>Protagonist is stuck in a game and can't log out
>Protagonist mysteriously is summoned to another world
Protagonist is stuck in a game and can't log out
> Protagonist doesn't know how to knock on doors.
>Protagonist has a special ability and keeps it a secret for literally no reason
Protagonist is a generic highschooler with no notable ability, natural or otherwise, and is violently afraid of anything sexual
>Protagonist has a special ability and tells everyone for literally no reason
>protagonist is a typical Sup Forums user
>their life is perfect, bitches falling all over him for smiling in their general direction, picking up a book, or generally breathing within a 5 mile vicinity
>10 million copies sold (and counting)
>protagonist is a normal, socially acclimated, sexually active adult
>protagonist regularly beats the shit out of girls, whether they're lolis, cakes, or anything in between
Really? What piece of Japanese fiction?
>lolis, cakes, or anything in between not living their lives correctly
It's on the list now.
Arigaeto goochimasu
You should reconsider.
>getting suckered into a quagmire because of your degenerate fetishes
Good fucking God, you deserve whatever pain comes your way.
It's considerably bad. It only starts getting good for short stints some 3 billion volumes in. Not a bad author, but certainly not his best work.
>protagonist gets physically abused by girl and quietly accepts his fate without so much as a word
>Protagonist has to take his wife's son's friends out for pizza and bowling, and they all make fun of him the whole time
>Protagonist has a special ability and keeps it a secret for literally no reason
this sounds based as fuck. sauce?
>that same girl wins the MCbowl
>girls who genuinely liked the MC and treated him well from the beginning lose miserably
like pottery