How come Madoka gets so much credit for "deconstructing" the magical girl genre when pic related did it earlier and...

How come Madoka gets so much credit for "deconstructing" the magical girl genre when pic related did it earlier and better?

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Because most Madoka fans were probably barely sentient when it came out



Boy, it's almost like I expended the necessary effort to put quotes around that word for a reason. Language is crazy, huh?

Because Madoka is baby's first anime

Projecting much?

Not, it really is

Hitoshi Tomizawa is a fucking gem. There was a short period on Sup Forums where we had a surprising amount of Alien Nine threads and it was fantastic.

the only thing Alien Nine deconstructed is my ears

I wouldn't say it's that bad. Things like Naruto or OPM are babby's first anime. Madoka is baby's first /anime/ like the first thing they watch when they're trying to get deeper. Kind of like with comics how so many people go from capes to Hellboy and then to more indie things.

After ten years, anime fans either move on or achieve neetdom, leaving a small fraction to shitpost on Sup Forums about older shows.

All that rape symbolism. Delicious

Because it always looked like shit

Memes aside, is it worth watching?

What memes, but yeah. Inconclusive, but well directed.

If oldfags can convince Sup Forums to watch shows like Alien Nine, Narutaru, Key: The Metal Idol, Princess Tutu or Haibane Renmei... then I can be a little bit pleased. There are decades worth of forgotten gems to watch.

That's not magical girl god damn it.

Until this thread I never considered, but when you think about it it has a lot of parallels with a magical girl series.

You're better off watching Princess Tutu.

the bit in the last (?) episode where she's hallucinating the field of flowers on the stairs stuck real hard with me, incredible stuff

worth going back to the manga after watching though, the anime ends incredibly abruptly like not even halfway through

But Alien Nine wasn't a magical girl show, it was a coming of age puberty metaphor show.

weird shit happening to their bodies they can't control, strange new feelings, noticing everyone else going through dramatic physical and mental changes but feeling left behind yourself; etc. etc.

if your point was that A9 is underrated and deserves more love then that I wholeheartedly agree with.

Now you're just being contrarian.

It's the same thing with Gunbuster and Evangelion.

>Princess Tutu
>Haibane fucking Renmei
Lurk more. Also, the Narutaru manga is one of Kitoh's weaker showings and the anime is trash.

I wouldn't call it a mahou shoujo or a deconstruction or even similar to Madoka, but it sure as heck is good.

How are they related? That aside, I preferred this one easily.

It's not contrarian to dislike Madoka anymore.

Because Alien Nine is not a magical girl series maybe.

Why? Madoka is genuinely one of the best modern Anime.

Oh shit I forgot about that

The opening is so great.

I disagree, and it's fallen out of critical favour in general. Popular, sure, and lauded at release, but in my experience it's no longer well-regarded.

That's not entirely true, what hapoened is since no one would shut the fuck up about it, it became entry level and having it in your favories makes you no longer cool and shit

How did the director of this amazing anime make trash like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood?

The problem lies more with the fact that the show has been discussed to death, the painfully slow process of waiting for the sequel, and that any Madoka thread posted instantly becomes a shitposting general featuring some of the worst tripfags on the board, meaning that discussion is avoided or associated with shitposting. It's more that people dislike talking about Madoka rather than disliking the series itself.

That's not how I see it, but I'm sure it's the case for some people.

There were a lot of great things about it the anime, but it's woefully incomplete.
The manga dealt with a lot of interesting situations but it wasn't very tidy (I mean in terms of structure).

In all its inconclusiveness I really preferred the anime. I think it's fine (perhaps better?) to leave it open-ended.

>It's not contrarian to dislike Madoka
Is this a new meme?

Because Madoka was good, and this was pretentious shit.

Maybe if you generalize it to "it's not contrarian to be contrarian."

Nah, it's just some idiots trying to fit in with le Sup Forums hates anything popular memay

>How come X gets so much credit for "deconstructing" the Y genre when Z did it earlier and better?
An eternal question for the ages, OP, but the answer is invariably "because it's more well-known"

I thought it was better executed for sure, but mixed feelings about the open-endedness. On one hand I really don't like a lot of what happened after on a gut level (I guess I first read it pretty young though) and on the other hand I just don't think it works to cut it off there. Even if the manga kind of wandered and didn't always see things through, I think it covered stuff that the anime should have, ideally.

Pretty much my sentiments exactly. I'd just rather have it end prematurely and guess at things than have it go the manga route where I really disliked everything post-anime. Ideally though, I completely agree.

Sadly it will never happen.