What in the fuck is a "centrist"?

What in the fuck is a "centrist"?

Increasingly across social media and in articles I've been seeing references to so called "centrists" that believe in data science and are non-ideologues? But from what I can tell they seem to be run of the mill progressive leftists? What's going on here folks, is there something I'm missing?

Centrists are people who don't express their opinions so that they can't be refuted. Everyone who believes in data science is on the same page and I can tell you it isn't centrism.

anyone who is not a nazi/communist/anarchist

I've had a several conversations with them and they're ALWAYS very evasive about the ideologies informing their beliefs. But they absolutely deny being leftists. Are they all liars? Is this a new thing amongst leftists to just lie and deceive about being a lefty in the first place?

It's when you're not a dumb commie faggot or a racially obsessed Nazi.

A centrist is a follower ofvthe political philosophy of centrism.

In politics centrism is a political outlook that involves support of a balance of a degree of social equality and a some degree of social hierarchy while opposing political changes which would result in a radical shift of society either strongly to the left or the right.

Sargon calls himself liberal but he mostly isn't really. He believes in some leftist shit on top of mainly right wing principles, that makes him a "centerist". Vice versa.

It when you're a conservative constitutionalist anti anarchist and anti totalitarism

I hate these types


What they mean is that they're for the maintenance of the status quo, which is the preservation of the Western liberal democratic tradition, rather than radical politics - that's it. This technically makes them a liberal conservative against any major change to the system, but this is a rather boring - and slightly cowardly - political appellation, so they take the moniker of Centrist as an attempt to appear non partisan, rational, enlightened etc.

It has always been the case throughout history that most people are conservative, in the strict sense of the term in that they wish to preserve the current socius. The minority of people are the radicals, people who want a new socius, and as history has shown repeatedly, these people tend to be the drivers of the political dynamic. It's just a question now of which radical portion will win - the neo-reactionaries, Deng Xiaoping corporatist-statists, right and left accelerationists, and Gramscian socialists. Personally, my money is on right-accelerationism, as it's currently the only radical political philosophy with an accurate idea of the radical effects of capitalism.

I look at both sides and take the best of both worlds.
The left has some good points; the right has some good points.

Why take the bad with them? That's just silly.

I call them "fence-sitters" because they will avoid picking a side no matter how obscure. You say to them "I don't think we should sacrifice every firstborn to Molech" and their answer will never be "I agree". It's always "yeah BUT". yeah but yeah but yeah but

There are two types of centrists. The ones that have no opinions, and the ones that have strong opinions all over the spectrum. Most people who describe themselves as centrists seem to be just classical liberals trying to rebrand. PS the name sounds rational because of a cognitive bias called golden middle.

Can you elaborate on the accelerationists? Are there dengist movements outside of china?

It's a transition phase, when a person has both some left and right ideals he's quick to say he's a centrist. Also the person talking to him will not attack him for his belief.

It's a person that doesn't scream and shout while debating someone. Centrists usually apply well thought out arguments while earnestly listening to the opposing arguments without being offended or triggered. In pop culture a "Centrist" is just a liberal that isn't extreme in his/her views. Most people that say they're centrists are just evasive about disclosing their political stance

I would argue that it's not a transition at all.
Going full left, or full right is full on crazy to me. Why would I join a bandcamp and ignore certain beliefs/opinions just to fit in?
I wouldn't.
Now, with that said, I may lean more left, or more right, depending on which side is more retarded at the moment. But I'm still somewhere in the middle. Never cheapening my values to fit in.

You don't actually have any values just like most fence sitters.

Nice generalization there, buddy.
But if you knew me, you'd know you're wrong.

Total bullshit. We take every issue individually.

>But from what I can tell they seem to be run of the mill progressive leftists?

this, it goes issue by issue, some issues im a leftist and others I am pretty far right on

Conservatives in America are not representing the people. So there needed to be a new ideology or this will only end in war.

