>ITT: Facts about Japan which you learned from anime
Gyarus are called gyarus because that's the sound effect they make as they walk by.
>ITT: Facts about Japan which you learned from anime
Gyarus are called gyarus because that's the sound effect they make as they walk by.
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If I'm in highschool and I have sex with a lot of my female classmates, one of them will get jealous and invite me over so she can stab me to death. Then, another jealous one will kill the one that killed me.
Keikaku means plan.
Japanese men and women called M-types (masochists) get erections when their noses bleed.
Having sex with my sister is acceptable but having sex with a christmas cake would cause the end of the world and they should be avoided at all costs
"It can't be helped". And that seems to be a universal thing, too.
i learnt that i could love my imouto and she could love me
This, also, when a girl likes you she'll constantly call you "baka", break your nose, hit you in the face with a baseball bat, and kick you in the groin.
If a girl hates me I'm pretty much guaranteed to see her tits if my class trip involves a destination with a hot spring
baka desuka??? only tsundere do that
I found out that time travel is indeed possible.
Happiness exists
>Gyarus are called gyarus because that's the sound effect they make as they walk by.
Gyaru's are named after a brand of clothing from the 80ies or something. It's supposed to sound like 'girl'.
But not in Japan.
user plz
anime taught me that boys can be girls too
>he didn't know this before anime
Are you daft?
You can become popular by being the autstic emo kid of the class.
>The concept of sexual harassment doesn't exist. Why else do you think they write it in Katakana?
>No one in Japan looks Japanese
>Toast is the greatest speed-enhancer in the natural world
>The kid at the back of the classroom at the window is always the most interesting guy there
>Sex is frowned upon because it leads to handholding
>The reason the birthrate is so low is that whenever they try to have sex, they collapse from nose-induced blood loss
>Destiny is such a thing that people do plastic surgery of their palms to try and change their fortunes This shit is actually true
>The Japanese will love One Piece until it ends, which is estimated to be somewhere between the Heat Death of the Universe, and when India recovers from the "designated shitting street" meme
>All Westerners there are clutzy Aryans who speak their English with horrific Japanese accents, but can pull off Japanese perfectly
>99% of the population is enrolled in High-School
>Maths class goes: "One+One bomb = End of War"
Acting like a little bitch who's terrified of women will turn your dick into an irresistible harem magnet to all females except for one who was your childhood friend
In my experience, being the autistic kid made people like and trust me, but also made them assume I didn't want them as friends, so they left me on my own. Kind of my own fault desu.
If a female teacher wears a button-up blouse with more than one button undone, she's desperate for student dick
but no matter how hot she is, highschool guys will never fuck her
>All female teachers are single
The way to confess love is hoping that senpai will notice you one day.
Fucking this. I lost it.
>>The concept of sexual harassment doesn't exist.
Women over 25 are pathetic and disgusting no matter how hot they are.
I learned young girls spend their time - talking about food, going out to eat food, making food, rating food, joking over which vending machine has the best food and generally eating their life away.
Strange how they manage to remain skinny tho.
No, you have bow your head, give them a letter, then run away and then wait for a response the day after.
You're both wrong.
The best way to confess is to shout it while a very noisy train is passing by.
But that's wrong. Writing "Ching-Chong" is impossible in Japanese, as the only consonant allowed to end without a vowel is 'n'.
Skirts are the ultimate disguise for men; you look like a girl if you wear one.
Binding your breasts is magic for women; you are easily mistaken as a handsome man.
If you have both a little sister and a girlfriend, there's a good chance one will become jealous of the other and try to sabotage your relationship with her
Japanese girls practice self-mutilation whenever a male rejects them.
It doesn't even look like a girl, are you gay?
keikaku means dostedt
Nobody eats just one bowl of ramen; they eat like 50, and the servers just let the empty bowls stack up on the table without clearing them
Go to any highschool, find the biggest little pussy weakling faggot manlet, and you can pretty much bet on him having some hidden power he doesn't know about
>implying 3d=2d
You're still a man, baby.
Student government is a no-boys-allowed club unless they have peon positions.
Only no-fun-allowed bitches with glasses are allowed to be class representative
Student body president is rich because her father is a politician or the president/owner of a corporation
>calls girl a boy
>calls people gay
its okay user, Sup Forums is a safe zone
Don't get too fond of people because they might die. Right when they're about to change their lives or figure something important out.
The most mediocre, boring, emotionless girl with the ugly hime cut is the most wanted and beautiful girl in the entire universe.
