The worst anime you have ever seen?
The worst anime you have ever seen?
probably something I forgot
Love Hina no doubt i was angry the whole fucking way through. I still remember it vividly even though it was 13 years ago.
just cause the MC is a lucky bastard and you can't self insert?
Papa Iukoto no Kikinasai
Generic forced drama and loli fanservice: the series
Your new is showing.
Cuticle Tantei Inaba
>can't self insert?
To Love-ru is exactly for self-inserts though?
Kill la Kill, mostly because of the art direction. I don't know what they were thinking.
Fuck off
The only way this is true, and not a blatant piece of troll bait, is if you've seen exactly one anime in your life.
Fuck off that shit is gold nigga
The obvious
Watched it dubbed because the VAs gave about as many shits as I did about the show thus making it objectively better
Happy Lesson was pretty bad, it was back in the day when VNs were being adapted into anime and were being done poorly. The series was all over the place and didn't seem to know where it wanted to go. Other than that it had a newly minted Nana Mizuki
BIRTHING HIPS + dog spirit shit. No idea why I finished it.
No amount of fanservice will save it, To-Love-Ru is bad. The MC acts like he always surprised when he grabs a tit or a vag and still freaks out over being smothered by a bunch of girls. This series has been going on forever and it is time to get over it.
This. It is the worst fucking anime evre created. There isn't a single good character in this show. The MC is a god who is always 100% calculating and perfect and pays no attention to any bitches, while everybody else is a completely worthless pussy.
I can't believe it has more than one volume let alone a fucking anime and a manga. Those fucking Japs will buy anything as long as there's cute girls in it.
I like it
So you only seen a grand total of 5 anime?
Evangelion was close tho
And I hate Otome Dori, but it doesn't mean it was "bad", the art was too good for that piece of shit
soul taker probably.
Yosuga no Sora by far.
mahou sensou
I don't know OP, I usually drop the shit before it gets on my nerves.
But TLR as your worst is tremendous shit taste. The fan service alone puts it between bad and average.
>not enjoying cute girls and tea time
Come on, user.
Undoubtedly Green Green, god awful anime.
Kill yourself
This is the stupidest fucking meme ever.
That is one of the best anime shows created and likely will be for a long, long time. I'm talking top 5 of all time.
I'm sick of fags hating it on the mere basis that it's moe-ish "pointless slice of life" instead of actually watching it and seeing it for the masterpiece it is.
I'm caught in between Guilty Crown and Green Green.
I hate it more for the fact that these two designs were wasted on a forgettable show.
I'll always say Mekaku city actors. The pacing is all over the place. It never felt that the plot was progressing until near the end. The main characters, the ones that actually contributed something to the actual conclusion to the plot were poorly developed. Characters that actually didn't matter to the overall story got more development. It was one big mess.
Here is your (you).
I go out of my way to avoid shitty anime so I haven't touched some of the worst stuff out there, but I did fall for the SAO meme.
Holy shit, do I regret ever watching that. So fucking DULL.
I don't get why people think like that image about Eva, I mean, say what you want about it but it's clearly explained early on why he doesn't want to pilot the robot, it's not like he's whining over nothing.
I started watching that, I fucking hate it too.
>Muh stupid as all hell school-based artificial segregation that makes no sense
>Muh "I'm basically sexy Japanese Thomas Edison + James Bond + The Chosen One"
>Muh gross as hell incest. At least Yosuga no Sora and Oreimo talk about how weird it is, this show just expects you to accept it.
>Muh everyone loves the MC even though he's the most uncharismatic fucker I've ever seen.
>Muh shitty awful fucking dialouge
>Muh shitty goddamn slow and boring-ass plot
Seriously fuck this show. I saw all the threads when it was airing but never bothered, it's clear I didn't miss anything. Fuck Sup Forums, they're always talking about shows being shit and then this show had constant active threads while it was airing. Fuck anyone defending this piece of shit.
>d-do I fit in yet?
Probably Apocalypse Zero.
It was legitimately Fist of the North Star meets Kamen Rider but still shackled to a shitty highschool setting, with Powerpuff Girl aesthetics.
