Nebiros fighto
Samon the Summoner
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2 page spread incoming
End of chap
Thanks, OP. It’s nice to see the fights don’t take more than a chapter each.
On another note, is Crossbreed still in its eternal quest of searching for typesetters? Because they seem to keep with their schedule of updating 2-4 chapter per month only.
I don't really know what's up with them, the translated chapters were the ones an user did, but they still need typesetters?
I dunno what's up, I just want chapters.
Fuck you for picking up RWBY, Viz.
Wish when love Rush , toriko and Sprite end they'll pick Samon
They seem to have a bunch of chapters translated since a while ago. The problem is that they don't have a reliable typesetter to do the rest of the work. If you look at the credits of their last chapters the people who have been in charge of raws or proofreading are multitasking in collaboration with another group. Or that's what I understood of the situation.
That's why I'm asking. If they are still having problems, I might as well continue translating the Spanish chapters in order to do a bit of publicity to see if someone can offer their help to Crossbeed and also give something to discuss in the meantime we wait for them to update.
It might be too deep in "plot" right now, there's kind of a lot of characters now.
Thanks, I'm always happy to see translations.
You gonna do it on the weekend again?
Now I have a bit of free time.
As always, I just translate from the Spanish scans from Kirishima Fansub. Credits to them. They have 48 chapters translated up in Batoto for those who know Spanish.
The 20 English chapter are up in Batoto too. If any of you want and can help with the proper English scans, the regular group is Crossbreeeds.Their site:
Remember this is nothing but a quick, hasty fix that only works until Crossbreeds updates again, and which I'm doing only because they are irregular in their updates. For all we know they could update tomorrow or in two weeks time. Hope it's tomorrow.
Chapter 21: Samon-kun likes Dong Zhuo most from the story of the Three Kingdoms
Kuzu: Ahh, I’m hungry…
Samon: Let’s go buy lunch.
Kuzu: Sure… Hey, girl from the track team, run and buy me bread.
Emi: Buy it yourself.
* Kuzu the trash, as always…
Kuzu: Tch, then Theshigawara-san! Go buy me bread.
Tesshi: Don’t wanna.
Emi: Listen, pleb, don’t be so familiar with Tesshi!
She’s about climb up to a social sphere far out from the reach of common people like you!
Kuzu: What is this sterile flatland spouting?
Emi: Look at that!
“Elections for the Student Committee…"
Poster: Sakura Teshigawara, for the good of the school!
"...Candidate: Teshigawara Sakura!?"
Kuzu: Wait, why are you surprised too?
Tesshi: Because it’s the first I know about this!! Why am I a candidate!?
Emi: Ah, I recommended you.
Tesshi: Why?!
Emi: Becaue you’re qualified for the seat, don’t you think? *As the Committee President
Tesshi: Even if it’s true, I’m renouncing! I don’t want to aim for the post!!
Tesshi: I’m withdrawing right now!
The boys: Teshigawara, so you’re a president candidate? Good luck!
The girls: You can do it, Tesshi!
Students from a grade above: I’m cheering for you
Students from a grade below: Do your best!
Tesshi: Ah, yes. I’ll do my best.
*Tesshi’s weak under pressure.
I ended up accepting…
Emi: Look at all those people
After all, you’re the woman who has to become president of the Committee.
You agree, right? You got everyone’s respect and it’s admirable to work for everyone’s sake.
Samon: That’s right, admirable.
Tesshi: Samon-kun?
Samon: Yes, truly admirable~ As admirable as those idols who appear in TV, saying “it’s only because a friend signed me up~”
Tesshi: What are you implying!?
So is the manga ending? It kind a look that way to me. A comedy that dont sell too well go for battle arc spell cancellation. I hope jump dont end it,
Samon: Come here, Kuzuryuu-kun…
Emi: What’s up with them? Anyway, doesn’t matter! If no one else presents themselves, you’ll end up as the committee president.
~Next day~
Poster: Kai Kuzuryuu, class 2-B’s Dong Zhuo
Mob: Kuzuryuu the trash? Isn’t Kuzuryuu that trash? He presented himself as candidate?
Emi: Kuzuryuu-kun’s a candidate?!
Tesshi: What’s the meaning of this…?
Samon: Exactly what it means.
Samon: I nominated him for the post.
