>[HorribleSubs] Bakuon!! - 26 [720p].mkv
[HorribleSubs] Bakuon!! - 26 [720p].mkv
What does her face look like?
fuck off already circlejerk
Like the Stig's.
>tfw S2 never
>No more cute retard MC.
Is there even a Japanese Top Gear?
I didn't watch it much because those fags can't into baikus.
I miss Rin.
I want to fuck a Suzuki
New manga chapter when?
With eyebrows like that it's for the best that this never gets a second season.
If you take her helmet off would she die?
It would be extremely unsafe.
She's a big grill
For riding.
30 is mostly ready, no one has the motivation to do the finishing touches apparently. 31 is mostly translated but volume 5 raws haven't come in yet.
We've been working on other stuff in the background but that sort of got canned due to reasons so we're super bummed.
D-didn't actually expect a status rep, thanks!
I'm always here shitposting instead of translating senpai.
Good episode
I bet none of you fags even ride. honda máster race reporting in
No Suzuki stitches?
D-do you mean bikes or girls? I only ride the former.
Bikes, gay boy.
Suzuki bitch.
Suzuki best girl.
Frizzy a best.
Raimu>Retard Honda's imouto>Retard Honda>Rin=Jewfro>Dike teacher>Hijiri>Shit>Principal
Was for
I love how Hane out-Yui'd Yui in this series.
What is Onsa supposed to be? Some sort of fruit? A brush?
a shit.
I ended up fapping to her during the bike wash scene instead of Rin. I didn't expect things to end up this way.
A best.
Anyone have that page of Chiname farting?
stop projecting rin
Rin is hotter in usual riding gear.
>tfw no tracksuit paizuri
I will admit this bit got me a little, if only because I didn't expect her to cry like that
Suzuki tits are best tits
user who crashed his 250r at 90mph in september here. Starting my new job sunday.
Did you post that from heaven or hell?
This is hell, user.
>ride yamaha R1
>prefer Rin over the jew
Will rin ever love me?
The Gixxer and Busa beckons
No. Sorry, user.
both are so fucking ugly. especially the busa. only niggers ride them.
Moja brought up some pushy toy on Google. Tldr I dunno lol.
Post more jew
This screenshot looks pretty oldschool
She took it off herself in the show.
I do, but ride an sv650s.
My nigger. Ancient CB360 reporting in.
What mistake did you make beside going too fast (unless on the track)?
If there's one thing I remember from this show, it's Suzukitits.
And bikes
suzuki butt
I miss Onsa
Well that was the best part.
She's the miracle of the universe.
Too bad I ride a honda
Help me out here, its really easy for me to name a bike I like from any of the big jap manufacturers except for Yamaha. Do I have shit taste?
This show is criminally underrated.
better late than never.
if you hate subs that MUCH Sup Forums why don't you get a job, collect money, get a visa, to travel to japan, and learn chinese and never complain about subs ever again
wrong thread
but my post still have some merit
Not really when you post an image like that.