
Should passengers have the right to elect an unqualified pilot because they like his personality?

Is it tyranny to deny them this?
Is it populism to allow it?

>Is it tyranny to deny them this?

Of course not. The plane is private property you shit commie retard.

Shit analogy. The aircraft is owned by a corporation, the passengers are customers of that corporation, not shareholders. When they willingly bought the ticket they agreed to terms and conditions, terms and conditions that do not allow for a democratic process of determining pilots mid-flight.

And applying that to meritocratic governments?

If I got a flight to London and while in the air the pilot told me that instead we will be flying to Moscow, and that the dinner I was promised has now been cancelled, and the guy next to me was a qualified pilot who promised to take me to London, then yeah, I think it's fair to want the other pilot to fly the plane.

There is a right way to fly a plane. There is no 'right' way to lead a country. There is only will. And in a democracy the will that counts is the will of the people.

Further, the President isn't analogous to the pilot of a modern aircraft, with direct control of every aspect of the nation. It's more like the captain of a ship, but even that's a stretch because the President has many more checks on his power.

The fuck are you even going on about

Sort of like the democrat/republican parties, then

America did it.


No, people should be controlled by their smarter superiors for the collective good of everyone. Democracy was a mistake.

Free market, commie trash.

an airplane is not a government you moron

The analogy fits. And the correct answer is no, they shouldn't be allowed to choose that.

>implying being president requires a specialised skillset

So you're saying that Oligarchy/Nobility is the answer?
I thought lefties hated having a ruling class and wanted equality?

Yeah I mean that is obviously the implication here. I didn't even realize that OP was a leftist until I clicked and made the pic bigger. 'Agreeing with liberals for the wrong reason' I guess.

They did until they became the ruling class.

Simplistic argument submitted by a simpleton.

That would imply the wife of the pilot could have a go too.

No if you read any of the posts you’d understand that a plane is private property

This is an retarded argument

Post comics that really make you think

That analogy was specifically designed to lure you into accepting the kind of cattle treatment you get on an airplane as a necessity of daily life.

Democracy is a childish concept.

America was not designed to be a democracy it was a republic where those with interests (land owners) had a right to elect representatives to govern

Now we let children and wards of the state and women vote

I would even be okay with women and minorities voting if property ownership was a requirement

>For the past four decades the pilots for this company have been intentionally crashing the planes and leaping out with a parachute
>Let’s not even attempt to switch companies though the competition is new and has just started flying planes
Look ma I can do bad analogies too

wtf I only vote for career politicians now

I mean that's what they tried to elect in the last go, so really it was the implication of the comic, however one could argue that Hillary had "experience" in politics from her senate/sec of state roles, however she was absolutely awful at both so really the argument "should" fall flat on its face, but it doesn't because Dems forgive any missteps by their own and pretend they never happened until things blow up in their face and then they throw whoever is most convenient under the bus, which is what is currently happening to the Clintons even though it was obvious to a normal person that they were utterly corrupt long ago.

if you knew the pilot was going to fly the plane into a building to serve evil, you probably wouldn't care about the pilots qualifications or grades in flight school

yes but they come from a class of exclusively pilots that are all trained to fly the plane since birth so the wife wouldn't have a problem flying the plane

That's why best run states should be private societies run on the free market.
This is the most meritocratic system.


The passengers only have one shared goal, that is having the plane land safely at its destination, and it's fairly easy to judge who will be the best person to do this job in an objective manner. Neither of these feature when it comes to government. The nation is made up of various peoples with often conflicting interests and deciding which interests should be catered to and who is best capable of doing so is entirely subjective.

>Should passengers have the right to elect an unqualified pilot because they like his personality?
>Is it tyranny to deny them this?
>Is it populism to allow it?
It is much worse the populism.

She lost.

Get over it and move on.

Some public slave owners tried to take some land from other public slave owners, so another public slave owner intervened and now our civilization is gonna get destroyed.
I think we deserved this.

Only people with slave-mentality should be slaves, if you make free people slaves it slows down our economical growth.

if the plane is flying in the wrong direction (government corruption), then you better find a new pilot and fast because your plane has probably been hijacked (corrupt political parties). At that point you might as well trust a passenger who claims they have the experience to fly a plane since the plane would crash and burn anyways if you don't

But why are you making me oversimplify the government for you? You'd have to be a toddler to want to think of things this way

thinking planes can actually fly. oh vai.

Also free people that have been made slaves are less likely to have children and pass down their, usually very conservative, values.

>There is no 'right' way to lead a country
that's where you're wrong kiddo

Turns out the pilots where never actually flying the plane, they just took it around a bit on the tarmac and stopped at the gate again, when people started asking how come we have not gone anywhere the pilots just said "WAAAH are u stupid ofc we have been flying look at all the progress we made"
But when the people still wherent buying it and started demanding that pilots fly the plane the pilots simply started talking about fuel costs and air traffick regulations untill everyone one the plane was sound asleep, then they took the plane around the tarmac for another term.. i mean ride

If its the Cold War era and you plane just flew past your German stop and is still headed east, you may just want to elect a new pilot.


Yes, democracy is shit. Especially in a multiethnic society where everyone is innately just trying to vote for whatever benefits their own group over others.

The only plausible way to have democracy work is if suffrage is limited to white men, as this is the only group that's actually "qualified" enough to make rational long-term decisions. And even then, democracy is still innately flawed and limiting suffrage merely slows down the decline that democracy brings. And there's always the chance that the white male voters end up granting voting rights to niggers and women, as is what happened to us already.

>I would even be okay with women and minorities voting if property ownership was a requirement

They'd never allow that though. Remember Rhodesia, which the entire world boycotted and declared an illegal rogue state? Why was that? People think it's because blacks were not allowed to vote, but that's not precisely true. Voting rights were restricted to property owners, rather than letting every retard vote. And of course this meant that 95% of dumb niggers couldn't vote. But it wasn't because they were black necessarily.

It's the same way that voter ID laws are declared racist because everyone knows that niggers are too dumb to bring their drivers licenses with them.


>meritocratic governments?
These don't exist.

How do you determine who is qualified to be president of a nation? It is true, of course, that leading a country requires knowledge, and to this end, just about every country in the world provides their president with teams of advisors who help to fill in the gaps, because there are so many different areas of expertise involved in running a country that no single person can be expected to know them all inside out.

What is more important than knowledge, however, are things like wisdom, courage, charisma, tenacity - skills that are neither taught nor learned. Even the most knowledgeable president cannot effectively lead their country without these.

You can't both create the apartheid and criticize its effects

Your favorite candidate for whatever lost. Get over it.

When did I criticize the effects of apartheid? Letting niggers vote and have equal status is the opposite of apartheid.

Of course, I'd rather not have a subclass of niggers in my society in the first place.

>Your favorite candidate for whatever lost.
There never was a good candidate though...

that's actually really clever.

Has the original author of the comic seen this version?

Defining multiculturalism as something inherently separatistic between cultures is literally the opposite of what is being done. Claiming that everybody is looking out for their own instead of the collective is just not true, but as a murrikan I can see why you would have to believe that to be the case.

And as a Finn, I can see how you'd be so naive and retarded to believe that multiculturalism isn't inherently separatistic.


>Is it tyranny to deny them this?
>Is it populism to allow it?

it's a false equivalency, because flying a plane is a skill that requires training, being a politician is just learning to lie, steal, and have a pulse.