I can't fucking believe they brought back Cuckgito instead of Gogeta. I knew the writing for Super was shit...

I can't fucking believe they brought back Cuckgito instead of Gogeta. I knew the writing for Super was shit, but come the fuck on.

Potara Fusion is permanent. Vegito is an arrogant little faggot who almost got the entire universe obliterated and ended up absorbed by Buu and BTFO by the inside of his fucking body. Meanwhile Gogeta doesn't fuck around, wrecked Janemba who is superior to Buu in about 10 seconds while barely saying a fucking word, is not permanent and so doesn't fuck up the story, and has a better outfit and a better moveset overall.

Yes, I'm fucking mad. Fuck this shitty show.

Here we go again

>Vegito is an arrogant little faggot who almost got the entire universe obliterated and ended up absorbed by Buu and BTFO by the inside of his fucking body
You never watched the damn show, retard. He did on purpose so he could save the people that Buu absorbed, Piccolo, Goten, Trunks, Gohan, even if it cancelled the fusion.

Use the catalog retard

Gogeta will never be good because his hair looks fucking ridiculous

And didnt gogeta fuck up by not killing the last dragon fast enough, he was just playing around

And SSJ4 Gogeta did that on an even bigger scale by making a confetti Kamehameha despite having a time limit and way more at stake.

Gogeta isnt canon at all anyways.
OP arguing over imaginary shit.

>Potara Fusion is permanent

No it is not.

So why exactly wasn't a fusion dance character outcome the same as a portara fusion outcome again?
It's the same two people.

Different magic or some shit like that.

this isnt even my final meme

because one is canon and the other is not

one is bullshit made up by money hungry toei executives for marketing toys and the other is a brilliant idea from the creativity of one of the greatest mangakas to ever live

Gogeta is for niggers

> Gogeta is for niggers
So is your mum

SSB Adult Gotenks huh? Interesting, we'll probably get to see it sometime in Super.

>Has no reason to mess around with Omega Shenron
>Messes around with him
>"Waaaah Vegetto was messing around despite having a reason"

>watch dbz kai
>finish an episode
>everything went so fast I felt like I didn't actually watch it

now what

>Potara Fusion is permanent.
Dragon Balls, Namekian Dragon Balls, Super Dragon Balls or Boo's body. Pick one.

> Vegito is an arrogant little faggot who almost got the entire universe obliterated and ended up absorbed by Buu and BTFO by the inside of his fucking body.
Oh, so like he planned? Because you do know he was toying with Boo so he could get absorbed and free everyone?

>Meanwhile Gogeta doesn't fuck around,
So you conveniently forget about Gogeta's second appearance like every Gogetafag does?

>n-n-not canon
Like Fusion Reborn then? :^)

>wrecked Janemba who is superior to Buu
Boohan is much stronger than Janemba, user.

Try harder with your bait user.

watch another?

Because of marketing.

The idea of different fusion creating a different being was just an excuse for more toys. I don't really see the logic in fusion leading to a different being depending on the technique used to create it.

The dance fusion should've just created vegito again.

>his hair looks fucking ridiculous
>as an argument
>in fucking DBZ

Far more interesting discussion.

So Kaioshin can't smell killing intent, unlike Gods of Destruction and their servants.

Isn't that kind of dangerous?

I mean, Shin could get an apprentice, and the apprentice could just kill off Shin and Beerus without problems while Beerus was asleep.

Trunks is best boy and Mai is a pure goddess. They love each other very much and will have many beautiful ningen babies after the gay ningen hating god is defeated. Also, off yourselves Gohanfags. Gohan is a cuck and you'll never have what we have.

Vegito's smugness is far more reasonable. He's so overgodly stronger than Buu that there needed to be some conceivable weakness and in this it was his hubris that Buu took advantage of. Guess what? It worked.

Gogeta? It didn't work. Also not canon. No idea what the real personality is like. Case in point: Fusion Reborn and GT.