No one is representing the people anymore. Haven't been for a long time.
Although I have reason to believe that maybe, juuuuuuust maybe, Trump is.
But I've grown cynical over the years. So only time will tell if it's true or not.

Accelerationism itself should long ago have been discussed in detail here, and I'm surprised it rarely comes up. It's basically the idea that the transformative aspects of capitalism should be intensified. By transformative aspects, these are usually defined as something called deterritorialisation (the uprooting effects of capitalism on the individual and wider society) and the machinic impulse (the increasing industrial process of society and culture by advancing technology).

Left accelerationism says that capitalism as a system has now failed to continue with thes transformative impacts, and that a new Hegeleian synthesis is required that incorporates the best of capitalism with what is termed "inhumanism" (basically, a Kantian conception of man as sentient being ), usually to create some sort of post-scarcity anarchism (think of Universal Basic Income, Artificial Intelligence etc.). Right accelerationism says that it is fruitless to plan like this, that capitalism should be left to it's own devices (basically, a form of libertarianism that would make Ron Paul pause) in order to achieve a Nietzchian, trans-humanist socius, often described in terms of schizophrenia.

Left accelerationism is currently the one best known - the push for UBI, for example, was entirely from think tanks founded by Italian accelerationists - but right accelerationism I think has a foothold in Silicon Valley and in Shanghai circles, so will probably have a bigger impact.

As for Dengists - it's inevitable after the recent CCP conference that Dengist movements will be exported worldwide. Probably not in Western Europe and North America, although I can imagine frustrated former working class socialists forming such movements, but definitely in Africa and South America.

For more about Accelerationism, try reading the CCRU stuff from Nick Land (prepare for getting brain fucked, though), or the recently released "#Accelerate - The Accelerationist Reader".

Alright how do you judge the 3% of the black population committing 50%+ of crimes in the US issue? or any of the other things that are mentioned on Sup Forums? Are they no-no issues or what?

Centrists tend to fall under the school of republican anarchy, we mind our own shit and do what we can to keep true faith in the republic without declaring a crusade against the corporatists on the right and fascists on the left that keep trying to smother old glory in shameless collectivism.

If we had the manpower and a hierarchy the lot of you on both sides of the aisle would've been culled by now

Interesting, I am familiar with communist accelerationism, but I hadn’t heard of right wing accelerationism. What makes them think that uncontrolled capitalism will result in trans-humanism and the creation of the overman? I can think of several ways that it could go wrong. Are you by the way aware of any technocratic movements? I’d imagine that they’ll merge with the dengists.

I'm all for borders and wall.
Gay marriage with the state is fine. It's just a contract of co-dependence. Just don't force it on the church or those that aren't comfortable with it.
I also own my own business, so of course I want lower taxes. Who doesn't? Cut the fat from government FFS.

Lastly, I don't, and never have, used social media.

Seems like you're a fair bit off the mark there, pal.
Perhaps you shouldn't generalize millions of people under a single banner.

Niggers are prone to violence. It's VIOLENT crime that niggers are disproportionate in committing.
Whitey commits plenty of crime, just not crime where you do time.

And I would argue that most centrists would never consider an issue off the table. Or a "no-no issue" as you say.
Everything is open for debate. Let's find a reasonable answer to the problem. Not just an answer that fits left or right.

Its when someone goes wow the right AND left are both ridiculously fucking stupid and realizes that identifying with either of these groups means your brain dead fucking retarded.

The fact that both sides get so upset when someone doesn't pick a specific group with specific ideas to belong to proves how retarded all y'all are.

Someone who is too chickenshit to choose a side and wants to pretend to be an intellectual

Centrism is a logical fallacy called the appeal to moderation that states the truth or best course of action is always a moderate position between two extremes. Which makes it ironic that centrists posture as aloof and hyper-rational when fallacious reasoning is the foundation of their belief system. Centrism isn't really about the status quo because centrists constantly move to the left as leftists drag the Overton window in that direction.