Spiral was the worst series I ever watched all the way through.
>Detective series with no resolution
>MC failed a lot
Never seen it myself, but apparently there is a shockingly generic series called MAR that has like a sum-zero fanbase due to how terrible it is.
If the worst anime you've seen is something popular and not some shitty forgotten show you need to watch more anime. You kids have no idea what true shit is.
There are plenty of absolutely awful popular shit.
Look at Elfen Lied.
Elfen Lied isn't even CLOSE to the worst popular shit out there.
Nothing Elfen Lied has done comes close to how shitty shows like Naruto and Bleach are.
>how shitty shows like Naruto and Bleach are
You're trying too hard to fit in again.
I mean sure, Naruto and Bleach went on for far too long but calling them "the worst" is just stupid.
Normies simply cant empathize with someone as emotionally damaged and repressed as Shinji
>unironically believing that Naruto and Bleach aren't insufferable
Marchens Awaken Romance? I saw the first episode of the dub on TV and they never showed another episode.
You're going after the low-hanging fruit. What's the point in bitching about a weekly shounen? Of course it's shit.
Super sonico, I just don't get it.
Will it ever be topped?
I remember that show.
It was SHIT, but you know what? They at least tried to be creative. You could tell the whole thing was probably one single guy's brainchild, it was kinda genuine in that sense.
Either AGE, Hokuto no Ken or Boogiepop Phantom
AGE for being truly, truly awful cliche ridden shit that I watched entirely for the weekly dose of rage when its little potential was consistently thrown out the window
Hokuto no Ken is just a fucking horrible anime. Terrible fucking animation and direction, pointless filler, ugly art, stock footage making up 50% of every episode. Totally ruins everything good about the manga. At least the movies are better
Boogiepop Phantom, what a horrible clusterfuck. Apparently a horrible Frankenstein's Monster of several chopped up stories, combined with introducing the character in another medium entirely making the bizarre and spastic pacing they chose even worse. I have no idea what even took place in this anime, it's garbage
In all seriousness, Panty and Stocking.
The only reason I watched the whole thing was because it had aired recently and was being posted all over Sup Forums and since I was just getting into anime more seriously back then I'd watch pretty much anything that seemed like a required watch.
Has there ever been a more transparently lower-effort cash-grab than this?
It's bad enough to be a rip-off, and even worse to be a blatant rip-off. But it's excusable to be rip-off of something that wasn't even good in the first place.
I could never ever tell if the dub was just over-localized and intentionally bad or if the Japanese version was just as wacky.
It was kinda refreshing to see a show take itself so unseriously though.
the japanese dub was completely serious
Nope, the english version of Digimon went through the same treatment. The english version was crazy and silly while the original wasn't anything like that.
In recent memory, probably Big Order.
Rail wars
It was not at all what I expected. Fanservice was good though
That sounds amazing, picked up.
I've heard that Big Wars is bafflingly, shockingly terrible, but I've never seen it myself.
The sci-fi/horror imagery intrigues me though.
I watched the first season and got 3 episodes into motto until Rito being a fucking moron about Haruna got to me. Not the worst thing though because Lala is cute
Gin Iro No Olynssis was bad, it made Gundam Seed Destiny look like Citizen Kane
But even popular shit is extremely high quality compared to unpopular shit like pic related
Toss up between Sword Ass Online and Hyouka.
This is the absolute worst thing I have ever watched. Absolutely fucking awful.
They couldn't even bother to nor give the character's same-face on the COVER?
I genuinely liked SAO's first season. Second season wasn't good at all but it was still watchable. Third season was such absolute fucking cancer I couldn't stand more than three episodes. When they start naming the bad guy "Death Gun" I'm fucking done.
Burst Angel was garbage, I thought we were getting an MC who was weak and would man up into an alpha who has a harem. Instead we got future cowboy yuri.
The manga was good though, everything I wished for
Death Gun and his gun Death Gun was season 2.
Alfheim Online was the second arc, but still in season 1.
First thirteen episodes were stupid fun if you "turned your brain off." Following episodes were ultra-cancer. Second season had its moments, and Sinon was undisputed best girl of her time. Third season was literally AIDS.
