What the fuck was his problem?
What the fuck was his problem?
he has a really long fingers and arms . and he is 180cm and 55kg
Bad writing.
His psycho mommy didn't realize how letting herself get killed in front of her children would traumatize them for life
They stole the eye powers from naruto
Horrible pseudo-Oedipal issues. He wanted to fuck and/or kill his sister, his mother, his father, and his male best friend.
Uchiha Shisui's Kotoamatsukami is basically Lelouch's Geass.
He is a total cretine
>His psycho mommy didn't realize how letting herself get killed in front of her children would traumatize them for life
Hey now, she didn't intend to let that happen! She wasn't expecting V.V. to pull an automatic out of literally nowhere, and then what was she supposed to do? Tell them that she was still alive in Anya's body?
Having them sent to Japan and then attacking the country was total bullshit on her and Charles's part, tho.
I still don't get why he kills Euphemia. He could have easily taken her hostage, convinced her that all the Japanese were dead and she would have returned to normal.
And of course with anti-Geass being developed later she would have been completely back to normal. But muh tragedy.
Why didn't Lelouch just slowly work his way up the Britannian hierarchy by Geassing them into obeying him and proceeding from there?
>I still don't get why he kills Euphemia. He could have easily taken her hostage, convinced her that all the Japanese were dead and she would have returned to normal.
That would not have been nearly as easy as you make it sound. But the real reason he did it was selfishness. He took advantage of the opportunity to push the Black Rebellion forward.
unfortunately you weren't the writer user . CG would've had a great writing if you were the writer
>not smelling baitu from that distance
>Why didn't Lelouch just slowly work his way up the Britannian hierarchy by Geassing them into obeying him and proceeding from there?
but he did. at the end of the show, when V.V. and Charles were conveniently out of the way.
he waited so long to do it because he didn't want to win that way, the mirror image of Suzaku's stupid self-imposed moral limits.
but you're just Frodo-posting and already know all this.
Same reason he got into this mess in the first place: he's an edgelord.
He wanted to fuck CC
>And of course with anti-Geass being developed later she would have been completely back to normal. But muh tragedy.
Imagine poor gentle Euphie going back to her usual self and realizing what she had done. That she's now known to the world as the Murder princess. She would probably off herself anyway. And even if not, that would've been even more tragic than just letting her die in peace.
He's got no dick.
then why didn't he make a move on her
He didn't get the D(daddy)