Maybe I'm slowpoking, but what is this? Did we drop Yotsuba?
Maybe I'm slowpoking, but what is this? Did we drop Yotsuba?
And no. Yotsuba was never a staple on the front page anyway, people are bitching about literally nothing.
Anime on Leddit. Kotaku. Manga Fox.
Three fucking strikes and you're
I dont have a slow poke slow enough for this i'm just going to reply to this in a month or so with a slow poke
hijacking this thread to ask, does anyone have the "X-fags: then, now, future??" picture where the dude is drinking his opponent's increasing stream of tears. I need it for a project.
And how to take a screenshot.
Are you seriously this new?
Its funny seeing newfags trying hard to fit it.
good funny tabs by the way, i'd also suggest the classic "gay sex with hats on" or my favorite, "google search funny tabs meme". cheers
report and move on
>no Gay sex with hats on
You can do better than that.
Those tabs are amazing jesus christ user are you a wizard
oh OH! I almost forgot, put a shortcut to VLC player in your hotbar, that triggers a few fags when you do that.
I have to admit I don't usually see someone uninstall adblock just to troll.
Should have VLC player in the taskbar.
git out
It's the little things that count. Most kids these days, can't even put in the damn effort to take a funny screenshot.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
No you weren't. Back to lurking buddy.
>how to take a screenshot.
I r8 8/8.
>Stock reply from someone who just got caught being new
>no gay sex with hats on
Asian moot hates her
Hi, Sup Forums!
Check 'em girl is cool and all but what are these 25 photos Trump doesn't want us to see?
>Check 'em girl
She has a name. It's Keksandra
why don't you know how to take a screen shot?
>Those ads
Fuck lurking with a phone.
>27 Extremely Weird Humans On Earth. #8 is Shocking!
>25 Photos Trump Didn't Want You To See
>After Loosing 200LBS Rebel Wilson Actually Looks Gorgeous!
Click them faggot.
Holy fuckshit, Sup Forums is full of newfags. No wonder you people thought Keksandra was replacing Yotsuba on the front page.
Why did you quote me in that?
>27 extremely weird humans
I'm sure there are more than 27 people on Sup Forums
Kill yourself.
Sorry, meant
Kill yourself.
Actually I'm just samefagging every post on this board that doesn't belong to you.
can you tell me how to take a screen shot . seriously i press the prntscr buttom and go to the painter and paste it and save it . it's kinda annoying way ! any other way you know
Because you're acting like a retarded newfag. Now git.
Excuse me?
get gyazo senpai
Stop fighting :^(
I said, you are acting like a retarded newfag, now git. Are you incapable of reading?
You're actually retarded lol
>people this salty and mad over the front page
>arguing about who is more retarded
Neo Sup Forums please gooooooooo
it's just joke that got out of hand on [s4s]. Yotsuba is still the queen of Sup Forums.
Oh? In what way am I retarded, little newfag?
I hope that she is at least a trap.
>no "Gay sex with HATS ON"
Is this some s4s meme?
Do we literally let these kind of people on this site?
So pointing out how someone else didn't understand a joke makes me new? Are you a fucking retard?
Get your head checked mate, you've got problems.
why is your screen so wide
Yes, I do. I apologize. Did not read those replies closely enough.
I'm glad you understand. Never fucking post in my presence ever again.
I hate to give you the bad news but moot is gone.
Also, Nagisa dies at the end of Clannad.
fug u :\/)
>title bar, menu bar, tab bar, url bar and bookmarks all on different lines
gross, that wasted space
Damn, I've always wondered why there's suddenly that gap between the banner, never realized they were running ads
>Meme-arrows on her gloves
Perfect At least she isn't a frog
Why is he doing this to us
She got better.
Flat chested, my man.
Enjoy prison fag
>those tabs
Are you the mysterious hacker Sup Forums?
>Sup Forums
Just a teenager.
How did you know it?
You mean flats :^)
I can never tell when you fags are just being ironic or if this is what we've come to.
Oh sweet, a slowpoke thread.
Can someone explain to me what a (you) is? I notice after shitty bait or a stupid comment someone replies with "here's your (you)."
What is it? I don't want to be a newfag.
Nope. Spats.
Okay, that's it, I didn't want to be a bandwagoner, but fuck chink moot for venerating shit like this.
If I had to guess this is just Hiro trying to capitalize on the Sup Forums "brand".
Pretty soon he's going to start selling shirts and mugs and shit with the mascot character, he can't do that with Yotsuba.
It's double ironic kek though
Stop giving him ideas.
user, pls.
There's literally nothing wrong with Manga Fox
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. "kek" is easily in the top 5 "shit that gets posted on Sup Forums that I wish were punishable by death," and the top 3 "things that get posted on Sup Forums by literally no one who has anything good to say"
newfags btfo?
nice hijack
Trying too hard
I could say the same to you.
nagisa dies at episode 16 from AS . she didn't die at the last episode you faggot
>being this new
>i cant read
Holy shit
Find the (you) in pic related and it should become clear.
>7 results for newfag
i've seen better
When was Yotsuba ever in the front page ever since Hiro took over? He's been putting photos in there for a long while.
In fact, I can't even remember if she was there before Hiro either.