It's also a way for progressive liberals to claim the moral and intellectual high ground. That's why the MSM likes to describe Obama, Hillary, and Merkel as centrists.

You know those people who only tear down the solutions other people provide and exclaim their intelligence? Those are centrists.

>Everything is open for debate. Let's find a reasonable answer to the problem. Not just an answer that fits left or right.
So what would that be then?

95% of 'Radical Centrists' are leftists either too scared to make a declaration, or too enamored in muh hipster views.

Hitler was a centrist.

Ignore d&c shills.

You're not a fucking centrist, you retarded leaf.
>want borders and a wall
>supporting civil partnerships instead of gay marriage
>want lower taxes
You're basically a far right nazi to the average ''centrist.'' You're more right wing than Trump.

To the nigger problem?
Beats the fuck out of me. I like Carlin's idea. Get a nice square like state. Fence the shit off. Let 'em roam free in nigger town on their own".

Anyway, I gotta get going.
The main point is "DEBATE". A back and forth between people hearing views from left right and beyond in the hopes that some sort of proper conclusion can be met.

All issues are also complex to a point where no sentence, paragraph, or essay that I can type here will be able to give anything more than a half hearted joke response that is sadly, in my opinion at least, better than what we are doing right now.
Which is enabling the niggs.

>PS: As I'm not going to edit shit.
Kill affirmative action. Whitey has to succeed on his own merit, everyone else should too.
Don't like it? Too fucking bad.

Anyway, I'm out.

i think "centrists" are half redpilled people

they know leftism/statism is bullshit but they still believe what the media says about anything left of straight marxism is racist or far right

tl;dr theyre pussies

Yeah, but I like all sorts of leftist altruistic shit too.
I'm just reasonable and understand that most of it's not feasible or realistic to accomplish within my lifetime.


Anyway, as stated above, I'm out.

Found the left wing extremist

He thinks he is a centrist because he takes each issue individually but it is his solution to them that qualifies him as a "centrist" or not.

Why do they get anything other than a boat trip somewhere else? that is much more reasonable than them choosing outright death no? It is just because you don't like the solution even if it would work 100%.

Pic related is a good example of the leftist tactic of defining the center as being on the left.

there comes a point where not picking a 'side' is picking a side

> What makes them think that uncontrolled capitalism will result in trans-humanism and the creation of the overman?
This is the main charge leveled against them. People point out that capitalism at the moment isn't producing the technological singularity that was hoped for. There is no advanced AI or cyborgs yet - only endless iterations of he same consumer gadgets.

I guess it's a form of belief, but then, when you really get into right accelerationism, it becomes crazy. I'm not joking about the schizophrenia stuff, the original writings for right accelerationism talk about capitalism as being a primeaval, non human form of cosmic schizophrenia. It sound mad, but it's based on originally Marxist interpretations of capital's strange conflict in creating overabundance (so much overabundance now, in fact, that's it ludicrous) but only being able to survive and propagate by generating want and scarcity.

Technocratic movements - not that I know of. There's very likely an increasing core in the EU civil service, disgusted by liberal democracy and enticed by Chinese order and power, that will probably form the nucleus of some quasi Dengist Europea movement. I don't think such people like movements anyway - they're fundamentally conservative, and dislike the chaos of current politics.

It's a scam

From my experience a centrist is someone who gets called a democrat by people who are republicans and people who get called right leaners by people who lean left. I just hold views that don't mesh out any popular ideology. Some are popular with the left side (Gay marriage being legal) and some are popular with the right(more guns in the hands of the right people).

Just because a solution lands far left or right doesn't mean my position in the middle is any different. It's just that the better answer happened to come from that side this time.
Or at least, the better looking answer at the time. As nothing tends to go as one plans. (usually)

And to answer the (You). Something something low IQ?
Remember! Not all blacks are niggers, and not all niggers are black!
Purge everyone under IQ100 and implement a basic eugenics program!
But don't let it get too far, or it will be used to purge "undesirables". Which is a very broadly defined term.

