>character was born and raised outside of Japan
>they speak perfect japanese without an accent
Character was born and raised outside of Japan
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Literally no different to western films having Ancient Roman soldiers or whatever speaking English with an American accent.
>implying Gladiator wouldn't be much better if everyone was speaking latin
Raising your kids bilingual is a thing, user
What do you want them to do, hire untalented gaijin?
Why are their eyes so soulless.
It's literally a different thing though.
Because they're ships. Ships don't have souls.
Have you seen how you look like before you haid your first Kaffee in the morning?
They are war ships. This single girl killed a lot of people, look how menacing she is.
that would actually be dope
Nonne delectamini?
>Live in America
>Only way to get an espresso with milk is $5 Starbucks and you can't get any of these proper drinks
Don't know about Japanese, but that Italian is nearly flawless.
You must be retarded if you think Starbucks is the only option.
Outside of your major urban area yes, it pretty much is
>Be French
>Can't even pronounce own name
>character has a german name
>it's an old name from 18th century or some combination of two stupid words
Eisenwanne as first name was the most stupid name the koreans came up with.
Still better than when anime they try talking in really shitty engrish
Main reason I cant watch black lagoon subbed
>have American soldiers
>they speak in broken Engrish
And that's why I never got past the intro scene in Muv Luv: Alternative
Contemporary names like Kevin-Malte or Jaqueline-Pepsi are of course better.
>The traditional coffee of your country is served Black and somewhat bitter
>You are a weak if you use sugar and accused of literal homosexuality if you use cream/milk
All is as it should be
Of course nobody wants a Rambo-Ramon-Rainer.
But a simple "Domenik" or "Matthias" would do.
Marie is also a very beautiful name.
>Main reason I cant watch black lagoon subbed
Absolutely atrocious! That's the best part.
Shitty Engrish is one of the best parts of anime
Depending on the genre
I dont think it works for black lagoon
Why? Black Lagoon was pretty tongue-in-cheek a lot of the time.
Yes but I did not think it was the kind of humor for the show
especially given she'd talk in engrish in some more serious moments
I speak japanese without accent. From what I saw, most of people speaking japanese with accent are native english speakers.
>Speaks near-perfect english
>Even when swearing