Thoughts on GJ-Bu?
Season 2 confirmed in 2013, 3 years later still nothing.
Thoughts on GJ-Bu?
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It was okay.
It was fun and nice.
S2 was never confirmed though. They did that New York OVA which sucked.
Boring, dropped it at episode 2.
The OVA felt like a thing you'd watch like two years after finishing the show cause it reused jokes like crazy.
It might have also been released a year after the show I forget.
GJ-bu has a special place in our hearts.
The OVA was a great afterstory reunion. What's wrong with you?
I loved it.
All the characters were fun to watch, I could have watched hours and hours of it.
It was okay. The MC was unnecessary.
>hating on best boy, best girl and best MAN
Male characters ruin shows.
Fuck off.
One of my favorites. Twirling girls and brushing their hair is now a favorite thing of mine because of the show.
Shii is the best in my opinion.
The only purpose he served was the harem bait that came out of nowhere during the episodes.
S2 with the imoutos
It's OK, he was best girl too
cute imouto
cute imoutos
I literally drank myself into a stupor after I finished this. Words cannot describe how great it was and Mao's (admittedly cliche) speech about endings only made finishing it worse.
It was great.
S2 fucking never because dogakobo
It was comfy
I want to feed Kirara my niku
>Season 2 confirmed in 2013
I'm not going to believe this because I don't want the pain to return.
I want to marry Megumi.
Is this a reference to JuJu Somewhat Strange Journey?
GJ-Bu is the epitome of moe. I don't even like moe and it was great. Nothing happened, ever, but it was perfect anyways.
All girls best girl Shii slightly best-er
I've never had a show where it was so difficult to decide on best girl.
It's Megumi
three years on and I just can't let go
This is THE healing anime. I remember that I discovered it when I was depressed as fuck because of lots of shit that were going on in my life, this anime literally was my only motivating to get out of the bed after waking up for a fucking month.
Since then, I recommend it whenever I see someone who is depressed and likes moe.
I still haven't seen the last episode.
I don't think I can handle it.
It was one of the first shows I truly loved. It's entry level and was for me when I watched it first time as well, but can't take away that's it's a good show with interesting and funny characters.
Now now, user. All good things must come to an end, that's precisely what allows us to appreciate them.
Moe isn't a genre. You're right it's great though.
I remember Megu's fat ass
She's pretty lewd overall.
It's not a genre, but it does divide people, so it's good to ask beforehand anyway.
overrall the series was OK. agree the OVA was terrible and i personally remove it from mind canon
This. But then it ended. And I wanted to die all over again.
I can't bring myself to do it either.
Still can't tell if they were ears, or hair that she could move. I mean, they never stated that she was a catgirl.
Pretty sure it's hair judging by the brushing scene.
Just don't think too hard about it.
Really boring, some of the girls are not even cute and MC is such a doormat, the worst were the hair brushing scenes.
Urge to screech like an autistic frog: Rising.
So you're admitting that it's correct, but have the sperg out.
I honestly liked this show A LOT. The whole cast was great, all best girls were best girl, MC was best boy, best girl and bestMAN. I can call this serie 100% comfy; no drama , just lighthearted comedy and friends spending time with each other, the OVA was ok, but the part were they bait ous with a annoucement for S2 was just cruel.
GJ-Bu has a special place in my heart and I fucking hope that we will get the sister spin-off as a anime someday, just to get something more.
Also bitches love when you brush their hair.
btw, Shion was my favorite.
It was an intoxicating moe orgy and I cried when it was over
I cry internally each time I hear this, all the good times will never comeback
It was considered good because it combined sol with harem. Two of the most whatever genres.
All I remember is the MC used to brush girls hair.
He asked for opinions and I gave it, stop sperging out just because you don't like it.
the MC was too beta
best girl
The mother or the daughter?
does it really matter?
Fuck green
Marry pink
Kill orange
Befriend purple
Ignore yellow
>killing bestest GJ-bu
I'll murder you in your sleep.
Brush her gently
Would have been a good show if the MC was a girl
You mean worst.
Shion is love
The one.
I want to experience Mao's lovely fangs.
>still no crossdressing Kyoro-chan doujin
>tfw ywn ream Kyoro-chan's soft, pink boipucci after letting him brush your hair
She crave his brush
>MC can bust out his cool persona any time and make all the girls gush themselves if he thinks they're being to pushy
>S2 never
how would you even do a S2, most of the cast graduated, we even got a really nice, conclusive send off. I wish more shows ended half as well.
One of my favorite imouto
incredibly comfy series when it was airing
the threads nowadays are like 1% as comfy though
>1% as comfy
>implying the threads when it aired were comfy
Those threads were filled with fucking australia jokes, /tg/ shit, and large amounts of lewd. I miss them.
S2 would focus on the sequel. Mao and the others stop by on occasions to check on Kyoro and new GJ-bu members. There's also the GJ-bu club for the loli imoutos in middle school.
Time always changes things for the worse. Time is relentlessly equal to all.
they were incredibly comfy user i dont know what threads you were in but the threads i was in people were just posting the girls and complimenting each other on their tastes instead of having waifuwars
or maybe i just dont remember it as clearly anymore
I was looking for this strip user thanks
>mfw GJ-bu: Alternative
The threads were fun as fuck. Spending time on the threads to cope with withdrawal made things easier too.
I still can't believe it took me so long figure out that they were all talking to Kyoro on the phone. Holy hell.
Who did you think they were talking to? We, the viewer?
no habla nippon
it should been handjob-bu
there fixed
i feel like i watched this but cant remember a goddamn thing about it. completely forgettable.
I liked the eyes
this to be honest
I disliked it.
Very boring. terrible MC. girls were okay.