I finished part 1 a while ago but just kinda lost interest to continue due to my general apathy and lack of wanting to do anything in my life

I still feel like I didn't really watch any of it, and now I'm less motivated to continue because the longer I wait the less it feels like it's "stuck" and that I want to start over from the beginning again, even though I know that's retarded because I sat the fuck down and watched it all already damn it

pretty much all of my dbz watching is just clips on YouTube at this point

I honestly want to die

>He's so overgodly stronger than Buu that there needed to be some conceivable weakness and in this it was his hubris that Buu took advantage of. Guess what? It worked.
but user, vegito WANTED buu to absorb him so he could save piccolo and friends

> implying F.Trunks will not turn into a cuck too after all of this is over.
It happens irl too. Once people get married, their drive for success becomes weaker and they waste time on dumb things.


I'm pretty sure Gogeta came first.
Then Toriyama was like well shoot, I wanted to do that exact same thing, better just invent some alternate method off the top of my head to create a different character.

>according to Boo-Gohan, even Goku and Vegeta fused (aka SS3 Gogeta) are unable to defeat him
>SS1 Vegetto destroys Boo ass
>so Vegetto is several times stronger than Gogeta
>now Vegetto has access to the ultimate saiyan form, SSB
>Gogetafags still in denial about their weak fusion

That's the point I was trying to make fellow user. Vegito being smug was part of the plan so Buu didn't suspect Vegito was trying to save his friends.

Are you talking from your own experience user?

Goddamn, you retard. If Vegito had destroyed Super Buu, Good Buu, Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks and Goten would be fucking dead.

I give highest priority to enhancing my skills and making bank.

they were dead anyway

Ningen detected

Which was made moot because Kid Buu killed them.

Gogeta would actually make more sense than Vegetto. Veg is all about power. Gog is more suited for a magic battle, which is what they need against an immortal god.

Vegito can't be held responsible for mistakes Goku makes.

>according to Boo-Gohan

He also said that he was just warming up against Vegetto right before getting the shit kicked out of him.

So go fucking die then, faggot. No one wants to hear your whining.

No, they died anyway. When they were removed out of Super Buu, they were just unconscious.

what the fuck are you on about

fucking idiot

>hurr durr ain't nobody got time to gather up dragonballs
>they succeeded in freeing them
>they end up dying anyway seconds later

I can understand your point. Gogeta has a certain magical vibe. Gogeta has an almost... Namekian feeling, if you know what I mean.

Beerus' "Destroy" attack.

Do you think that attack straight up skips any kind of ki? Is it uncounterable?

It seems logical to give a God of Destruction an uncounterable ability, to keep mortals AND gods from getting upity and gain power above their station.

Sure thing, cuck.

artfag taking requests

I do

Hell, Trunks biggest wish is to be just like Gohan and just live a quiet peaceful live with his waifu and his family, but unlike Gohan life won't let Trunks have that luxury.
Trunksfags and Gohanfags are literally wishing for their favorite character to be miserable by denying them this.
Those people are claiming that they are their favorite characters, but none of them actually seem to know their characters.
Zamasu was right ninens are a mistake.

recreate the daily dose gif except with SSB vegito fucking Gogeta in the ass
ss4 Gogeta optional

>I knew the writing for Super was shit
Yeah, because the writing of DBZ was amazing, right? Don't fool yourself, DBZ was never good. Also, what's the difference? They will probably split with the help of the dragonballs or some shit. Idk, this show is shit, the animation is bad, the story is shit and the humor is for 12 y/o edgelords. Idk why people keep watching something as poorly written and animated as this.

Real men don't waste time on roasties.
They only work on improving their own lives and just buy pussy when needed.

Boo can only calculate the fusion he knows. Boo expected a shitty fusion (Gogeta), not the almighty and strongest fusion ever (Vegetto).

im sure its just an ability for erasing shitters, not some magic godly bullshit

Beerus splitting Vegito back into Goku and Vegeta with a punch.


also make one of vegito fucking zamasu

>implying everyone on this thread aren't ningens
You can't fool anyone, ningen

Well, it didn't have a charge up, and Zamasu never even tried to defend himself.

I imagine it's similar to what Zeno uses to destroy entire universes.

Nice try, cuck.

Can we all agree that pic related was kind of dumb?

Talking about magic, if Goku and Vegeta keep on getting chummier with more and more gods, I hope they'll bring Piccolo along... I wanna see Piccolo do some weird magic shit again, like in the Piccolo Daimo days.

it turned me on

I wonder how it felt

Your stupid ass still hasnt learned after 15 years.