All so as to beat you, Teshigawara-san!
Tesshi: Again, what does that mean!?
Samon: You played dumb, and became a candidate through another person without even dirtying your hands…
You’re no more than a greedy madwoman who seeks power by pretending you aren’t interested!
Tesshi: But it’s you who looks like a madman!!
Kuzu: I won’t allow it, Teshigawara.
Mine…This school’s gonna be mine! Kehehehe
Tesshi: And don’t you think this one is the greedy madman!?
Emi: Don’t pester us, trash! Do you believe she’ll leave the school in your hands?
Tesshi: To be honest, I wish I could withdraw.
Emi: Tesshi’s gonna destroy you!
Tesshi: It’s enough, Emi, you’re making everything worse…
Emi: Don’t worry. There’s no doubt they’ll lose.
It just had a popularity poll so I kinda doubt it
The author just said things would get weird depending on the poll results
>As admirable as those idols who appear in TV, saying “it’s only because a friend signed me up~”
Doesn't Tesshi become an idol in later chapters?
Emi: Like Tesshi with her reputation would lose against trash like you! Idiots!
Kuzu: Well, I only presented myself because Samon asked, so I agree.
However, we can still win with a demon’s help~!
And Kimura doesn’t know about the demons~
So? What demon are we using?
Samon: This one. Gusion, he switches hostility into the opposite.
Box: Gusion, Hell’s grand duchess. Ability: Inverts any feeling of hostility
Kuzu: Eh? I don’t understand.
Samon: In layman’s words, his ability makes a very hated person into a very popular one. The more hate, the better.
So you, who has the worst reputation, are the ideal individual for this.
Kuzu: You really think you can say whatever you want about me and I’m going to be okay with it, eh?
Pic: Inverted!
Samon: Let’s try first with a student around here.
Say this to someone.
Kuzu: Listen there, go buy me bread.
Student: …With pleasure~! And do you wish for a drink too!?
Kuzu: Ah, yes…
Student: Going right now~
It all depends how the new arc is recieved. This might end up being a case like REBORN!
Student: Right back in a sec!
Kuzu: Hey, Samon, this…
…is the best.
Box: A tyrant was born.
~After a few days~
Emi: Tesshi, let’s go to the playground so the track club members may greet their next committee president!
Tesshi: Yes, yes…
Emi: Although there’s nothing to worry about since you have a trash as opponent.
Tesshi: Emi’s being optimistic, but having Samon as rival..
I wonder what he’ll do…
Kuzu: Who told you could take a break, plebeians!?
Work! Don’t you dare stopping, pigs! Otherwise, you won’t finish in 100 years, pieces of trash.
Tesshi: What did he do!?
Kuzu: Kukuku…this is as easy as pie. The worse I treat them, the more they love me. I’m gaining even more servants…!
Buy me bread—give me a backrub—lend me your pencilcase forever—present situation!
Kuzu: I’ll tell you… A temple to revere my grand figure.
Tesshi: A temple!?
Kuzu: A building that will work as a time capsule and where people will serve me with Yu-Gi-Oh! cards and commemorative photos even after I graduate!
Tesshi: You don’t have to use all the playground for that!
Samon: King Kuzu, the minister Samon here! Like the pharaoh Keops, we need 2000 times the workforce if we wish to finish before your graduation!!
What do we do now?
Kuzu: Make the plebeians work 2000 times more, then.
Tesshi: Not even in historical records can you find a tyrant like him.
Emi: Don’t mess with me! You believe you can do whatever you want!?
Tesshi: That’s right! People won’t accept this.
Kuzu: Hahaha, go on, get angrier, more and more! The angrier you get, the more power I obtain!
Tesshi: You sound like the final villain from a videogame!
Yeah. Chapters 46-47. They were rather nice ones.
Kuzu: By the way, minister, how is the tax system coming?
Samon: As you ordered, barriers have been built in front of all the classes and all students are obliged to pay in order to enter.
I also suggest adding tax for: being a couple, happy or member of a club.
Kuzu: Hahaha, I can’t contain my laughter.
Tesshi: No…If they win, this school will perish!
The only option left is for me to win… But I can’t do it alone…
Gero: It’s too soon to give up, Teshigawara.
Tesshi: Yo-you are…
Gero-kun and the unofficial fanclub of Teshigawara Sakura.