It's completely normal for everyone in school to cream their pants and call that mediocre girl "princess".
She has more power in the school than all staff combined.
It's illegal for high school classes to do something for their school festival that isn't a café, a haunted house, or fortune telling.
The fact that i will never ever experience love for the first time just like in my japanese anime.
>All Westerners there are clutzy Aryans who speak their English with horrific Japanese accents, but can pull off Japanese perfectly
I swear I've heard this image was fake. Do you happen to know one way or the other?
Everyone is over 18, even if they look younger.
I never noticed the clutz connection but I sort of see it now.
Well it's either being a clutz or being hyper competent
You forgot the part where Girl 2 cuts off your head and puts it in a duffel bag to show Girl 1
Females can't have heterosexual fantasies unless they're loli or cake.
If a teenage girl has fantasies, it's only about faggots and she schlicks to BL
In Japan, "fat" just means a girl has both tits and ass
If a woman threatens to beat your ass, it's either playful or she secretly loves you
If a woman says she's going to "punish" you, you're about to get a legit ass-beating and/or die
And sometimes not even that, you're just told they're fat despite them looking exactly like all the other girls.
Homosexuality isn't right.
All cake in Japan has white frosting and strawberries
I don't understand that obsession with strawberry shortcake, you'd think tiramisu didn't exist there or something.
if a girl is under 13 years old, there is a strong chance that "she" is actually a he
How do I reverse-search webms?
Nope, the only western desserts that exist are pudding and strawberry-topped cakes
Five star post nigga
This: whatanime.ga
The thumbnail should be enough.
Easy way is to install 4chanX or a variant that allows adding search links.
Making a box lunch for someone is an invitation for sex even if its from your mom
Holy shit, thanks.
Boys can be girls as long as when feminine pronouns are used the word (Male) must be used afterwards. For instance succubus (male), waitress (male), and actress (male)
Chingu-chongu is possible
a cold is worse than the unholy child of ebola and black death
this something I don't get it
do people really confess to the people they like without even talking to them before
like "This the first time we talk and you don't even know my name but please be my girlfriend"
does that really happen in japan?
Kill yourself faggot.
Listening to Eurobeat increases your car's base driving speed by 35%.
Faceless and/or old Japanese men are sexual gods.
That confused the fuck out of me when I started watching anime back in '09. Watch all these shows and instead of saying "Hey, wanna go out on a date?" it's "I'VE LOVED YOU SINCE THE MOMENT I SAW YOU AND WANT TO LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER".
Like God damn if in America you say "I love you" even on the first date that's fuckin' weird, let alone before you even met the fucking person.
The truth.
>>Maths class goes: "One+One bomb = End of War"
My nigga. You are a brother of fine taste and deserve praise.
>>The reason the birthrate is so low is that whenever they try to have sex, they collapse from nose-induced blood loss
Also, whenever they try to do so much as kissing, a radar goes off for someone in their surrounding and that person gets the immediate impulse to enter the vicinity.
>Toast is the greatest speed-enhancer in the natural world
It is also the greatest romantic tool known to mankind.
It likely has a gravitational pull for people from the opposite sex or something.
There are literally no negative consequences of rape.
If you're losing a fight and about to die, you just need to spout crap about friendship and protecting your precious friends and you will prevail.
In Japan, people die when they are killed.
In Japan, people who get die when they are killed.
that I love emilia tan
In Japan, people who get die when they are killed.
In Japan, people who kill should be prepared to die
If you want a girl to fall for you just be nice to her. Being a decent human being is the ultimate pussy magnet, no matter how unattractive you are.
If you have a female childhood friend she wants your dick.
How clueless you are to love and female hints is directly proportional to the number of girls that will fall for you.
Adults are generally useless.
Women over 30 yo can sometimes look like they're
The only foreigners in Japan are blonde haired blue eyed and have HUGE breasts.
More like rape always end up with the girl cumming so hard no other dick will ever be able to satisfy her in her lifetime which results in heavy addiction to said dick.
A cold is a more deadly disease than Cholera, Smallpox, Yellow Fever, Cancer, Ebola, AIDS, Malaria, and Plague combined!
You got me.
Truck drivers are all homicidal maniacs.
A truck is the most deadly object ever invented, killing its target 100% of the time.
That happens in American middle schools a lot, too
>posted at the same time
>Japanese girls practice self-mutilation whenever a male rejects them.
And the corollary, a girl with long hair cutting it short is considered self-mutilation.