So is this show just straight-up propaganda attempting to get otaku to want to have children?
So is this show just straight-up propaganda attempting to get otaku to want to have children?
Sure, retard. Shinzo Abe single-handedly wrote, directed, voiced and drew every frame of Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari, in order to get the otakus to go outside and procreate.
So he want Otakus to have sex with tanukis? How else can you get a Poco?
What are you talking aboMARRY AND REPRODUCEut, stop being so silly, OP.
It's working on me at least
How can it be propaganda when he's a fucking Tanuki.
You know a fucking shape shifting Racoon.
Step 1: Make people leave Tokyo and move back to their hometown
Step 2: They take up their family business, thereby continuing glorious Japanese traditional work
Step 3: Nothing to do in the boonies except drink and fuck
Step 4: Children
It isn't propaganda its the natural result of having a bunch of lonely old men without children. Men want to be fathers too you know, hence a show like this would appeal and make them want to buy merchandise because the characters are cute and such to fill that void in their lonely otaku life.
No, it's propaganda to get them to adopt tanukis.
Why nips don't want to put benis in vagoo?
The Japanese government has neither the means nor desire to make Yamato people breed
Now go home, pay your taxes, and dreams sweet dreams of wide hips, narrow waists, bountiful breasts, and the sensation of slender legs wrapped tight around your waist as you thrust furiously into her fertile depths like a rutting beast
There are probably more reasons behind this (probably cultural), but the basics is that you need to have financial stability to get married, have kids and give those kids a good upbringing, and it is increasingly difficult. And even if you have a good job, taking care of your kids is difficult when your employer is a slave driver.
>7 volumes
>0 scanlated
Only way that could be accomplished is if we actually got a really well done, multi season Yotsuba anime.
It also has to do with the cultural stigma towards women returning to work after having kids. Traditionally you get married before 25, then start making babies. If women are going to college then they're not leaving school until 22 at the earliest. And then you spend all that money on school just to work for 3 years. Seems like a waste. So a lot of women are choosing to become Christmas Cakes and stay independent.
Yotsuba&! is not a parenting manga.
Neither is Poco's Udon World. The story is not about the father-son relationship.
That's what it would work, if it's specifically about parenting it would be obvious, but who could possibly resist seeing an animated Yotsuba encountering all the wonderful things of this world?
Azuma has repeatedly noted that Yotsuba&! would just not work as an anime.
>Interviewer: The scenes without dialogue where we just watch Yotsuba’s actions and mannerisms really made an impression on me. It’s funny how the adults just take all that bizarre kid stuff in stride without even pointing out how strange it is.
>Azuma: Yeah, that sort of scene is something I personally like. I don’t really like being explanatory about things. I consider the fact that there are no performers in manga to be one of the medium’s strengths. Well, I suppose there’s me, the guy drawing it, but movies have actors and anime have voice actors, and you have people making things very straightforward in their performances there, but that doesn’t happen in manga. The advantage to making manga lies in the fact that Yotsuba is Yotsuba, I believe. That’s another thing I wanted to do in Yotsuba&!: to get rid of the constrictions of doing a story. To just let Yotsuba naturally do as she likes as much as possible, without explanation. The parts that would get cut out of a story manga because nothing happens, Yotsuba&! serves up as the main dish.
>yfw that's specifically why it would work as an anime because you spend less $$ on VA and put more into animation/direction
The animation is what anime struggles to get done the most, especially convincing subtle character animations. I think it would be rather difficult to convey that feeling of childish movement in anime without significant skill and effort going into the animation all the time to a fairly polished level. Anime is usually mostly static though.
And he's wrong. He's right in that it wouldn't work if it's done the way any other random anime gets made, but there's nothing inherently impossible about making a yotsuba anime. But it would have to be done by people that understand that letting Yotsuba do what Yotsuba does, without trying to fit it into a narrative or a punchline but just let the moments be. The real issue an understandable lack of trust of people that do anime.
So, a Yotsuba anime not existing is for the best, but at the same time you can picture how if it was done right it would be a joy to see.
So, Abe's at it again?
Please leave, Abe!
I think you need to combine step 3 and 4
Why don't you want a kid Sup Forums?
Besides the fact that you would probably be a horrible parent and raise a future serial killer
Thank you, based Abe. Please make a new season of Danna ga Nani soon
I think those kind of scenes would work great in anime even without voices but I respect his opinion, and if he feels Yotsuba&! shouldn't have an anime then there's nothing left to say.
>assuming I don't want to raise a future serial killer.
>he doesn't want to have a serial killing daughteru with whom to have even more serial killing kids
No, retard. It's straight-up propaganda trying to get more tourists to go to Kagawa, just like Flying Witch was straight-up propaganda trying to get more tourists to go to Aomori.
Real kids wouldn't be as cute as this magical Tanuki, so no dice.
You could always substitute with nukoduke.
Because the most important thing for the past 60 years has been production, not reproduction. Having a family is a distraction from the important work of your company achieving its goals. Japanese society has become so focused on work, that more and more people feel pressured to prioritize it over their own personal happiness.
Do women WANT to have children with filthy otaku?
Yeah. From the looks of it this is meant to bait females while Walmart Madoka is meant to bait males.
Does this suit even work though?
I day dream of my 3/4th Russian 1/4th Asian loli with a confused heritage becoming an astronaut
Actually she'd grow up to be an ungrateful slut, not a clone of my waifu
Pic related
bad genetics, my family has a notorious history of kids dying from Tay-Sachs
Good lord, the stupid shit some people post.
>Want children? Just be reasonably attractive and one that has skipped potty training will land on your lap along with a cute girl who will help you look after it
the gun is backwards
>Men want to be fathers too you know,
I know
There were a few times nichijou did this pretty well.
The mosquito scene and the one where everyone read's Mio's gay porn come to mind.
Because I watched My Sister Momoko yesterday and now I'm devastated.
Yeah, no.
If anyone here wins the lottery and spends the entire lump sum on bribing this author and funding the anime production solo then we'd see that shit the immediate season after.
>tfw no qt little tabuki boy to raise
Because real kids are nasty and annoying 90% of the time.
>bad genetics
Also this.
Why would anyone here want to sully the perfection that is Yotsuba&! with an adaptation that could never match up?
It is absolutely adorable is what it is.
Shit man, at least you can adopt
Now THIS is propaganda
>Good things happen sometimes
No they don't ever. Life is a screaming nightmare from day 1 and it literally will never let up, then you get to die a panicy death when you transition back into nothingness.
Whole thing is shit.