forehead girl > autism girl > pickle girl > cat girl > tall girl
Forehead girl > autism girl > pickle girl > cat girl > tall girl
Switch the last two and be less rude with their names and I'll agree.
My wife Mugi is so cute.
forehead > autism > cat > tall > pickle
get it right
but to be clear, all of them are are miracles and deserve to be treasured.
>forehead girl
Finally, a tasteful person.
My wife > cake > pantsu > retard > 4Head > cat > mother > nerd > donut thief
Points for guessing all.
>mio and mugi aren't the best two
this shit of a taste should be a bannable offense
pickle > forehead > tall > autism > cat
They are all really great, but Mugi is just so perfect
I think you have your list backwards there friend.
>autism girl
>implying they weren't all autistic
>Implying they aren't just imaginary friends in Yui's mind
What would a date and marriage with each keion be like?
tall > forehead > pickle > cat > autism
Aren't cat and autism the same one?
But she's my wife user...
Cat hates fun
Autism likes fun
Sounds about right.
Radishes>rice bowl>tights>boy>cat
>She just wants a "normal date" so you don't have to plan too much
>immensely enjoys herself wherever you go
>will gently put her hand in yours as you walk together as she smiles with a slight blush
>will do a cute bow and say "arigatou" at the end to show her appreciation for the date
>will constantly ask if you aren't bored with your date with her. She will look relieved when you smile and say you're having a great time
>will start out nervous but start getting really chatty once she's comfortable
>she will grab onto your arm as you're walking her home in the dark because she's a little scared
>Will arrive at the meeting place and you'll see that her hair is down. "D-does it look weird?"
>will be very good at holding a conversation and asking you about yourself
>Will try to play it cool and be tsundere when you go buy sweets/ice cream. She's actually excited like a kid
>at first it'll just be like hanging out with a buddy. Take the lead! Once you do something romantic she'll blush and start acting more feminine
>Will be fun and easygoing throughout but will be blush, look down, and start stuttering whenever you hold her hand, say she's pretty, etc.
Do Yui.
>Forgets about date
>Arrives late
>Brings Gitta
Part 2
>Will be super into the whole "date" thing
>"wow you look really great in that outfit Hirasawa-san"
>"R-really? Ehehehe"
>Depending on your relationship with her, she might be really touchy and with you the whole time. Be prepared for a sudden, super close together selfie for her friends
>Will try and flirt with you a lot, but end up saying some weird and clumsy things. You find this adorable
Mio or Azusa please
What about Sawako?
I did do Mio and Azusa, it's in the post you just replied too. Incoming Sawako though
Silly me, meant I would pick Mio or Azusa. MAYBE Sawako depending how wild she gets.
Part 3
>she will look extremely pretty in the outfit she's wearing
>Will think she's too old to be dressing like this. Make sure to compliment her!
>will see some of her students while you guys are walking around. She will pull you behind a wall and say "Shhhhhh!". After a few moments you two realize how close you are and she blushes. If you decided to move your face closer she will close her eyes move her lips up
>will get wild and loud if you guys go drinking
>later that night you find out she's a virgin. Adorable insecure cake deflowering
Sawako a cute, what about Nodoka or Ui? I'd imagine she'd try and make it very professional but you'd have to constantly remind her to enjoy herself.
Jun fucks on the first date but steals all of your food overnight and never calls you again.
Azusa = Yui = Ritsu = Mugi = Mio = Nodoka = Ui = Jun = Sawako
God damn it you guys need to get your shit right
Azusa = Yui = Ritsu = Mugi = Mio = Nodoka = Ui = Sawako = Ton-chan > Jun