That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own /ai/ - Idle Activities.. Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.
That which we manifest is before us; we are the creators of our own /ai/ - Idle Activities...
And yet at any point, even if one has been strung along by ignorance and the so-called "fates", they may change their own path through strength of will. Be bound not by the past, but guided by the shining light of the future. There's no need to fear, for those who lead the way are the shimmering stars we call "idols".
Koharu ;_;
Ranflakes ;_;
The little girl anime industry is declining.
/ai/ - Idle Activities has declined.
Idle Activities have pomfed.
That happen when /ai/ idle instead watch anime for little girls.
How stop ainons for idling?
Give them a hug.
I believe that /ai/ - idle activities has grown
There's no useless thing for a dream.
31. Yozora and Mahiru episode
32. Yuzu and Yume episode (with Ako as comedic relief mascot)
33. Roller and Lily episode
34. Mahiru episode
What is even Ako's role?
I happy in love.
You said it yourself:
>comedic relief mascot character
>What is even Ako's role?
>Subaru is still alive just not relevant at the moment
Maybe she'd actually be a character if they hadn't shoved guys at the last second and made her wanting Subaru's cock her only character trait.
>that episode where Ako realizes she should be an idol for her own sake and not for Subaru's
>nope, she's still fawning over him 90% of the time
>it'll be meaningless because Subaru is clearly more tied to Yume and the rainbow plot
Ako exists for suffering.
Small spoiler for episode 33: I'm glad they went with the obvious choice of making Lily mentor Rola and I hope Narita writes this episode.
How can Ako suffer when she has (best boy) Kanata?
What powerup will Roller get?
>and made her "nya-nya-nya!" shtick her only character trait.
Fixed your typos.
Just watch how it somehow ends up with Lily mentoring Yume somehow because Rainbow made Yume "weak" and as another "weak" idol Lily now wants to help Yume and fuck Rola because why the fuck would anything good happen to her?
Rolling Thunder!
She is going to write her own songs.
Nah, "take it easy" Yuzu will mentor Yume because what she needs right now is "taking it easy".
>why the fuck would anything good happen to her?
Co-star privilege.
Obligatory cat.
Hime will be the one if someone does, or Discount-Johnny-sensei. Probably Hime as she was in Yume's shoes in the past.
You're forgetting her brain database and her "katakatakatakatakata pin-pon!"
Because she's stupid and won't realize it no matter how many fanart is made.
Miracle of the universe.
I call dibs on top right.
Dibs on lime strawberry.
108 subbed. only 12 more eps before i can enjoy sugarless friend
[Spoiler]I want one.[/Spoiler]
Who are american /ai/friends gonna vote for tomorrow?
not a good idea to ask that probably
Was it rape?
I could, but I'm not.
Mizuki doesn't copy anyone else.
Fine, but I get her top.
No, he is a gentleman.
Watching this episode with subs raises the question: did Hime stop using her rainbows and just train so hard that she didn't need them? Or did she have to train hard to harness her full potential without injury? It wasn't quite clear.
Somebody in an earlier thread thought it was a cop-out that Hime could just train hard to not kill herself, and Yume needs to do the same. But it is a different story if Hime isn't using it at all.
I want to kiss Non on the lips!
The implication has always been that she stopped using it.
Maybe Yume will be different in that she'll learn how to control it and get even better than Hime, but if that's meant to happen, I hope it doesn't until the end of season 2.
Hopefully never. I'm sick and tired of Yume and her special-snowflakeness everything is given to her in silver platter. Let her work her ass for something for the first time in her life.
I want to fuck Lala.
How can an idle be so perfect?
Fuck you, Yume's worked harder than everyone in Song Class except arguably Laura.
t. Koharu
I get what you mean, but on one hand it would be kind of a shame to introduce this power and never see it at its full potential. And think about it, if Hotaru died/whatever happened to her and Hime had to stop using it, mastering it has to be extremely difficult if it's even possible. If Yume had a really hard time doing it and underwent her share of failures in the process (such as failing to become S4 at the end of the current season), I wouldn't mind seeing her succeed with it at the end. Otherwise she could be seen as just Hime 2.0 and she said she didn't want that.
You can actually see Hime's aura change at the same time Yume's does. It has since the first episode.
No one.
Voting in this state is the same as throwing away your vote anyways.
That's what manipulated polls make you want to believe though.
>mfw I used to do something very similar in elementary
>Hime only barely contains her power
G-G-Ganbatte, Yume-chan!
>worked harder than everyone in Song Class except arguably Laura
[citation needed]
You're so cute.
My tension is maximum.
Fuck off.
Me too dude.
Why so you need subtitles to enjoy a song?
>not popular with little girls; still gets artwork
Thank you based japs
>tfw love Ako
>got reduced to a comedy mascot
She's cute and at least she won't get removed like Koharu.
I wish that Mirei didn't go into puri mode. Standard Mirei is so much cuter.