Gero: It’s time that us, who have stood behind the scenes, come under the light now.
We all will follow you! Only you can change Soromon School, Teshigawara!!
Tesshi: Thanks, guys…
I wonder if that was on purpose then.
Foreshadowing from comedy is one of my favorite things.
Lend me your help!
Flag: Heaven
Box: And so, Santa Tesshi led the revolution.
King Kuzu’s attitude worsened and his power increased in proportion.
Tesshi’s support also increased steadily
And the battle between the trash and Buddha was a fierce one.
The decisive day arrived.
Tesshi: I’m Teshigawara Sakura from class 2-B. It’s a pleasure to address you personally…
Samon: At last, Election Day, Kuzuryuu-kun.
Kuzu: Only the last speech left.
I love scumbros so much, that combi never fails to crack me up.
All in all, you can clearly distinguish who is in which side.
Buddha’s side—Trash’s side
Samon: It makes me happy we can even distinguish by appearance alone. Although it’s difficult to despise Teshigawara-san after she came such a long way.
Kuzu: At first our side seems to be the larger one. If it all continues like this, it’s our win.
Tesshi: Therefore, I also feel I’m not equipped for the position. However,…
Samon: But something unexpected may happen.
So let’s be cautious just in case.
Tesshi: I’d like to be someone who can voice everyone’s opinions…
>The angrier you get, the more power I obtain!
>I also suggest adding tax for: being a couple, happy or member of a club.
This really is 2ch/Sup Forums as fuck
Tesshi: I-I’m sorry. That said, the first step for a good school…Munyaaa…
T-this sleepiness…It has to be… Buyan!
Buyhasta’s dream attack! You’ll be so sleepy you won’t be able to give a proper speech!
With this, you’ll lose all support!!
Our victory’s been decided…
Mob: How cute…Teshigawara-san looks cute… while sleepy… Teshigawara… Teshigawara…
Kuzu: What’s happening!? They’re switching side!
Samon: H-how stupid.
We aren’t winning like this…
Kuzu: Gusion, raise my popularity!
Samon: It’s useless, Kuzuryuu-kun, Guison can’t…
Kuzu: No, we can still win if this thing puts a bit more effort.
Oh, see! He became serious!
Teshigawara’s still giving speech, so I’m gonna cut her off.
Samon: Kuzuryuu-kun, wait…
Fucking Captcha, I swear to god.
Look how I’ll raise my popularity…
There’s nothing to fear!
Stop flocking towards Teshigawara, dammit! I’m the governor of this school!
Do you honestly believe that if I become the official leader you’ll live peacefully!?
The members from the sport club will do my errands!
And the members from the cultural clubs my homework! They’ll also go to the blackboard and class in my stead!!
I am the king, understood!? Kneel before me, commoners!
I did it! Their opinions about me descended (ascended)!!
Mob: Hey…
What the hell you sayin’, scum!? Fuck off! I’m gonna kill you.
Samon: We’re finished, Kuzuryuu-kun… Gusion can only invert hostility, not raise it… And you already drive it to the limit…
You exerted it so much, it went full circle!
Pic: Full circle!
Kuzu: What!? W-what a problem…
Mob: Weren’t those two who overworked us!?
Why I’m getting furious just now!
Let’s bring down that trash from up there, guys!
Kuzu: Shit, a mob!
Samon: Run!
Box: Thus, the tyrant’s reign ended.
Soromon School came to a new era under their new committee president, Tesshi…
Or that’s what you believe, right?
Emi: Those two could stop causing problems.
After all the rampage and the turmoil the election got canceled. So you couldn’t become the new committee president, Tesshi.
Tesshi: Well, it’s understandable. Those weren’t proper elections.
Besides, those two might reflect back on what they...
Kuzu: Sell us bread, please… Here’s the money…
I have contacted them to help with the typesetting.
Problem is, It's been 10 days but I have not gotten any reply even though I completed their test.
Guy: There’s no bread for you!
Samon: This is cruel…
Mob: Hey, guys, here are Samon and Kuzuryuu! Don’t let them flee!
Make them know the ire of a nation, demons!
Samon: Forgive us, please…
Box: The minister and the king, who created the oppressive reign, were resented by the people.
Both of them spent their days hiding away in a corner until the heat of the moment passed.
