Can we all agree that dominant girls are cancer?
Can we all agree that dominant girls are cancer?
However, dominant lolis are a miracle of the universe
Cancer? No. Just boring.
>He doesn't want Esdeath to dominant him and make you her househusband
>implying you don't want esdeath to step on your face and lick her boot
Who's the real cancer here op
kill yourself
t. 105lb "male"
Is this from koyomi?
OP probably prefers childhood friend oh look how cute I am girls.
Don't blame the shittiness of a badly written character like Esdeath on the archetype of dominand girls.
Dominant girls are goat.
And also pic related. No, we definitely can't agree on that.
>Pic related
If she was my little sister, I'd join the French Foreign Legion and request a new identity.
I haven't watched Koyomi' yet. Isn't it right after he tricks Shinobu into waking up (by saying he has donuts) in Tsuki'?
>OP doesnt want his waifu to slam him on the floor and initiate sex on valentines day
It's 2016. Its a woman's world now, get over it
Dominant girls who get plot armor and/or are incapable of rational human thoughts and emotions are.
There is no Sup Forums in herbivore
But there is one in carnivore
>There is no Sup Forums in herbivore
There's an Sup Forums in househusb/a/nd
Depends on how dominant. I'd love a girl that would take control sometimes. I'd like to be more dominant overall but sometimes it's nice to submit.
Beta male detected.
Never seen plot armor used in such a way. Wouldn't any tsundere who has a reason for acting that way have plot armor? I think the alternative sounds terrible.
Beta wimps are.
Lolis and Tsunderes are cancer you fucking idiot
They are a blight that just wont be purged
7/10. You'll get a few anons upset.
When they aren't afraid to go after what they want but aren't bitches or stronk independent womyn who don't no man they're ok and on which 3DPD could take some notes
I won't answer because I don't want to be bullied.
she was the best girl of this shitshow
>long hair as fuck
>light blue hair
>dat body
>she can actually be really kind and loving
>not becoming a monster with her
best fucking girl
yes, but somehow esdeath still managed to be more likable than ume
alpha lesbian bitches are the true cancer