>tfw you wake up every day and know that it's going to flop
It's just not fucking fair, Sup Forums. I deserves at least 6k sales per volume.
Tfw you wake up every day and know that it's going to flop
it deserves*
I agree with you, OP.
But more importantly, how does their gradient stockings work?
Well then, go buy the volume 1 disc a few multiple times, and convince your friends to also buy the anime disc of Flip Flappers volume 1 several times. And try to convince as many anonymous users on this very Sup Forums board that they should buy many copies of Flip Flappers volume 1, if disc sales matters to you.
It doesn't deserve shit. People are riding its dick and pretending it has some sort of grand artistic vision that doesn;t exist, but it;s just a shitty anime with a few cool action scenes that get lost in the fact that there's no plot and the character interaction is stilted as fuck.
Whose actually buying the BD here?
Sadly, it seems that pretty much the only way for an original anime to successful is to be shilled by the aniplex hype machine
What's your top 5 anime this year?
>there's no plot
There is. It's just that it's not crystal clear yet.
Girlish Number
Anne Happy
Kuma Miko
Wait a second, let me go get my fedora so I can tip it to you
5 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 1
but is shit, literally kill la kill 2.0
It's " ' "
Streaming is the future, not disc sales. Selling the license to as many streaming service providers in Japan and Asia, then the rest of the world is important now. And far more reliable.
Literally Flip Floppers.
I don't see the link.
This anime reminds me of Phantom World
It doesn't really have anything in common
Japanese otaku don't really like these sort of episodic shows.
What is the correlation between not knowing English and disliking Flip Flappers?
If it doesn't shit the bed with the ending, then yeah.
>There is a complex plot, j-j-just you wait and see.
>look mom I posted it again
It's ok kid, someday you'll finally fit in
ESLposters cant watch a show unless every detail of the plot is explained through exposition dumps
It's not like it was going to get a second season anyway. Some nice figures would be cool, though.
Any merch at all would be nice.
It's like if whoever is distributing this hates money