Emi: …here, I brought you bread. Eat it.
*The human waste and the trash’s luxurious life didn’t last long
>they actually got the bread
How can anyone compete
I have time enough for another chapter and then I'm going to bed.
Gero: You all did your best the previous day with the elections. You might say it was our big moment as well as Teshigawara’s.
It’s a pity she didn’t end as the president of the committee. A real pity. She’d have been excellent at it.
But thanks to the elections our headquarters shine like never before!
The leftover posters give a new atmosphere to our home.
*These guys are scary…
Box: Teshigawara’s unofficial fanclub Headquarters
Well, that's weird. Mind keeping us updated if they answer you?
Incidentally, the topic for today’s reunion is no other than…
…that insolent man who lately spends all the time close to our Teshigawara.
Box: The leader of said club, Gero-kun.
Gossips say him and Teshigawara are a couple, which is credible.
I’m sure many here have spent their night awake due to this. I even had nightmares that made me puke again and again while sleeping.
Guy: Be careful not to choke, Gero.
Gero: Thank you.
But this is the end! It’s high time we discover the truth
Let’s find what kind of relationship Samon and Teshigawara have!
Chapter 22: Samon-kun is guilty
*This time, Gero- kun, the leader of Tesshi’s fanclub, will be the protagonist! Those readers who are eating proceed with caution.
Gero: Samon Shousuke. Since he transferred in spring, he’s been particularly close with Teshigawara.
Gossips about them are circulating, but there’s no proof if they’re real or not.
At first sight it’s unclear if they’re a couple or not.
Teshigawara is amicable with everyone, so what if she only worries about Samon because he has no friends…?
*The usual piece of trash
Guy: Shit, I don’t know what to think.
Gero: Leave it to me.
Guys: Ge- Gero! It’s Gero’s judgment. Gero’s judgment.
Box: Gero’s judgment is the fanclub’s own system that allows them to gauge what kind of love those who surround Tesshi feel.
Guys: Go on, Gero, look! They seem fairly close. What do you think?! What’s your opinion, Gero?!
He looks only a bit sick. He is innocent.
We’re saved.
So there’s nothing between them…
W-wait! It’s too soon to say anything.
>Those readers who are eating proceed with caution.
I literally just made ramen
Look, physical contact!
And that!? What about that, Gero!?
*Normal people can’t see demons
Sidetext: It’s enough
Gero’s about to throw up. He’s at his limit.
Box: Gero’s judgement is known for being painful.
Are you all right, Gero?
Gero: Yes, but the situation is dire…
Gues: Yeah! We have to break them apart! That’s right.
Gero: Indeed, but we should avoid direct confrontation
I’ll think a way in which Tesshi gets disappointed with him.
Pic: Disappointment, Out of words
Gero: That’s why, first we shall put this on Samon’s seat.
Box: Boo Boo pillow, makes fart sound whenever someone sits on it.
If that arrogant Samon falls for it, it’s unavoidable that she gets disappointed with him.
There he comes. And he’s with Teshigawara.
Go on, Samon~ Don’t notice it~ Go and sit…
Tesshi: Was it you? Tell me, was it you?
Samon: No, this time it wasn’t me. I only used what was already there.
Tesshi: What do you mean?
Gero: H-he noticed? And how did he move it?
*Others cannot see demons.
As her club of fans, it’s shameful we embarrassed Teshigawara.
We failed because it was too complicate of a trick! The simpler, the better!!
So we’ll make him trip. (an strategy used by children)
Here he comes… Take this!
Yada: Wha?
What think you doin’, insects!?
Gero: You’re mistak…
Tesshi: Stop it, Ya-san!
Guys: We failed again…We slipped up and provoked Yada.
She beat up all of us.
As expected from the Vaisravana from class 2-B, how frightening…
And the worst to wear is Gero. She broke his leg…
Gero: To be honest, I broke it when tripping her.
After all, getting too close can be dangerous. So let’s think another strategy.
Guys: Yeah!
Box: After this, they tried attack that became more aggressive…
However, Samon Shousuke skirted around everything.
As if he were protected by invisible forces. Gero and the rest began to wear off.
Many time were they about to give up, but…
Guys: Gero! What’s it, Gero!?
This is bad! He got like this after witnessing Samon and Teshigawara’s flirting. The fragile perception that makes up Gero’s judgment is reaching its limit.