>For real this time, I'm out.

You don't understand genetics at all and you sure as fuck will be back because you are a last word niggerfaggot.

People who are scared to be anti / pro something and who need the approval of everybody i.e. people with no guts.

people who don't blindly follow ideology or ideological leaders.
this obviously triggers both the right and left who scream "enabling hitler" and "cuck"

Is there any difference between moderate and extreme left nowadays? Are there any differences in the policies that they support?

What's your background brazil user? You seem to know what you are talking about, that's rare around here.

You did however mention that right wing accelerationism is the most likely winner. How?

So libertarian?

Authoritarian Centrist

An enlightened fence-sitter who considers himself to be above the fray.

Libertarians follow a specific ideology. Two centrists could have opposite views on the same topic as long as it worked out that the average of all their stances was somewhere in the middle of the two poles.

>Enlightened fence sitter

I'm afraid I'm not Brazilian, friend. Currently just here on business, and I never post under anything except geographic location.

Centrists are smug dickheads who think they're above all politics. They're the sort of people who sit back and say "both sides are just as bad" without ever taking a stance on anything themselves.

These are the same kind of people who pride themselves on "not being into sportsball", as they will put it. Because not being part of things, being better than things, is how they define themselves.

People who identify centrists are the sort of people who are convinced of their own intelligence and superiority, and see themselves as above other people.

But it's important to keep in mind: A centrist is a coward. He holds this lack of position not because he's actually too clever or wise to have opinions, but because he fears his intellect being challenged. If he assumes a position, this position can be argued against, can even be refuted. And if their ideas can be refuted, it means they're not smarter than anyone else.

I think because, on a surface level, it agrees with radical libertarianism, which will win out soon in the West, either in it's pure form or as a corporate sponsored form. Right accelerationists are currently giving an intellectual impetus to libertarian think tanks (see Cato Insitute for example), that while boring, run of the mill classical liberals and businesspeople like because it basically advocates the advancement of the concentration of wealth and removing barriers to really start going with technological development (human cloning, AI, private space enterprise), while inevitably kill off such people soon.

In essence - left accelerationism has a plan, and a plan that right now with just a few advancements in key areas (automation and AI, mainly) could actually work, it has zero politically or financial backing and never will. Right accelerationism, while still pinned on just a hope that eventually capital while spawn the technological singularity, has the veneer of being classically liberal and thus has the funding and leverage in key think tanks and businesses.

I am sure there are people in the world that think that way, but by and large they are people who just hold nuance views of difficult problems. I think the centrist view is what naturally happens when you don't let the media or pop culture dictate what you are supposed to care about. I doubt you fully agree with every stance that the politician you voted for in the last election.

It's a set of political stances, though what those stances exactly are is a bit vague.
It doesn't mean "this person always picks middle-of-the-road or has no opinions", and all the fucking retards who spout that shit here should KYS.

Centrists typically favor a capitalistic economy with decent sized safety nets, socially liberal but not full on sjw, and are flexiable in policy so that we can solve issues rather than being tied to ideological issues.
I'm centrist on most issues except immigration and feminism.

>corporate sponsored form
Apologies, state sponsored, in that the vestigial remains of the state apparatus - law, order, basic infrastructure - is used to propagate libertarianism.

But most of centrists are explicitly against mass immigration and modern feminist bullshit.

They're just classical liberals, no more discussion needs to be had I thought everybody knew this by now what is wrong with this board

FUCK all you pussies like this -- and Individualism is an outdated, ego-building meme

This is true, but wouldn’t a libertarian system immediately crash or revert into a social democracy?

I think they should stop genociding white people, but I don't want to genocide anyone else. Am I a centrist?

I found a lot are for immigration and feminism at least in the west.

No, you retarded fuck. That's not what centrism is.
APOLITICAL and CENTRIST is not the same.

