costume upgrades. So who didn't? I don't remember Uraraka's or Iida's having any visible changes, and Bakugou spent the entire training period attacking Ectoplasm instead.

>be at home sleeping
>get warped by Blackmist
it's not that hard

>Even if she's not dead (and I agree she probably won't be)
rape dungeon


It's one thing to hide the involvement of a couple teenagers in a fight and another to make a student from one of the country's top schools into an unperson.

op do you have a dropbox or mega folder with the old chapters of "the promised neverland"? the last one I downloaded was chp.4

Damn, right in my fetish.
Now you decide wich one of the two I actually want to be

I do not.

Maybe they are planning to make Toga transform into Izuku, so she can aproach All Might and kill him, or something similar.

That's dumb

Just a reminder that...

>OfA is not AfO, stop mixing them up
>Toga cannot copy quirks
>Grapes and Invisigirl passed the entry exams by immobilizing robots
>Uraraka is not useless
>There was only one tournament arc
>OfA cannot be forcibly taken
>Toga does not have enough blood to transform into frog
>You should all use your brain before posting

Move along.

>Uraraka is not useless
ochako fags are still in denial



>Toga cannot copy quirks
That's what I assumed too, but source please


I thought Togas foot was Shigarakis for a minute.
That was fucking with me.