It seems everything in his stomach is about to burst out from his mouth.
Throw up, Gero! If you do that, you’ll feel better.
Gero: No…
Guys: But all the content in your stomach’s trying to get out, isn’t it!?
Gero: If I puke, it’d be like admitting my defeat. I cannot allow that…
I won’t throw up! I’m not doing it!
Guys: Ge-Gero. You’re awesome.
Box: …they kept going by relying on each other and their own courage.
Guys: Still, the situation hasn’t improved. It’s like Samon’s being protected by something…
Is there anything we can do?
Where were you off in a moment like this?
What were you…?
Gero: One for each of you.
Don’t let yourselves be fooled by that ‘supernatural thing’!
Curse him! Curse him with everything you have!
Curse Samon while imagining his suffering!
Hey, do you feel the negative aura radiating from this?
Yes! I can feel the black energy too.
Even if it’s Samon, this should be…
Box: Orobas, one of Hell’s governors who protects summoners from spiritual attacks. Ability: Spiritual protection.
*Resentment, reflected
I’m feeling a bit… My stomach hurts…
Uhh… is that ‘supernatural thing’ at it again!?
Gero: Ugh… Guys, bear it! Shit, I’ll go find help.
Is there anyone.
Samon: Lately your fanclub’s being annoying. They’re always around.
Tesshi: Hmm, I wonder if they’ll be all right. Ya-san beat them up quite badly…
Gero: Samon and Teshigawara… are they going home after school?
Samon: And it’s not like you are someone worthy of having so many people charmed~
Well, I pity you for having to deal with problematic guys like those. The truth is that you think of them as annoying, right?
Tesshi: I don’t think that.
… Though, well, If we talk about problematic guys…
Tesshi: …my hands are already full with you, Samon-kun.
Tesshi: Did you just spit!?
Guys: Ge-Gero… Did something happen?
Since the beginning there was no place…for us to get involved.
Tesshi: Stop it, it’s unsavory.
Box: Gero’s vision.
Gero: Haha, I give up… I can see it now…
Guys: Gero thew up!
Hang in there, Gero! It’s like you’re giving up.
Gero: It’s enough, guys.
Guys: What?
Gero: Listen…
From this day onwards, Teshigawara’s fanclub dissolves!
Guys: What! Explain, Gero! What’re you saying, Gero!?
Gero: We’ve only made Teshigawara worry, we’re a burden to her. Right now, we don’t have the strength to protect her.
She doesn’t need us.
Her fanclub lost its reason to exist.
Guy: Ge-Gero, are you serious…
Gero: Yes… But remember this.
So this is a battle manga now? I remember reading the first few chapters when it was new and really liking it, but it's a shame to see it had to depart from pure gag this early. Are the battles at least good?
Gero: Even if the fanclub disappears, the path we’ve walked toge…BLEERRGH
Guys: Gero threw up.
Gero: No! It’s only sweat... BLEERGHH!
Guys: But I see puke!
Box: That day, Teshigawara Sakura’s unofficial fanclub dissolved.
~Next day~
Samon: Have you heard, Teshigawara-san?
Tesshi: What?
Samon: Your club dissolved.
Tesshi: Oh.
Samon: It was unavoidable since you’re a terrible woman.
Tesshi: Then you’re a terrible man!
Tesshi: Isn’t it better this way? Instead of dedicating a club to me… They can spend their time do…
Gero: Listen well! I won’t allow the weakness from yesterday!
It’s our rebirth! Greater, stronger. All to protect her.
We are Teshigawara’s Knighthood.
Tesshi/Samon: They leveled up…
Box: Teshigawara Sakura’s unofficial ex-fanclub, now Teshigawara’s Knighthood.
* Apologies for giving you expectations.
There's comedy spread within the battles, I can tell just by looking at it
The battles themselves wrap up pretty quickly, I imagine they're better when we can understand the dialogue
I kinda liked Nebiros' punch from this chapter
And done. Sorry for any misspelling or awkward phrasings. I really didn't have the time to double check.
Also, for the user who applied to Crossbreeds, good luck and hope we hear from you soon!
Thank you again for the translations, user!
I was just accepted by crossbreed.
Now, hopefully, there will be more releases.
You're a hero user. God bless.
Anime when?