>My echo chamber can't give me an infograph about your view, it must be silly!
>it is impossible to be pro-immigration reform and pro-gay marriage.


Nice opinion bro, spoken like a true citizen of a country with bipartisan politics.

Napoleon was a centrist. He found an optimal middle ground between jacobinism and absolutism, blending in several different ideologies, both liberal and authoritarian in nature. True centrism, such as Saint Simonism aims to separate the state from the people. You no longer seek to have absolute power over them, or control them, nor do you seek to be fully controlled by them or engage in trueuniversal democracy. The state becomes an efficient, if autonomous body, made up of qualified individuals only. The political class dies, and bureaucrats can no longer hope for political power as it is now held by the elite of different parts of the civil society. For example, an academy of scientists, an academy of industrialists and economists, and an academy of artists and philosophers.


theres super far right, "gas the niggers kikes and everyone who isnt white" which dont even exist

then theres super far left, full communism...i dont even know what else they want but the full on left loving fag doesnt really exist either (i think)

centrists fall in between these two and feel as though theyre different even though everyone else does too

It's just a way to try to sell data science as a non-harmful thing, when its extremely dangerous zealotry.

Which ones? Don't tell me you think someone like Obama or Hillary is centrist.
What most clearly separates centrists from modern liberals is the rejection of cultural relativism, identity politics and mass immigration.
Of course, I said centrism is kind of a vague term.

Status quo establishment

Centrists are the worst people politically because they are 100% feels based; they have no unified ideology even within themselves. The only "logical" method for holding a political position is to have a solid guiding principle and RIGOROUSLY apply that principle to any given situation; to do anything else is to be a political coward who has no moral or ethical compass.

Modern centrists are just fence sitters or people too afraid to have a firm position that they might have to defend.

Historically though, a radical centrist would be Hitler. He was right in the center, very authoritarian, but he rejected both right and left while accepting from both right and left, picking what he felt worked best regardless of where on the spectrum it fell.

Nope, because modern politics lean heavily to the left in terms of social issues, and pretty right in terms of economic issues.

I consider myself a centrist in that my opinion isn't rigid and I agree with parts of both sides of the coin. Who the fuck is anyone to tell me that I have to blindly agree to one of two ideologies.

War was always the outcome. Centrists are just blind to this fact or too afraid to face it. To think that we would just sit back and accept this government is insane. To do nothing about it would be even more insane.

Oh, and you also get the "It's wrong to rape a 6 year old, but the alternative is to not rape the 6 year old, so you should rape them just a little.", anyone that stands in the middle of the road and thinks that taking part of both side, regardless of how right or wrong one side is, is the correct answer.

I just mean people who identify with the label, not any specific person. Though this fits Joe Liberman and Susan Collins like a book.

No, you fucking retards. That's not what centrism means.
"Fence sitting" would be not really having opinions, just embracing what prevails.
That's not centrism, that's rather opportunism or populism.

Because to be able to pick and choose from both sides means you are a political whore with no moral or ethical bone in your body you filthy abbo.

When you consent to a two party system that is what you are agreeing too.

>what is establishment politics

I didn't sign up for a two party system and neither did you. Don't shoe horn yourself into it.

Sup Forums hates centrists cause they don't jump to conclusions based off biases and falty info. leftypol hates them for not accepting marxist approved info and narratives using only set in stone social science/humanities sources.

everyone here should at least try to be a centrist in private and admitting you're not is saying your opinion can never be swayed because you can only see things in black/white

Politics are for retarded slaves who want to feel like they are participating in their own enslavement.

I never voted (consented) in my life.


Politics are not a sports game. Politics should be about what works and improves the lives of majority, not dogmas and "being loyal", it's not a fucking religion.

I'm a centrist when it comes to killing Jews. Every man has preferred method.

Then you are a child or are here illegally. Either way, thanks for allowing me to completely disregard your point of view.

Brainlets i.e. normies who want to sound intelligent. Basically retards.

Fuck the majority.