>There isn't a single good character in this show.
I disagree, the president is great.
Probably followed by Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight: Guilty. Holy shit why did I watch those.
But Sinon was shit. Every single girl in the show was shit.
Imouto was the best character despite her uselessness. President firmly holds the silver medal.
>But Sinon was shit.
Them's fighting words, you sack of shit. Talk shit get hit. Talk smack get whacked.
I will literally burn your house down.
Magic High School was a shit show and no amount of justification will fix that. Everything about its plot sucked major ass and the Gary Stu MC didn't contribute anything other than killing any possible interest someone could've had in the show.
It's like they made it solely for the purpose of self-insertion. There's never any conflict at all and what conflict is there is artificial and stupid.
Top tier VAs, I thought it would be something big but it was so flat
Just like pic related, great VAs, good animation, decent premise, shit execution
Worst anime? Gawd, there's a few.. Attack on Titan was awful in my opinion, as well as Naruto.
>The worst anime you have ever seen?
your favorite
Welcome to Sup Forums, I see you're trying extra hard to fit in here. Just relax, don't worry so much.
It's only bad if you think about it tho. Otherwise it's great.
I think this is the worst show I've watched too. It's about fifteen years since I've watched it, and I can't really remember what it was about, but it was really, really bad.
Since you couldn't waste bandwidth in those days, you had to watch what you downloaded even if it was bad. We were also starving for more anime.
>Otherwise it's great.
user pull up a seat. I want someone who likes this show to explain its appeal. I wrote this post so I clearly don't like it. Why should I watch more than the 8 episodes I've given it? The plot of the first 6 episodes was the real-world equivalent of Harvard students bickering about school-based discrimination based on who got scholarships or not even though all of them are better off than 99.9% of the population anyway. Where is the tension in that? The terrorist bullshit at the end came out of nowhere almost seemed like a lame excuse to have some form of climax because even the writer knew the show was fucking boring up til that point.
So far, there seems to be ZERO tension in the few episodes form the second Arc I've seen. Why should I keep watching?
Most people who like it enjoy the detailed, internally-consistent explanations of magic and the world-building.
I like it for the bro-con sister.
I don't need "tension" to enjoy something. If you do ite bruh.
I don't get it either (not the same user you're responding to).
You know when your friend asks for some recommendations, discards them all and watches that piece of shit. Then for the next 2 months you have to endure the non-stop talk how good it is.
Just my two-cents but I think the kind of people who enjoy these kind of things are only watching Anime when stoned/playing and or doing 3 things at the same time.
If you have that approach you're not going to enjoy it. The only proper way to watch and enjoy it is for Onii-sama. Otherwise yeah it's a pretty mediocre show. It's like watching TTGL and critiquing it as you would a normal show; you shouldn't judge it or watch it like you would normally.
This only annoyed me because I went in expecting onii-sama being op all the time but all I got was him fixing shit with some occasional fighting.
Hey it's not that bad and my waifu is from this show.
Great when it started
Good OPs, EDs, and OST
Nice characters designs
Terrible and repetitive story and the ending was a let down.
So basically it's a horrible show unless you're brain dead?
>Just my two-cents but I think the kind of people who enjoy these kind of things are only watching Anime when stoned/playing and or doing 3 things at the same time.
So far the impression I'm getting is people only liked it for the waifus. I like the sister character actually, those "forbidden love" relationships are interesting. Problem is every other second the MC is doing absolutely unbelievable shit like inventing flying on a whim one afternoon and you can't suspend your disbelief.
>It's like watching TTGL and critiquing it as you would a normal show
Critiquing it like what a Drama? TTGL from the offset was about crazy mechas that continued getting bigger and crazier as it went on and it did that. There's no problem getting into a show that is expecting you to have fun. Magic High School goes on for hours about how their segregated classes are horrible even though we're barely given any reason to sympathize with what are basically Ivy League douchebags complaining about not being the top student. What those two shows are "trying to do" is completely different because one is compelling and interesting and the other just fails at all levels at getting you hooked on its story.
You're comparing apples to a giant ball of shit.
absolutely shite