>implying we Trunksfags don't want to see Trunks happily married and living a peaceful life
We aren't like Gohanfags, user.

And buu thought he could man handle Gohan. Got fucked harder then innocent christmas cake by a seemingly nice black foreign mans' apartment.

Ok, If Piccolo/Tien/Yamcha/ and so on wanted to keep fighting and be relevant why didn't they just wish to become a Sayian??

muh heritage



> that bulge

>unnamed villain gets dragonballs on earth whilst the gang are doing dumb shit in space or whatever
>wishes everyone on earth to be saiyan
>their new home is completely irredeemably ruined in mass chaos
>they either have to nuke it or watch it be nuked


They had their chance to make piccolo relevant during the tournament and right after he met the dragon.
The fucked all of that up.
Didn't even take Piccolo to Beerus's crib to train.

I really fucking hate this Vegito/Gogeta meme. They're the same fucking person. Who cares what you call them?


No they are not. They don't have the same power, nor the same moves, nor the same personality faggot.

What's the deal with the five green time rings.
My memory of the Android saga is fuzzy, so I don't remember how many time travel trips were undertaken precisely.

I like this picture
It's as if Vegetto ate Broly

eat your BROccoLY kids

I still think that Trunks would keep training unlike Gohan.

>one is bullshit made up by money hungry toei executives for marketing toys and the other is a brilliant idea from the creativity of one of the greatest mangakas to ever live
Actually, the story is that he wanted to do Gogeta in the manga after Gotenks and was building up to it, but fans were like "I WANNA SEE GOKU AND VEGETA FUSE NOW" so Toei put Gogeta in the 12th movie, which came out before the Gohan-Buu fight. Toriyama went "well shit, now what" and invented the Potara to compensate.

It's actually brilliant that he just totally made the whole thing up without planning at all honestly

I wish Zamasu would have Buu's power to see Buffed Vegito again.

Seconding this

Reminder that beerus/whis is toryamas one punch man.

I really hope that they will make Piccolo relevant power level wise someday in Super.
Like he is one of the few characters who still trains and likes a goodfight.
I really wish for him there was a way for him to atleast keep up with the saiyans, because he really is just an allround swell and cool guy and I am sure he would love to fight toe to toe with the big bads like G&V.

a level of super saiyan even beyond the level of a super saiyan who has surpassed the level of super saiyan god!!?

>Like he is one of the few characters who still trains and likes a goodfight.
What the fuck is he supposed to do against people at the god level though? Even if he trains, he peaked years ago and we're fighting guys stronger than Boo

Reminder gogeta will NEVER EVER be canon

Hyper Saiyan God

> It is revealed that Hit is a mutant Namekian
> Piccolo and Hit fuse using Namekian fusion
> Piccolo is really fucking relevant now.

Gogeta as pic related

>implying Hit would fuse with a weakling like Piccolo

So I haven't been watching Super, but I've been playing Xenoverse 2, and have seen some screens of Super, why does Trunks have blue hair now


They decided to go with a different color so he matches Mommy. And yes, Present Trunks is still purple. Don't think about it too much.

Yes, he probably would, because he is literally the only one left.
The very moment he dies or fails, is the moment earth would be doomed.
Gohan had other people he could count on, but Trunks is the only one left.
If it wasn't for the fact that he never knew peace untill he was twenty and the fact that he is the only one who can protect earth he wouldn't probably slack off as well.
Just look at present trunks same person, but born under completely different circumstances.

Toriyama was never good at remembering what color things are supposed to be.
Trunks is supposed to have his mother's hair color

> spin-offs
you know, the manga already has Jaco
Why not make a short spin-off anime for Jaco?
There is literally official source material for it.

Also, would be great to have like a Monaka spin-off
Just imagine
Delivery missions
In space!
Different planets!
Different species!
With occasional Goten and Trunks as guests
In that case the "Groop Vegeta mini-arc" could literally be considered a pilot for that.

Hit's strength is all due to his time power.

While his full potential with killing powers might be on a different level, as far as we know, Hit is just a Dragonball version of Dio Brando.

He gets close, stops time, and punches people.

Imagine what Hit could do with Piccolo's ki blast tactics...

I dunno it is just a pipedream.
Is there a word for wanting someone else to have something in english, I can't seem to google it.

Bulma and Trunks both had their hair colour change when they became adult.