What do communists think of Animal Farm?

What do communists think of Animal Farm?

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Commies hate it, Trots love it
>Trotsky dindu nuffin
>Big bad Stalin pig ruined everything

Is that Bill Gates?


Orwell was a socialist, animal farm isn't so much a critique of communism, rather just the disaster that was the bolsheviks and stalinism, which not even the bolsheviks or Lenin himself considered to be communism. This is a big misunderstanding people have when it comes to animal farm.

>Orwell was a socialist
Socialists aren't communists.


Orwell believed in guild socialism which is a fairie tale at best. The truth is all socialism leads eventually to totalitarianism because it definitionally has to. The intellectual leaders of socialist/progressive doctrine knew this and wrote it out plainly a hundred years ago. It’s only the subversive communists of modern day that have attempted to hide this fact because they know people want to have rights and won’t give them up for the (((greater good)))

>this level of MLM revisionism
don't you have some farmers to be starving? non retarded people are trying to improve society here