Talking about Chika.
Boku no Hero Academia
Talking about Chika.
Boku no Hero Academia
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Kageura is moe.
Love Rush
I don't read WT anymore, but I'll leave this here.
Thanks a bunch user.
Red Sprite
This translation is implying you can remove lead bullet during the shot travel time? Seems like a strange strategy, doesn't seem right.
>Shoot with LB
>deactivate LB
people think they can block it, won't bother putting up shield get sniped at the speed of light.
Because the resident schemer Jin had been missing. He's definitely up to something.
When jump will cancell this manga? Red sprite is way better. Plus jump need more space.
I think we should all spam the twitter acc so that jump end this.
What is this?
>When jump will cancell this manga?
3 days after you stop breathing.
>Red sprite is way better.
Wrong opinion.
There's a WT event for 3 weeks or something
Actually I don't know how much but yeah there is a WT event for x amount of days
You can see more here
Is it for the anime or the manga?
I bet no one is showing in the shop.
Merch related stuff I think
There's a lot of merch
You here again shitposter
Why is Bapiste's cartoon profile on there? I thought he wasn't the editor anymore
Where do you buy this !
That pretty cool. Also they have these eco bags in english
And you can see even more in here, click the WT store
I think it's the list of all the merch.
Huh, this is only for team leaders
No, I think there's more
>Katori and Ikoma may never get merch
Just fuck my shit up
My bad, I think this is from the previous event.
Or not, fuck if I know
That's the previous event. The new event is all about the captains
Yeah I just realized.
That's from the event from months ago, this one is like you said all about captains(and replica)
Dates are there
Next time user
All the merch is based around the anime though
No anime Katori and Ikoma = No Ikoma and Katori merch
Chika is clearly the Gohan of this series, so putting her into a corner is a bad idea. A berserk Chika could ruin more keikakus than Hyuse ever could by not following orders.
Next time they'll just make merch and that's it, they just need to draw 3 or 4 pics user, it's not a big deal they draw new stuff all the time
Thanks for the dump, Vizanon.
Will Hyuse fuck up the match for T2? I'm also curious to see how much better Suzunari-1 have gotten.
Yuma will fuck up
>gets tired of saying BC and MHA are better than this manga
>mentions Red Sprite to freshen up the weekly shitpost
I'm upset that he didn't shill for Amalgam instead. That would've been the most triggering option out of the new lineup
It's a blatant mistranslation. They can't control bullets mid flight. Even viper doesn't let you change your mind once the bullet has launched.
Yuma and Osamu got a month left in the story until they enter high school. Which characters will be their school senpai?
You mean Yuma and Hyuse will both fuck up, Chika is forced to go full terminator on the others' asses otherwise T-2 will lose their chance at the expedition.
She doesn't even need to go berserk. The last sniper training was showing off her radar precision.
All she needs to do is do the same thing, and stick to radar shooting, but using ibis this time. Doesn't matter if you hide or shield, her cannon fire will obliterate you from long range.
Quite a lot actually. I'm more curious if they'll have any classmates also in Border.
She'll lose it when it's revealed Osamu is going without bailout.
>just as planned
There's really no way to force her to shoot during Rank Wars, seeing as how it's technically just training. Another small invasion could prompt it if the expedition is threatened, or maybe they could even stage a fake betrayal with Hyuse to trick her.
wew lad, Hokari with the bantz
Are you on suicide watch ?
You seem desesperate for some reason.
Could it be the mangastream release ? Or the new event ? Or the thread about WT ?
Why, but why Katori isn't here ?
>season 2 announced at the end of the event
No. I hope not. And its not event. Just some shop selling wt shit.
>all the other teams working together to come up with plans.
>Osamu gets left on his own while his teammates have fun
The angst he's feeling is tfw no gf.
It's a shame that there aren't more agents of Yuma and Osamu age
Season 2 will be announced on Jump in around a year.
Akane is most likely moving, but maybe they can hang out with Sakurako?
They are mostly focusing on characters that appeared in th anime
Who will have to repeat a year?
inb4 Amou ends up in the same class as Yuma and Osamu. It's time we learn more about him.
I still think it's weird that Osamu is a middle schooler.
He's almost a high schooler, also explains some of his weird parts.
Kitora's autism is also explained this way.
What's Kitora's autism?
Oh shit, did Yuma just caught Osamu lying here? Definitely seem suspicious.
Osamu didn't say anything there that could be considered a lie, but I think Yuma sees that Osamu is dejected.
Osamu will be like KEIKAKU sweatdrop and nervous gulp DOORI
Well, I would also be worried when my friend is like "ooohhh, so the life saving mechanism takes 1/3 of trion, huh?" and I know he's a guy who will pay any price to make his team mates succeed/safe.
I hope not because that means it will run for over a year and end again, a long running anime is much better business for Toei.
2018 is the year, we just need to hang in there until the anime comes back and hope the manga doesn't go down and the anime's popularity is still good.
He's almost a highschooler yeah but that's still a 15 year old
I think he means she goes to a ojou sama school. Dunno
So that's why Touma conquers the world with only an Eaglet and Shield
I'd prefer something with breaks rather than a continuous run. Also it would be better to not subject the series to a long period without the anime
>I'd prefer something with breaks rather than a continuous run.
I wouldn't, and definetely not with Toei.
First of all, the quality of the anime won't change even if they make it 24 or 50 or 100, in fact WT started to look better after episode 25 and then better after 50.
Second, Toei makes money from long running series, they don't really have an interest in short seasons.
Third, continuous airing is better publicity
He certainly doesn't look like one. He could pass for an 18 year old, especially in the anime.
Compare how he looks now to his appearance at the start of the story. He sure got one hell of a growth spurt
At the end of the first run, they were making one episode with two chapters.
Do you really think that having one half of the year made of only filler episodes would be really good for Toei (or for us) ?
>the errant nation makes a u-turn and heads back towards Meeden
Ugh, I can already see them recycling the filler plot.
I'd really appreciate quality over quantity. Less episodes with better pacing would be more entertaining than the bucket of molasses that was the first season.
His eyes aren't black, no lie
So, now we know that every members of T 2 beside Osamu (at least for now) will have at one point or another a new trigger in their set.
What's your bet ?
I'd guess Teleport for the very agile Yuma, Meteora for the destructive chika and Asteroid or Hound for Hyuse, supposing he wants to make some combined bullets.
Though, Chika's set will most likely change a lot when she will be able to consistently shoot human.
Your guess ?
Probably part of it anyways. It certainly explains why you don't see everyone fill every slot.
The big reason is probably switching between triggers like Yuma said
It's probably a combination of the two. If you're using a shooting trigger, fewer triggers means more shots, which would be important if you intend to spam tomahawks like Nasu does. If you use attack triggers, it means your weapon can break more times and you can use supporting option triggers more times.