If you had the power to delete one anime/manga property from existence, which would you choose?
If you had the power to delete one anime/manga property from existence, which would you choose?
For starters, this shitty thread.
I prefer the power to delete some scanlators.
jOjO anime
No Game, No Life
Monster Musume no Nichijou
Miyazaki movies so normies can't like anime
OP's image before this thread gets 404'd.
The entire FATE franchise.
Dragon Ball Super
I wouldn't. Even if I had to choose an objectively shitty series like Naruto, someone else would come along and make Naruto (or a derivative) anyways.
Everything moeshit
This place would be a lot less gay
The entire To Aru no Index/Railgun anime series. So they can adapt it properly.
Probably K-On
get a life
So most of anime industry after Lucky Star?
Remove whatever started the moeshit trend. Then I'll do whatever it takes to prevent people from making anything similar in order to save the anime industry.
The anime where the MC could see flags. It was a decent concept, but done horribly, and the art style was also severely off-putting
Delete all moeshit so we can have more manime like JoJo and Berserk.
>releases are poorly typesetted low quality jpegs uploaded only to facebook galleries
What I get for liking shojo
The art style was alright fampire
Why exactly are you still breathing ?
Something about it just doesn't sit well with me. Maybe it's the faces
ITT: Anything remotely popular.
I don't know why I still come here. Everyone is a Debbie downer who don't know how to have fun anymore. Maybe I'm getting a little too old.
Fuck off 3DPD.
One meme man
Himouto Umaru-chan
>jOjO anime
>No Game, No Life
>Monster Musume no Nichijou
>Miyazaki movies so normies can't like anime
I would delete NTR.
i would delete dbz and create it with my knowlege of the series and gain millions
I want to forget Aldnoah Zero S2 ever happened.
From this season alone:
Flip Flappers
Hibike! Euphonium 2
Lostorage Incited WIXOSS
Shuumatsu no Izetta
Soushin Shoujo Matoi
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
DBZ makes big money because of brand recognition. The idea matters very little and you aren't capable of executing it as well as Toriyama did.
>delete this
I don't mean the image, but Anons have said that's from leddit. People don't seem to be aware, it's not like I am either.
Any and all type/moon shit, or whatever it's all called. All of it. Gone.
Love Hina
then Harems can be about ACTUAL FUCKING HAREMS.
I want a fucking MC where ever 1/200 people is a descendant of him. Like Genghis Khan
all of them
Sword Art Online
The bad outweighs the good so hard that I just wish it had never existed.
Assuming I can kill VNs, I'd probably take out Fate.
Otherwise, probably Sword Art Online.
OP said one you greedy fuck
As if Tenchi and El Hazard didn't do it earlier, and probably shows before that.
It would just be gar instead.
Delete OP
Sakura Trick
>Anons have said that's from leddit
delet this
either azumanga daioh, haruhi, or K-On. Whatever one started the downfall of anime the most
It ruined homo threads/yuri on Sup Forums for years.
people were snarky about yuri here prior to free
Cross Ange, so it can be redone but with pic related surviving until the end.
You almost had it.
I would remove Naruto from existence.
There are dozens if not hundreds of similar anime, but the fact that it became such a big thing despite its shitty writing is the reason it should be removed.
It would be replaced by some other shitty thing, but maybe that new thing would be less shitty. Of the big three, it was the worst.
The berserk anime adaptations so that way anime only's dont shit up the community
Flip Flappers, too much cancer for my comfy fall.
Its just a meme even if it came from a site I dont like i'm not going to not use a meme I find funny just because I dont like where it fucking came from
I may be autistic but im not THAT autistic
None. It's pointless.
Little witch academia so we could get something good like KLK season 2 instead of trigger wasting their time on a series based on a OVA no one likes
Whatever Sup Forums's FOTM is.
>mods delete the pic in the OP after almost 5 hours
I don't know what I should feel anymore.
One piss